Daily reminder that mental illness as we know it doesn't exist. It is a Jewish invention created to ostracise and effectively disable the intelligent population of the goyim, while also profiting off them by selling drugs that never stop getting re-invented, since the body over time develops tolerance towards any chemical, the drug chemical compound needs to be changed on a frequent basis, and the Jews sell benzos in million variations, while also cashing in on shrink hours. It's funny how in this day and age every 2nd person is mentally ill in one form or another, autism has a fucking ''spectrum'' and literally every kid on the planet fits in it. Every great scientist that has ever lived can be diagnosed with some form of autism or schizo, and even if you Jow Forums, each one of you get tested, you will all be diagnosed with something. Placebo effect works both ways, if you're told million times that you're mentally ill, you will believe it, and if you take pills they tell you will help you, you will think they do help because they told you so.

The real ''Mental illness'' is biological and neurological, and all of the problems can be fixed with proper scientific research and approach.

Throughout the whole history, mental illness didn't exist, as people never even thought such thing could exist. The crazy Roman emperors of the past are called mentally ill these days, but they were simply mad from lead poisoning, which is CHEMICAL and BIOLOGICAL, not psychological. Look at warriors from ancient wars, they fought day and night, for 3 days nonstop even, on top of piles of dead and rotting corpses, you could smell death from miles away, yet they did not suffer PTSD, nor did an hero when depressed. Weak thoughts can be changed, neuron bridges can be restored, science is the answer and psychology is not part of it.

Give this a read if still not convinced:

Attached: Prof X Jew.jpg (191x186, 4K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Explain suicide and homicide if mental illness is not real?


overpopulation, over crowding
look up rat utopia emotional sink experiment


also due to overpopulation, like Japan for example. They are nr1 at suicides, because their whole social structure demands you to do things right to impress parents/peers/goverment e.c.t, when you fail in one of those things, the society literally ostracises you and you have nowhere to go.

Why small communities do not hero ?

Think of animal kingdom. Many species ostracise their peers, and the exiled ones 95% of the time end up dead, not because they couldn't survive on their own, but because it is an animal evolved to live in a heard. Would you call penguins mentally ill when they simply walk off into nowhere after being unable to find a mate? Fucking mentally ill penguins

Homicide is also natural, people are born killers and every single person is capable of homicide under the right circumstances. Jee, it must mean every single human is mentally ill since they can commit homicide.

>people are born killers
Not really
>mouse experiment
We’re not mice
>capable of doing x and y
Doesn’t mean anything

>Look at warriors from ancient wars, they fought day and night, for 3 days nonstop even, on top of piles of dead and rotting corpses, you could smell death from miles away

Wrong. They didn't spend nearly as much time in actual combat as soldiers of later years. Is stuff like being shelled in the trenches or being in danger of being shot by unseen enemy at any moment that fuck people up.

Yeah they literally are bro. Double y chromosomes.

How come only European behaviors are diagnosed as mental illnesses? Why isn’t African anti social behiors ever diagnosed? Surely there are pills to make niggers less violent AMIRITE? What about Arabs? Certainly they have pills that could make them assimilate into society. Really makes you think.

Thank you for this brilliant Insight. I should have known that the cure for my concentration disorder was simply denying that I've got a concentration disorder.

I'm sure you're going to Honor my refusal to Take my medication by hiring me as your Chauffeur and trusting me with your Life and Car while I leave the ritalin-jew at home

finally someone gets it

Take any woman with a child for example, that woman might be the sweetest lady in the world, give her a gun and torture her kid in front of her, and I can guarantee 100% she will shoot you. Does that mean all women are mentally ill? no. Any father would do the same thing, does that mean every man is mentally ill? no.

Even kids will defend their parents if they know a gun is laying somewhere around, does that mean every kid is mentally ill? no

Every person is capable of murder in the right conditions, nobody is a saint. Everyone will kill to protect what they hold dear, those who do not are simply too weak psychologically and physically thanks to all the benzos.

