What Next for USA user?

The US is functionally busted.
Nothing DC does even resembles the Constitutions.
The States aren't any better.
The average person is too comfy to give a shit.
>But we spend all this money on our old system, and all this money on our new system and they keep fighting!
So, I propose we decide. Is the US a quasi-fascist non-racialist Empire, or are we a limited government maximized freedom Republic?
Or, should we adopt something else?
We're wasting time pretending, most of you say you want the Constitution because your daddy did, not because you read the damn thing.
What Next?
And When/How?

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Other urls found in this thread:


This is from a long time ago, but it's still true.


"more than $4.7 billion paid out from federal judgment funds over nearly 42,000 claims between January 2003 and July 2007"

"In other words, the agency throws the case, somewhat like Bre'r Rabbit agreeing to be thrown into a favorite brier-patch. A big difference however, is that in this case, Farmer McGregor andMr. Rabbit were partners in the scam from the beginning. It’s the unwary American public that actually does get caught in the thorns."

>but that was a long time ago user, things are different!
Texas is suing because a Bureau in DC thinks it can over-rule anything a State decides. And this shit happens all the fucking time!

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Here's a fun one.
POTUS is Elected to be In Charge of Executive Branch?
Not according to SCOTUS!
"The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 7-3 on Wednesday... law that limits the president’s ability to remove the CFPB director during his or her five-year term does not violate the president’s authority to appoint and remove executive branch officers."
But does it matter? Does it matter to YOU?!?

>but glowing niggers! if I talk, they'll know!
They, and you, are the other half of the problem.
Land of the Free, and Home of the Brave? But who is brave? A couple of psychopaths who work in wet-jobs?

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Nobody has the balls to say anything?

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Still waiting.

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No reason to be fascist in a nation we share with niggers. If the government is gonna encroach on the rights of the people then there needs to be a people, and it can't be a random assortment of people who hate each other. I'm fucking ancap till something changes. When the time comes I'll gladly embrace anything....as long as it actually works

We all know it's over.
None of us know where it's going or what we should personally do about it. Is there anything an individual can do. It's a helpless feeling. You know the Greatest Depression is around the corner, you know that the cultural, political, and racial divides are only going to grow. You know all of these things, but you still have immediate day to day responsibilities with family and work. You know the hammer is going to drop, but when. We all muddle through the fog.

Can you offer some realistic and constructive strategies? Things that we can do now. The waiting feels interminable. Perhaps we will all know what to do when the time is right.

What is there to say? You're right, it's not working.


Jesus god dumb fucks

This pic is so true.

Their work is gonna backfire horribly.

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What will most likely happen is a gradual movement of large groups of people to areas which are primarily inhabited by members of their respective ethnic groups and those who share their political ideology. Eventually certain states will declare independence from the union and major turbulence with occur. The best thing for White people to do at this point is to move out of the Southwest and away from major cities. In the countrysides we can stake out our claim.

I'm pretty much done with helpless feelings. Just gonna let the words take me where they go from now on.
Fuck Jews who want to use this nation as a slave pool. Fuck Blacks who want reparations for saving their DNA from the shithole that has been Africa for 3000 years.
Fuck you Chinks, nobody thinks your criminal shit is funny, but it's understood.
Fuck you Russia, you're still a back-woods hick people, and you let the jews murder 30,000,000 of you at least.
And fuck you Beaners, you can't into peaceful shit because you're nigger and sand-nigger blood makes you too "machismo."
The US was pretty cool from what I've heard, but I ain't seen it in my life time, and Nixon and Kissinger are just two who opened a flood gate that started long before hand.

Stop larping, you cowards aren''t going to do shit. If you really want to help our movement then contribute money to our special interest groups or start to form your own.

>Can you offer some realistic and constructive strategies?
Nope, none. I got no Constructive anything. Every single answer I come back to is domination or nothing.
We're letting people who can't write their own name vote.

>our special interest groups
And those are?

