Asylums are a way to victimize people of mental illness

Jow Forums is really something. I swear, you guys just have no basic understanding on any issue whatsoever.

These people are not at fault for what they have done, and you are literally imprisoning them as opposed to rehabilitating them and helping them. But I guess that's a little too nuanced for stupid ass Trump supporters.

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You have no understanding of the issue.

Mental illness is a Jewish invention and scheme to literally disable half of the intelligent goyim population on the argument that they're ''mentally ill'' have ''bad thoughts'' and need to be drugged. They invented something that doesn't exist and now are milking money out of it.

Sure there are plenty of disorders which limit brain function, but it IS ALL BIOLOGICAL not psychological.

>being crazy is the jews
>everything is the jews
get a life you nigger, this shit is embarrassing

That is not a conspiracy, do some research faggot

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Some people are too far gone to be helped and become a danger to society as well as themselves. See: Terry Davis

If asylums are so bad why the fuck millions of asylum seekers on their way to canada rn?

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