>concentration disorder

Again, it's neurological and thus biological. Go have a proper diet for once, stop masturbating and maybe you will find the concentration you've been looking for. Drugs are only a temporary gateway to what can be achieved by living a proper life.

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>and torture her kid in front of her

That within itself is a mental illness

Everything is a Jewish invention so kill yourself you faggot

this is a double reverso jew pedophile control plot - as pizzagate is further exposed this glownigger line will be heard more and more

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>CHEMICAL and BIOLOGICAL, not psychological

psycology dose not exist in the aether, it is a function of a working brain, thus it is biological in nature

Bump, this is the real red pill. Also demonic posession is real unironically.

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those triplets confirm

>piles of dead and rotting corpses, you could smell death from miles away, yet they did not suffer PTSD
Nope wrong

PTSD of those times was called low morale, and any good general whipped sense in low morale troops very quickly.

>German flag
>Concentration disorder
Wew lad, not yet Hans.

>They are nr1 at suicides
they are not though, fuck off with your pasta

the thread is being slid by nigger cock threads, talk about great timing

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This guy gets it.
Ancient battles were going like this:
walk for 200 days, fight for 2 hours, run like bitch for 20 days once your formation gets flanked

Almost me but:
>never lie
>fucked up my bullies

Take the slavpill brother. If they don't like your truth, you can curbstomp their asses.

>The real ''Mental illness'' is biological and neurological, and all of the problems can be fixed with proper scientific research and approach.

that's literally the mainstream concept of mental illness you fucking retard and you saying that means you think its more real than your fellow brainlets who think "its just all in your head lol"

except they didn't and executed people for deserting lmao

lol u low iq whites never cease to amaze me. no wonder we control you since ur this retarded

>the mainstream concept

chose one you fucking imbecile, do you think creating a new compound of benzines classifies as scientific approach? How fucking thick can you be

absolutely agree

People in small communities kill themselves, Crow Nation is a perfect example.

"If you talk to God, you are praying; If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia. If the dead talk to you, you are a spiritualist; If you talk to the dead, you are a schizophrenic."

Read the above. It's not gospel, but it's interesting.

I have seen people who have 'textbook' disorders. Borderline, schizophrenia etc. I think most of us Jow Forums users would be on the schizotypal spectrum by these measures. I have only seen a few people respond really well to medication. I tried some for anxiety, hated it, focussed on health and meditation instead. No doubt it works for some.

I think there's a lot in diagnosis. People love having a way to define their learned patterns of behaviour, internalised fears, negative socialisation, expression of context. I think (((they've))) made rather a big deal of the whole thing.

>backed into corner from 3 sides
>either die by the enemy
>get enslaved or worse
>or kill them selves
>chose to kill them selves

anyone would do that in face of certain death

people throughout history have killed them selves to avoid enslavement by others or torture and slow death... what is your point ?

what is addiction really
dopamine receptors
your brain cells are literally being altered
all mental illness has neurological basis
mood is regulated by neurotransmitters
psychiatric medications are chemicals that are already being produced by your brain
of course, some behavior is not all neurotransmitters
cognitive behavioral psychology

Evil. Explain why, after billions of dollars in research, fake cures, documented abuse by practitioners of "psychology" or (((psychiatry))) nobody can predict or prevent a single school shooting. Explain why the kike religion has yet to stop a single war. Explain why the kike religion promotes corruption. You can't. Because it's fake.

>don't forget goy, you waned to kill your father and fug your mother since you were a child
:D :D :D

I guess one in ten cases are real, the rest is overdiagnosis and side effects from unhealthy lifestyles. The drugs and treatments are uneffective and retarded, yet (((they))) don't even hide this fact.

Competing with germs for the aggressive autism award.

holy mother of fuck OP you're one ignorant shithead

Garbage. Freudian mental illness doesn't exist.

Attached: MENTAL ILLNESS DOESN'T EXIST.png (1354x987, 365K)

Read Deleuze

You should watch Orange Clockwork so you can understand that is incurable because it's just how the person is.