Congress? Changing from within?
Congress literally did NOTHING while 3k-10k-30k beaners marched toward our lands to enter illegally and without registering. And those beaners told us they were coming. And we watched with cameras, and had embedded reporters the entire fucking trip.
And POTUS, who is not really supposed to work on his own, made some choices. And isn't really stopping those people even now.
And that's before what they did in not forcing the passage of a budget.
So, yea, "special interest group," your colon.

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You think we can nuke ourselves?
Maybe, if we get a good civil war going, Feinstien will convince Major General Sanchez to nuke Las Vegas, and shit will just go fucking red from then on?
The first, and last, nuclear civil war.
Someone would launch on Ottawa, just to put Justine in her place, and the UK would get pantsy, and launch on NYC, and we'd launch back, but the Russians would think it was for them, and they'd launch on China...

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Its far from busted demoralizer user.
They're pouring money into the elections as we speak

I wonder what will happen if they lose all that money again

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No, I don't think so, but it's an idea.
It looks like the Jews are pretty dedicated to settling Somalians in the middle of your paradise, so yea, not working.

>you cowards aren''t going to do shit.
read some history you brainlet

Oh, you think Trump won something for us?
Nothing I've seen him suggest, even once, actually follows the intents of the Constitution.
That document means less than nothing, DC wipes their collective assholes with it after their morning shit.
And changing? Nobody wants to do it openly except the fucking nutcases who want socialism or the end of the US entirely.
And I sure as fuck don't want the CNN future world of drag-queen babies, AIDS lionizing, and AOC fashion updates.
Naw, you're talking status-quo when you talk about Trump and elections.

really, can a spook be more obscure?

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>Oh, you think Trump won something for us?
Oh yeah, you would have to be an idiot to not see that.
Trump litterally FUCKED their investments, all of the political establishment with all of their donors have been bitching ever since.
You know what they fear the most. Not a border, not guns
They fear Trade bloackades and Protectionism, and Trump has done a lot to tax international trade, despite the MASSIVE mounts of people working against him from everywhere, evne inside the white house.

So yeah, Trump is fucking based. The only people who would not favour Trump are the Beneficiaries other political establishment, in other words the neoliberals

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Ok, but he's still not keeping the actual Constitution, and we're still stuck with this monster which cannot follow it's own codes no matter how many more bureaucracies we place to watch the other bureaucracies.
We fucking spend what multiple nations, combined, make in GDP just in lawsuits of our government levels suing each other. Fucking Kike Lawyers and a shitty system from DC and the States that constantly pay lip-service towards our laws, and then do exactly the opposite until they're sued.

Everything else is secondary
The only way to really hurt globalists is by kicking right in the money. ALWAYS go after their money / donations.
Dont get me wrong, Trump is a wonderful president, much better than we could ever have hoped for but his election and installment is worth more than fucking gold in terms of bankrupting the neoliberal globalist establishment.

How many more years do you think they'll be able to keep this anti-white anti-hetero anti-human bullshit going before they are completely bankrupted user?

By not having political power and delegating money to fake shit organizations and umbrella causes we are doing just that. It's a waiting game and for globalists it is fucking costly.

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The civil war was only 150 years ago

>The average person is too comfy to give a shit.
so why do you care?

They don't care about the US, they have China to milk, as soon as we collapse totally, they'll just happily fuck around with China.
Costly? Every dollar in our economy sends them 2 to 30 cents, and they literally decide when and where we can even get dollars.
They don't give a fuck how much they spend subverting us, if they can't do it by advertising, they'll do it by starving the economic system in another 2008 style takedown. They already made threats toward that.

>They don't care about the US, they have China to milk
USA / The west is Chinas market

That's a good question. I guess I'm just not keen on 6-8 months of taxes, and I'm watching as shit gets worse and worse, not better.
I care, I think, because I want us to be at peace and wealthy. And while we kinda are, we're headed backwards, and it's accelerating.
And I'm tired of pretending this is the USA when it's not.

Both nations are just % earners for the bankers. China, even without the US, would still have a massive internal market, and would happily supplant the US as the global buyer of goods.

