Beta Dick Cheney, pissed of he's not in line for presidency, pushed by his wife...

>Beta Dick Cheney, pissed of he's not in line for presidency, pushed by his wife, jumps over GW Bush and does 911 behind his back.
What does Jow Forums think about this movie's version of things?

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Oh right, I forgot you """"political"""" fags are only interesting in woman posting
What has this board become?

nobody cares faggot

I haven't seen it because it looks gay

i think it was too kind a portrayal, jo0

Don't know the exact facts but it's clear this movie was heavily biased, the last 15 minutes when they blame Cheney for refugees, wildfires, and Trump were a joke. That said Bale was excellent

you should user otherwise why are you in this thread?

Bluepilled, NPR-tier preaching almost ruined the movie but Christian Bale was pretty good senpai.

>Don't know the exact facts but it's clear this movie was heavily biased

Wait, did they actually say 9/11 was an inside job in this?

Lemme guess, it was blamed on white male neocons; and the Dancing Israelis were never mentioned once?

Bale was good, movie was good but it was pathetic how they just show one side and was so fucking biased. They blame everything on Cheney and Bush lol. It is so transparent to anyone with half a brain but as we know liberals are NPC's and will not question any of it.

>Don't know the exact facts but it's clear this movie was heavily biased

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Well yea

Did they say 9/11 was an inside job?

How absolutely talmudic.

they picture it as 100% inside job

Sounds like it could be an interesting watch. I figured it was another bullshit movie to retell recent history so people "remember properly" as opposed to sensationalizing/speculating about what could be.

I thought it was just Farenheit 911 with Christian Bale in it.

Also yeah, it's obvious it's just more DNC/J-left propaganda. It puts all the blame of the middle-east wars on Republican white males while Jews are (((conveniently))) absent from the picture.

the "911 talk" with 2 (((people))) is even blured and muted

The movie is quite clearly heavily biased. If you didn't notice all of the tactics used to paint him as a terrible demon of a person along with the right then you're brain dead.

He is actually pictured as a good father and a sensitive man with a fragile heart
Are you retarded?

You're cherry picking the only positive aspect they included. As for the 'fragile heart' they literally splice footage of his surgery in with the montage of Trump rallies, refugees, etc. at the end for le epic heartless visual metaphor

I not cherry picking retard, the intro of his sensible character is like 30 minutes long
He is pictured as a good man who got broken by the system and turns bad. I think you're just too dumb for that movie user

Dick Cheney was a neocon pile of shit who was complicit in wasting $1 trillion of US money on turning shitholes into worse shitholes while creating hundreds of thousands of rapefugees that headed for Europe in the process. Why would Jow Forums give a fuck about him being portrayed as the slimebag he is? Fuck off back to Jow Forumsconservative.

>intro of his sensible character is like 30 minutes long
They show him as a drunk fuckup getting in barfights and being a general fuckup; the narrator literally says "in today's words, they'd call him a dirtbag." Sorry if that stuff went over your head

So sorry you're that dumb user... Let me explain.
He is pictured this way to show where the ambition comes from! She is the one pushing him because women were not represented.
You can clearly tell it is no accident. She made him and that's why it is pictured. It's all about her.

If they didn't mention this not worth watching.

Fuck off, kike. Cheney is a disgusting neocon piece of garbage. He’s a soulless warmonger. Kill yourself at once.

>in the year of our Lord two thousand and nineteen
>watching anything that comes out of pedowood

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They leave out the Jewish influences and try to blame it all on white men's inherent evil.

They also imply that nationalism itself is evil at several points.

It was written/produced by neoliberal Jews who likely donate to AIPAC just as much as neocons.

To make fun of the faggot that posted it

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Funny how that part is always left out.

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