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>mental illness doesn't exist
lmao tell that to my adult autistic relative that knows 10 words, strips in public constantly, and watches the same movie on repeat every day for the last 20 years. holy shit what an idiotic post, have you never heard of schitzophrenia? PTSD? amnesia? dementia? alzheimers? fucking hell you're a brainlet of the highest order.

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It exists its just a series of symptoms cauze by chemical imbalance of neurotransmitter inypur fucking brain, fox the chemical imbalance and you go back to being healthy. (Unless you have a genetic disorder or braindevelopment disorder)

Have you ever suffered a panic attack? A real panic attack. I'm not asking if you ever panicked and it was a terrifying experience but an actual 'panic attack'. I really doubt you have.

>The real ''Mental illness'' is biological and neurological, and all of the problems can be fixed with proper scientific research and approach.

Yeah, lots of neuro scientists spent decades studying this and came up with the medication you're against.

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>A real panic attack.
>a terrifying experience
A panic attack is not an illness, is just a defense mechanism that is triggered when nothing is happening as a way to prepare for the worst just like a bad dream.

yes it does exist. my girlfriend has bipolar, and you have no fucking idea how insane she gets. i wont bother to list examples, but she is a fucking psychotic. on levels, you will never be able to comprehend.

>a defense mechanism that is triggered when nothing is happening

Sounds like there might be something wrong with the brain.

Fucking based
Good thread user

No. It's natural to feel paranoid sometimes. But if happens too often it could be related to something in your past, as if you are a war veteran or something happened, or maybe you should change routine.

Actually, that is isn't necessarily true. It's a hypothesis.

Maybe if you married her and put a baby in her and gave her macro-level life direction she wouldn’t be.

>Look at warriors from ancient wars, they fought day and night, for 3 days nonstop even, on top of piles of dead and rotting corpses, you could smell death from miles away, yet they did not suffer PTSD, nor did an hero when depressed. Weak thoughts can be changed, neuron bridges can be restored, science is the answer and psychology is not part of it.

That's a good point.
There is a theory that PTSD is actually caused by explosion shock waves rippling through the brain. Because in our evolutionary history we would have seen plenty of gore, and were PTSD to result from that, there would have been many, many crazy PTSD people, which there don't seem to have been.

However with the advent of modern explosives that can shake the brain, might have come the real reason for the PTSD we see today.

Mental Illness is as real as you and me. If the tranny movement, feminism, and multiculturalism doesn't prove that I don't know what does. What a stupid fucking thread.

Do you think he pops some pills any time he feels down?

Depression should be cured by lifestyle changes. Meditate more. Spend less time in front of electric screens. But people want to live their depression-causing lifestyles without the depression, and so just take some pills to help them instead.

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all "mental illness" is caused by emotional, chemical or physical stress

circumcision, vaccinations, medications, antibiotics, molestation, rape, etc all within your first 5 years of life leads to a perfect sheep for the sub 130iqs but the smarter you are the more trouble they run into

all drugs are bandaids to treat symptoms caused by ((them))

take care of your microbiome and spine and stay physically fit and don't indulge too much in anything and try to keep a schedule, etc

fixes most problems

check out mewing and lay on your back with your head off the bed to fix your gamer neck/cervical vertebres should help your emotional state

marry her? i have been with her for about 6 years, and being catholic she seems high risk for divorce

Never put a baby in that woman, she could have a Prenatal maternal stress, postpartum depression and even get her self killed with the baby

she had endometriosis. so one of her tubes doesnt work. she can be so kind and lovely, and then a day later, shes like satan. its insane

That's not a mental illness this is part of their education and how this world teaches them to act.

I'm assuming you're young because you sound fucking retatded. Why are wasting your life with a psychotic women who sounds even crazier than a regular woman? Desperation? You can get pussy from any other source than a bipolar mental freakshow.

I like the slavpill

That's a illness and must be treated with heavy meds for your own sake too

well i didnt realise how mental she was for a few years. alot of stuff i put down to her being on her period. then after a while it started becoming clear she is actually mental. what an incel like you may struggle to understand is loving someone. i am beginning to wear tired of her behaviour though

you'll look back in a couple of years and wonder why you didn't leave sooner.

