
bro i work at a butcher and literally 1000000000000000 indian people ask me to cut their chickens into small pieces and remove the skin and im like why and how do you eata a chicken with the bones cut into microscopic pieces like seriously i would choke

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Indians were a mistake.

What do they ask you do to specifically? Just chop the entire whole chicken into tiny pieces with the bones? Please elaborate.

chinks do that sort of thing. if you boil the crap out of chicken bones they become soft and edible.

Maybe they want the meat taken off the bone and cubed and you just do it with the bones because you're an idiot.

American cuck couldn't even eat bony fish, you are not suitable for earth, kys rn.

Found the poo

I eat brim straight out of a polluted river like every weekend you damned chink.

Indians and Chinks just hack up the chicken with a cleaver. They don't break it down into 4-8 pieces like the French taught us to do.


They do this all over the world and I've never understood it.

When I order Indian or Jamaican or whatever food I'm careful to ask them not to chop everything into tiny pieces full of bone shards, otherwise they will as a matter of course.


Said the one who eat with knife and fork, praise raw and rotten beef.


Chop the chicken. That's what butchers do.
It just might be enjoyable. But you could lose a finger in a hurry, so there's that.
No so enjoyable.

Changed my mind; draw a shitload of lines on it and say, "just follow the lines, and you'll be just fine."

Have them chop their own fingers off.

>americans and wh*Toids eat the chicken's bone
Dafuq is wrong with you

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hey everyone, lets eat bones and things that were alive 10 seconds ago

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>that cuck in the video
What a sad and pathetic looking man he couldn't look more out of place if he tried.

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go roast a dog alive and eat it with chopsticks, chinky

I usually tip the butcher apprentice to debone all my chicken.
why they want bone fragment?

>eat bones
Are Canadian chicks so expensive that you frozen cucks are starting to eat bones?

It's called fresh, less toxin accumulation, muh dry-aging.

I don't eat dog but not because muh "animal cruelty" but it's dirty and poisonous.

Imagine being so dumb that you would eat bone shards as large and apparent as chicken's.

Dirty paki here, my parents said the idea was it helps give a nice flavour to a stew by using bone marrow or something along those lines

You could just make a stock

Makes it easier to get the marrow I imagine.
The other option, just cracking into it with your teeth, is even more barbaric desu (but satisfying when nobody's around).

I have honestly never tasted chicken in my life bros

t. Jain

The only post explaining After all these shit posters


Not all chicken are used to make soup cuck,

it's just much convenient to deal with than that cuck Italian deboning.

If you can choke on chicken bones than you probably are already dead with your genes.

Best way to eat a chicken is Yaksoba. Chinese know how to prepare a chicken

Mom-user here.

There are minerals in the bone. When you cut it in smaller pieces, the minerals and gelatin are more readily available when you cook the meat in water.
then you add rice to absorb the broth and you have a meal basically cooked in it's own bone broth.

Why don't they just get chicken breast and slice it up?

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that's pretty interesting, user.

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this was my first thought.

Post boobs

as others have said its for the minerals in the bone marrow.

its also about not wasting any of the chicken. westerns usually dont eat chickens feet, guts, etc, but subhumans slurp down all the animal protein they can get

chicken feet (from well raised chicken) are very beneficial due to gelatin.

It’s always the Indians. Don’t get me started on the chinks that want their spare ribs cut..

Any anons interested in how the Western diet got so fucked can read Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon.

Weirdo's. Whenever I eat chicken, I eat the entire fucking thing and only leave the bones I can't consume. But the rest gets into my gut.

Bone marrow is delicious and nutritious?

They also ate more organ meat like liver that is extremely good for you.
Modern doesn't mean healthy. Old doesn't mean automatically good either.

Bone broth is extremely good for you. It supports your joints, can make a wrinkled old fuck look younger by supporting the skin, supports the immune system when sick, contains essential micro nutrients that are normally rare in the diet and hard to find. Where do you think the eat chicken soup when sick tradition came from?

>westerns usually dont eat chickens feet, guts, etc,
This is not true

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Baba Yaga (from Russian folklore) had a house on chicken feet.

Chicken feet will make a broth congeal from all the gelatin and are a powerful symbol of folk medicine.

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I'm going to try cutting my chickens like that Indian guy. I've always butchered a carcass like that french man, at the joints and you leave the bones alone.

Like the noble injun, the white man uses every part of the buffalo.

do you all make fish head soup?

Small dick chink thinks eating bones makes him not a pathetic small dick manlet.

Uh injuns would run entire herds off cliffs and cut out the tongues and kidney fat and leave the rest to rot

based jacques

In areas of the world where milk is scarce, bones were and are the main source for calcium for people living in those areas. Not everyone has access to milk and if they do, it's not affordable for them. Please stop embarrassing us.