>media claims we have labor shortage >Trump frees up a few hundred thousand government workers to seek private sector jobs
Jaxon Allen
BREAKING: Trump to announce new laws restricting the viewing and possession of Anime >BREAKING: Trump to announce new laws restricting the viewing and possession of Anime BREAKING: Trump to announce new laws restricting the viewing and possession of Anime
>that one shillpost sandwiched between 5 frenposts both top and bottom
Grayson Kelly
Why the fuck is faggot central being spammed with "cute" pit bull pictures? Fucking nigger dogs getting spammed to convince the masses they are "good boys"
I didn't even know they called them pibbies. Fucking retarded
Jaxson Watson
>furloughed MAGA gov workers spending their days off applying for better jobs with higher pay
Hudson Miller
How is Q a larp? Anyone? Q posts thing about what trump will tweep literally minutes before the don tweets it himself. Am I wrong? Is this not political? I never see it mentioned here. When did pol unanimously decide its a larp. Was there eveidence? Thanks op
>meanwhile airports run smoother with no TSA and people realize how "non-essential" govt really means should be fucking fired There's no downside to this shutdown
>could be talking about Roy Moore or Sportsball It's not really a funny joke though, just more like a dead clown
>lame pic related >didn’t really engage Do you mean this threads in denial or I am? Thanks?
John Peterson
>Q i believe that bits of that narrative have been hijacked and some of it is real and other parts disinfo. we could spend all day arguing about it and it's usually off-topic stuff anyway (especially when shills are pushing it)
Q is just a gatekeeper psyop for goyim. People started looking close into politics and they had to direct that energy somewhere. Just think, all the Q Larpers could have been redpilled about the Jews if that bullshit didn't happen.
Someone posted a video with a compilation of that one guy laughing. I assume that they talk about movies and stuff. But since I don't watch kike cinema, I just don't have much of an interest
Q himself says "disinformation is necessary", that about sums it up. We're dealing with more tangible stuff here. The minute we allow that stuff here we would be completely swallowed by it
Jeremiah Adams
It's kinda like top gear where you're watching the chemistry between them and not the actual show
>some of its real >off topic stuff anyway What are you even saying mate
Jackson Morgan
Jace Williams
/ptg/ has actively denied it having any validity to speak of, despite a lot of convergences between Trump and the poster in question. It's more believable than 90% of what gets pushed on Jow Forums but that said, the bar isn't set very high these days. It's about 60/40 in terms of truth/falsehoods but people mistakenly claim the guy is a leaker. Off-topic though for this thread.
Mason Rivera
literally does not affect me in the slightest, hope it stays shutdown forever.
Xavier Hall
bunch of boomers who thought the taxpayer would foot a pension for them if they sat on the job long enough
Matthew Rivera
>zog >quads >tells government to fuck off BASED AND REDPILLED
Leo Taylor
Checked. This.
Logan Reyes
>government rips money out of my hands every fucking day >They use that money for non-essential things >learn that they aren't paying for non-essential things anymore >I am supposed to be mad about that
Luis Collins
He's going to make people long for the days of Gov Moonbeam the rate his stupidity is increasing.
Well if you didn't derelict your duty boomers, we wouldn't be needing the walls we're going to have to build. So you getting paid back in a few weeks or months because we have to force the money somehow is none of my concern.
>Join government position where you are fully aware that shutdowns happen and you may risk not getting paid >get fUCKING SHOCKED when a government shutdown happens and you don't get paid
just shows how legitimately fucking retarded government workers are
Easton Diaz
>we have a lot of commie shit already so we should do more k
Increasingly they don't watch it either, they only do it because we make them, that's sort of the joke nowadays.
Jaxson Ward
Onions wrong
Isaiah Thompson
I like how they show whites to try to legimatize their concerns. How about you show who the majority of these government workers actually are? They won't because then people would really give zero fucks.
I've noticed more women reactivating their accounts on escort sites in the last few weeks.
There might be a connection.
Anthony Wood
>no competition for energy >rates hike up with no way to rectify it >no competition for TV access >oi m8 you got a loiscense for dat telly? >no competition for internet access >enjoy your $100/month dialup >no competition for schools >indoctrination facilities >no competition for transportation >enjoy your soviet-quality shitmobiles
Do people really think like this?
Chase Walker
maybe AOC will hop in. she could be president of the world for all I care as long as I knew that she once had my cum on her face
what i am trying to say is if we talk about Q, the shills will distort the discussion and hijack it and take it in another direction with fake images and other weird tactics.
there is a lot of compelling stuff in Q threads
Ryan Parker
don't. It isn't good. I was young and my family watched it, it was before you start making conscious decisions about what you do and do not watch
Such as? It's a Mossad op, sorry you're dumb and fell for it.
Aiden Powell
People who don’t remember what it was like. Ma Bell was great. If you valued stagnated innovation and costs. Those Bakelite phones could be used as hammers unlike a shitty iPhone which can’t handle being dropped. It also cost $3/minute to talk to the other side of the country.
Jeremiah Evans
>how has a pro trump thread not talked about q I missed it. Any anons out there have evidence of q larp?
Before Obama by at least a couple years, but well after kikery had their mitts in TV; it was basically an ode to Xoomer and early millenials telling them not to have kids until it's too late. And speaking of late it's bedtime, this chink b8 doesn't seem to be working tonight