>Why small communities do not hero ?
They do you fucking retard. Suicide rates in rural Australia are high as hell.

Best way to treat the anxiety and depression

The only good thing that came out of this "mental ilness" farce is that now you can get on disability easier than ever. Say im depressed, or im anxious and your set with neetbuxx.

/soc/ disagrees.

This seems pretty much true to me. I notice most of the "mentally ill" people I see are actually suffering from acute "no place to live" or "not enough money to live a dignified life."

This happens in South Korea too. I wonder if this happens every where or is it because of working conditions?

>mental illness isn't real
>posts Freud
>just do some cocaine about it

except it does, as a human concept that simply describes someone as not like the average. cmon now.

>Aurini - The Most Dangerous Question
"the white man was not meant to live this way"

There's also a Michael Tsarion excerpt somewhere about depression and schizophrenia, but I can't remember if it was actually him or what it was titled.
But the quote I remember is:
>schizophrenia is a person trying to live someone else's reality too quickly/much

I agree it's a lifestyle "condition" if you can call it that. What it's closer to, (as described in the above video) is neuroses induced to feel and thus perceive in the emotional plane only.

In reasoning this, I have defined depression as bumping up against the invisible wall of the prison and not understanding what and why the wall is there.
In turn the individual turns to itself to blame for the perceived defect, and the thieves jump in on that happily.
What's needed here is to realise the prison that exists and move perception to truth, and reason out new beliefs and take action to improve your lifestyle.

I can't say for sure what being schizo is like but it could be anywhere between hitting your head against the invisible wall till you crack your skull open; to having it broken by torture, brainwashing or psychoactive drugs in combination with the other two and perception simply tears at the seam. On more thought, the two are the same.

Very much agreed

Mental illness is not a fault with the individual, its a fault with what the system expects of them. Society creates mental illness, not chemistry, not biology, and not psychology. I agree its a placebo effect, but its a bit more complicated than that.

If depression isn't real why I am so sad and why I want to end my life?
Nice triplets

actually he rapes boys
Richard Gere knows and doesn't care

isnt liberalism a mental disorder?

>concentration disorder

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA kill yourself repressed German dog

It's true that psychology has become highly politicized, but don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Some of its diagnoses are spot on and very useful in everyday life. Learning to spot narcissists, borderlines, bipolars, and psychopaths is an extremely valuable skill and will save you a lot of grief.

Mental illness most definitely exists. The problem is that many mentally ill people never get diagnosed and many people labeled "mentally ill" aren't actually mentally ill. Big pharma has fucked the whole system.

>mental illness doesn't exist
explain the belief in the state top kek. we will do anything to justify having a state so in 200-400 years it will cave in on itself and barbaric subhumans and subversive demoralization forces from within destroy it because of the existence of an entity called the state, which has a monopoly on violence.


You want the real red pill? Mental illness is the result of emotional imbalances, which can be caused by overpopulation or other unsatisfactory conditions. But, it's not mental illness.. It's a parasite infestation. Spiritual parasites, to be more exact. For the retards that are going to get triggered by the word spiritual, it means "something we can't see" and not necessarily anything more or less than that.

These spiritual parasites feed off the energy put out by negative emotions/frequencies, and when they get attached enough they start causing one to partake in activities that will cause more negative emotions (they attach to and then farm you)

These "things" (maybe they are just some sort of complex of stimuli like psychokikes would have you believe, but I've learned never to trust them and frankly this makes more sense) are what cause you to break nofap, they are what cause you to drop your spaghetti when trying to talk to a grille and then feel shame/embarrassment (they fucking feed off this).

How do you get rid of these things? STOP FUCKING SINNING YOU STUPID NIGGERS

>200-400 years
user, I...

The fact that you get proven wrong every time you try to post this retarded shit and get BTFO so bad you sperg out is proof of your own delusions and narcissism. You're more mentally ill than most so you try to pass it off like it doesn't exist and put on this silly tough guy wanna be facade that anyone and everyone sees through.
Get help faggot.