>ooooooh goyim, it's all over. Time to tear apart your country for us!
The blackpill has been a psyop since day one.

A question to you:
if you took an oath to uphold and protect something you knew you were going to be violating, and everyone in the room with you knew the same thing and still made the same oath, intending to kinda mostly maybe do some stuff that resembled what you took oath to protect, but not really all of it, but not really to stop it either...
Would you feel normal or safe?
Would the words hesitate to come out?

>And I'm tired of pretending this is the USA when it's not.
But you're a lefty and its alsmost impossible not to realize that from your posts /amount of posts you spew.

I'm trying to explain actual politics to you. You may not be aware of it but wealth is not distributed with racists and nazis, racists and nazis have minimal power globally speaking.

Corporations tho, have a lot of power and they are using that power to sway elections. Not just sway them, they are also buying contracts and deals sold with Your money, its a big fucking business. This is what donations is.

Say you have a business that sells Soda or something and you want to win an environment award which gives you a grant of a million USD, then you pay some politician 50.000 USD and its yours. That's how the system works.

That's what we need to end, that and loopholes and outsourcing and displacement and force politicians to tackle migration in their own countries instead of being allowed to exhodus peoples based on ethnicity while the rest of the world calls people racist for not accepting the exhodus.

Do you understand how they fuck you yet?

I'm completely fine with returning to a limited Republic. I'm just tired of saying what is a quasi-National Socialist, with Global Socialist Leanings government is a Capitalist Republic.
I honestly don't really want war at all, though it would be funny. I just want people to stop lying to me and each other.

>Both nations are just % earners for the bankers. China, even without the US, would still have a massive internal market,
Fair enough, good case for isolationism, toom bad the establishment with all of western industries which not use child labour in asia instead of normal wage earners are bitching about this.

Without international shipping and transportation you have already cut 20% of carbon emission and 70% of oceanic pollution.
But that case is never made...

people who lie should hang.
I'm manically committed to the truth.

Plus, I'm tired of watching our taxes get spent for Bureaus who have conflicting orders from Congress sue each other because Congress won't do what it's supposed to do and legislate shit sensibly.
Maybe Congress is too small? Or they're too well padded? Or there are too many voters?
Whatever it is, this is wasteful shit.

Then DC and most State Capitals hang.
And by doing so, the US returns to a Capitalist limited power Federalist Republic.

I can't even end it at States and Federal, because nearly every City in the US has offices that openly violate their State and Federal Constitution as well.

This is the problem except it started long before the beaners. Most Americans have no connection to the founding fathers or civil war veterans. Italian and Irish etc. maintain a strong connection to their Homeland and are superficial with the spirit of the America. The majority in the Democratic republic doesn't even give a shit.

Right. So what do? Complaining about the problems ain't solving it, we need to move on to a plan.

If we continue this course, we waste money, destroy our own name in the eyes of our own people and others, and that engenders spite and hatred for our nation and the law in general.
Or, that's what I've been told happens.
And I can see why that would happen, hypocrisy is a danger to your neighbors, and they respond according to protect themselves.

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>Constitution because your daddy did, not because you read the damn thing.
I did and I read the Federalist Papers in college and if it were properly taught in high school people would understand why it's a fair document.


>Maybe Congress is too small? Or they're too well padded? Or there are too many voters?
Maybe they profit from their bureaucratic quagmire the tax money keeps rolling in regardless.

The only thing you can do is go after the predatory class. Form a group that financially targets specific individuals that are part of the satanic elite. Run small time exercises vandalizing government property. Prepare for a yellow vest type movement you can use as momentum to mount a small scale attack on a government institution. Spark a larger rebellion from which will emerge a Messianic person. This person is necessary to unite the masses against the government. Refresh liberty with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants

We all gonna get ded soon.

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Constitution and Federalist is 1 out of 40 in my guess at this point, maybe lower. I'd suspect maybe 5% of the US, and added to that maybe 40% of the lawyers and politicians, have read the whole Constitution. I could be wrong, be glad to be so.
I know that not 1 in 10 police officers have read the constitution, and probably far lower for those in the military.

