Nigger whore is about to commit not alive, grab the popcorn.
Nigger whore is about to commit not alive, grab the popcorn.
when you’re not getting the right amount of attention.
one less welfare leech
Do a flip nigger
Suicide isn’t funny
well fuck
This isn't funny dude. I don't care how degenerate this woman is, this is fucked up to make fun of this
Maybe you should kys too faggot. Do us the favor.
Imagine tweeting you're about to commit suicide. Fishing for likes and (you)s before biting the dust.
>no humans were harmed during the making of this post
also nice trips
user most people that kill themselves just pick up a gun and blow their brains out they don't send out a tweet claiming they will at some future date in time.
nothing of value lost
it's pathetic
did I do it right?
She's going to fuck it up because she's a woman, what a shame
>before biting the dust.
She won't do it.
Does this count as black on black crime?
yes it is fuckhead
Good suggestion.
I witnessed a suicide. Shit was cash.
>Posts screenshot of this thread
>"I won't give these Nazi incels the satisfaction. I've got to stay strong through the drama and keep fighting"
I'm pretty sure that's how she'll follow this up.
Suckstart a shotgun, leaf who crossed the border. Hop the fuck back over.
Do it nigger, and take your kids with you.
women cant suicide probably
almost no point to announce it anyway
Show your flag, that’s gotta be a fake proxy.
on second thought nothing of value will be lost
They don't. They "attempt" it, and manage to survive every time to soak up the attention.
The ones that actually do die only succeeded by accident.
so this is what happens when a thot sucks her 100th dick.
put me in the screen shot you baboon bitch!
i recognize that ass, jessu southern
No, suicide is a white mans social structure.
Tbqh when I was suicidal I wanted to stream it for as many anons that wanted to watch. But I guess that same vain thinking is why I didn't do it.
Looking for this?
Fuck off you don't belong on this board
It is when they do a flip.
Or crash on a tent/balcony before resuming free fall.
t. sharky
What did he mean by this
This is the internet I know and love
What an abomination. I'm not clicking that shit.
Do a barrel roll!
Oh wait, Niggers can't fly after a few hours flying on vidya.
Bitch, I worked at cleaning suicide scenes.
Some get suicided but anyways the important part is that suicide often happens in its own bubble, it's personal and the people that kill themselves are only noticed to be dead after their stench became an inconvenience.
One drama queen saying she will cut herself is just hungry for attention, real suicides are no joke but claiming that you are going to off yourself for media coverage is just scummy.
Dumb bitch is just looking for attention.
>all the comments from people who got redirected there from Disney channel videos
YouTube not even once
Daddy betta make me choke.
My tunnel loves a deepthroat.
(It do)
Lick, lick, lick, lick
I wanna eat yo dick.
But I can't fuck up my nails
so Imma pick it up with chopsticks.
Mouth wide open
Mouth wide open
Mouth wide open like I was at the Dentist
Mouth wide open
Mouth wide open
Put it so deep I can't speak a sentence
My fingas in it gentle
Explore this Ngga mental
Imma write my name on his dick (his dick)
Don't need a pen or a pencil (No, I don't)
All I need is my body
My pussy pink just like salami
Don't need no drink to get naughty
Cause bitch I'm not Bill Cosby
My pussy mean and it's clean
I'm not a squirter I cream
Keep it smellin' like baby wipes
I never smell like sardines (Ew!)
This will never fucking end.
Ballerina that…
her post makes more sense now..
she might have just found out she has HIV
29 mill views. Wtf
and nothing of value was lost
All thanks to YouTube redirecting children there from Disney channel videos. Half the comments are literally children
who else here hit like on her tweet?
Literal cry for attention
Imma commit suicide less someone buys me sum new tits
Fuck these people. I am sick of taking the high road.
Could we start to spread this rumor on twitter and reddit as to why she put up that tweet?
Even if she has no plans of actually doing it, it’s wrong to use threats of suicide for attention.
HIV+ Suicidal Cupcakke would definitely gain some attention.
Not with that attitude
Its hilarious!
Like 95% whites do it though. Too much programming backfiring.
Why the fuck is she not banned?
Take a wild guess
Fuck I would commit suicide if I looked like them.
holy shit, her twitter is degenerate as all hell.
Fuck this nigger whore
Bye sheman Felicia!
link to the shotty vid?
It is if it's creative and/or difficult.
good dear sweet mother of jesus
don't be a faggot, faggot.
Would her melatonin count have anything to do with it?
I hate this disgusting clown world.
Nigger, do you not know where you are?
Your saying 95% of Whites commit suicide? I find that hard to believe.
im about to say the n word
Anyone who wants her to commit suicide is a disgusting human being devoid of any empathy. She's only 21 and has her whole life ahead of her. She can change.
holy shit i never use twitter
>finally post something
>get banned
this is as much fun as fagbook
Ding Ding Ding we have a Winner
Get out of here you disgusting moralfag, we should celebrate when our enemies die.
She's a degenerate whore who won't change. Nothing of value would be lost
Has anyone asked her to not take her life until she's achieved her lifelong goal of sucking all them dicks? It would be a goddamn tragedy if all those dicks didn't get sucked.
based and redpilled
it's true, whites in america have a higher suicide rate than niggers and spics combined.
>what is a publicity stunt?
None of you faggots got one Twatter account you can’t take one for the team and troll this shit.
C’mon poloks 1 Pepe , or a Trump YesSlayYoSelfQueen
Bitch I'll never deny anyone the chance at redemption, it's in my fucking religion for crying out loud.
However this is just drama whoring for attention, people that commit suicide don't make a fus about it, they just shoot between the spine and the head or cut their arms vertically to avoid being saved.
Suicide isn't about attention, it's about wanting to take control back and ending it all.
Fuck, the police is gonna check up on the nigger. Let's hope they find it dead.
She is literally a meme rapper that sings about sucking dicks and eating semen in every song.
Twitter is for faggots.
Haha she got taken to mental hospital
Twitter demands a phone number. Mine is permab&.
There's no point they just get banned.
Twitter is no place for goys like us.
What the hell is happening to us
uh -> i tried too hard. sorry