Kike pills ALWAYS backfire. Get into nature and meditate. Stop taking drugs.

Meditation, clean eating, excersise, 8 HOURS OF SLEEP. You can do it user. Be normal.

With such claim OP is proof that mental illnesses exist.


If I determine that it is in my self-interest to commit homocide, then I will do it. This is a moral act. You may find it to be immoral. If you take action against me, I will fight back and we must commence armed conflict. May the best man win.

My will to power will be manifested in my will to action. All action is moral as long as I determine it to be so. Those who oppose me will meet my violence, just as my enemies must protect their ability to perform action through violence.

Might is all. "Rights" are a spook.


The taking away of one's ability to commit suicide is the ultimate act of tyranny. If one is unfree to commit suicide, then it must be the case that all actions within one's life are unfree actions.

Do you call a prisoner free because he is free to roam in the prison quarters? How can you call a living person free if he is unfree to leave his life. For the suicidal person who is unfree the commit suicide, the flesh has become a prison cell.

It's almost as if trauma is engineered and then the solution is sold at a profit.

I wonder who fits the bill?

They have created a never ending brown eyed blue eyed onion of an ego in people (brown eye blue eye experiment is No1 group behaviour video ever made imo). This has paralysed people because everything shifts.

Smoking = good, cool and sexy
Now smoking = bad, weak and disgusting
This is done ad infinitum throughout your life with multiple cycles.

You can get off the ride instantly, it's all in your mind. Wake up to it.

However you can't really convince people, it's like force feeding someone and saying 'look, he's eating again'.
Once you get fed up with the arbitrary losses and try to do something you hit a brick wall.
You dispair, you tell everyone about it, you try with all your will to break it.

Just walk around it and get on with life.

Turn inward. No more loans, no more fast food, no more buying bullshit that has no value other than ego stroking or escapism, no more easy slags, no more wasting time on swine, no more easy options.

Only righteousness/be truthful and steadfast in everything = life in easy mode\inner peace

Well, at least that's what this blog post says.

your lungs can get sick
your heart can get sick
your flesh can get sick
but your brain cant get sick

Lungs, heart and flesh can behave in a way that is unintended by the individual. They may behave in ways that the individual does not want or desire.

If the individual desires to commit homocide and commits homocide, is that a behavior that the individual does not desire? Or, are you, the tyrant, trying to impose your desires onto the individual?

The fact of the matter is that if I commit homicide, I desire it. I find pleasure in the act. You may find it to be immoral or a mental illness, but not me. If you attempt to impose your will upon me, I will commit violence upon you in order to protect my freedoms.

idk man
also dont ever, EVER go to a phychologist. I read somewere theyre on the government payroll, to rat you out.
>some shit happens with my dad. from the outcome of it, he wants me to go see one of these guys. not talking about the were it started involing a whatopsaid.jpg
>oh right back to story. state took that and turned it around after getting dad to call to have me sent and resent for reviewing to be involuntary hospitalized. you know,. one of those things were they don't want you to come around? wahtopsaid.jpeg.avi
>government takes liberal advantage of it to set me up a full guardian. later they find me guilty in a criminal case, wasting my time, and getting mr free lawyer to tell me to get a doctors evaluation.

Attached: safety-not.jpg (404x125, 13K)

This guy is saying that most "mental illness" results from a damaged brain due to a hit on the head at some point in life. He's been able to scan the brains of many people and prescribe just the right drugs to activate or suppress certain parts, thus bringing them back to normal. It does require constant drugging up, though.

Read the first half of Sexual Liberation if you want OP to make sense, the fact Freuds fucking nephew is eddie burmays the originator of propaganda and advertisement who basically used Freuds tactics of mind control on a mass fucking scale

is no coincidence*

also if any of you do decide to slug through that book just take the biased catholic standpoint from a pinch of salt some of it is very eye opening (some of it horseshit)

>mental illness doesn't exist
>it's just a chemical imbalance
>drugs used to correct imbalance is a jew trick

you're a fucking retard.