Right, but is there an action from this side which can force better behavior? Would adding more legislators help, or hurt? Should we cut them out all together?

establishment politicians

> What Next?
Collapse of global economy, meritocracy and authoritarianism popping left and right.

Nothing good will come out of it. Hell, maybe we will face the end of global internet in 5-10 years.

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The global economy collapsed in 2008, it never recovered, they're keeping it artificially alive but with the amount of idiots they hire they will never be able to fix anything.

nepotism is way more important to globalists than quality.

So if I come from a Darwinistic side, and I suspect that these people are criminal by genetics, then it makes sense, in one fashion, to cull the criminals.
In no small irony, you open the waters so that the survivors can grow quickly. But, for a limited time, you have fewer.
One question is your limiting factor on the size and number of criminals.
If criminals can grow individually to an exponential size, then culling lots of them (you never get all of them) encourages a few of them to grow really big. If they are limited in their size, you encourage their food to become lazy, and when they return, they return to a bounty.

If you take the idea that power corrupts, and these people went in to DC and these offices with good intents, then no number of slaughters will prevent this either, just, perhaps, hinder the amount for a while, while simultaneously possibly degrading "services" or whatever it is they were doing in their non-criminal actions.

> nepotism is way more important to globalists than quality.
It was always more important to the guys in charge. We had fucking Czars/Queens/Emperors/etc 200 years ago.

hey hey leave us out of this you crazy larper

you motherfuckers are shameful to western civ, not to derail. what the fuck are you doing up there, with the hate speech laws and forced speech shit? why did peterson, who's a fucking homo lover himself, make the best stand your nation has made yet, essentially alone?

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Yes that theory may be true but as you said you have to do something. If you do not fight back against a predator then you are prey. That is all you can do now as you would have to wait for a more popular movement to have any effect against the government. The idea is to weaken them for when that opportunity arises, then strike while the metal is hot. At this point the entire government would have to be burned down to the Constitution to have any effect.

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>you motherfuckers are shameful to western civ
when will you admit youre just fat boomer larping? arent there independent armed organizations in the us? militias or something? how about you join one, plan something and stop larping?

what about the speech laws? you know what, i dont give a flying fuck because i never actually saw a tranny in my fucking life, and would gladly defend in court for calling one a faggot

Why is it when you tell people to tell the truth about their conditions, they always tell you to join an army?
It's suspect to your thoughts on what you value, I'd suggest.
In any event, you're correct in one aspect, the US was built to have Militia, and the Constitution not only says they are The defense for the nation, it orders our Congress to buy us all a weapon and pay to teach us how to use it in a group.
Yet another excellent point of why we are not the USA.

checked, go round up your facebook friends then, start a hot hashtag on twitter or something

Actually, I've said it about a half dozen times on jewbook already, not really much to do, I'm basically blocked from showing to anyone because I set off all the jewbook shut-down codes a few years back.
and I don't have the patience to create another fake account. besides, like I said, most people are too comfy to agree, and on jewbook they're all to chicken shit they'll lose their internet.

>The average person is too comfy to give a shit.
So what's the problem exactly?

A question to you:
if you took an oath to uphold and protect something you knew you were going to be violating, and everyone in the room with you knew the same thing and still made the same oath, intending to kinda mostly maybe do some stuff that resembled what you took oath to protect, but not really all of it, but not really to stop it either...
>Would you feel normal or safe?
>Would the words hesitate to come out?
Plus, I'm tired of watching our taxes get spent for Bureaus who have conflicting orders from Congress sue each other because Congress won't do what it's supposed to do and legislate shit sensibly.
Further, we're killing otherwise innocent people at a sort of low level background noise, because we have two different sets of laws and most States and the Feds are not keeping the one they swear oath to, but some people seem to mistakenly think that oaths should matter?
Whatever it is, this is wasteful shit.

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