How did Reddit become so cancerous?

ask /ptg/, many posters don't even hide that they're from there

it tells you something if they go there for "serious discussions" and drop in to le eshitpost here

It's made to be an echo chamber. One wrong think, it's downvoted en masse and no one will be able to look at it

Can someone please explain this to me? Is reddit really that butthurt over such a normie board only because it supports trump in a cringeworthy way that they have to suppress its subscriber count?

Attached: leddit.png (185x113, 10K)

user, this isn't there, you can write in paragraphs like a normal person.

They reward users for posting what they think other people want to see regardless of what they think themselves, given almost everyone is lonely or depressed to some degree its a comfy trap to give yourself over too.
Its why its powerful conditioning, eventually users get to the point where they only think about things that they think other people want to see. Opinions on every story, idea or piece of media becomes a vehicle to reciprocate upvotes, they reward others for taking the same journey, its a self perpetuating loop that leaves the users easy to manipulate.

The users will post naturally all day and then one subversive thread is seeded and given thousands of upvotes despite low view and comment counts, like flies to shit the rest gravitate to prove themselves part of the wider group.