Yes swede!

Yes swede!

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Yea, acknowledging historical truths sure is some hardcore propaganda

I can't even think of a parody food from sweden. With you guys it's shrimp on the barbie

Shrimp on the barbie is a meme, doesn't exist, vegimite however. Plus all english memes apply to the shitposting bastards.

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> what are trade routes


nigger, I barbecued shrimp not even a month ago. Get the fuck out with your "doesn't exist" bullshite

Breaking news. Vikings had trade relation with their distant Aryan relatives in Northern Iran and India.

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>Shrimp on the barbie is a meme, doesn't exist,
That's why I said parody food. I couldn't think of a better word than parody.

meatballs user. meatballs

this is pure bullshit. thats like saying they actually used samurai swords and only the shitty swords made in large batches at home survived.

Fuck I didn't even think of that and that's what it is. They don't have just regular fucking meatballs there, they have Swedish meatballs.

And why are those truths being acknowledged? For what purpose?
Anyone who gives half a shit about the history between vikings and poo spices can find this information on wikipedia. Some jew had to take the time out of his day to think up and write something that can be spread en mass on social media— and of all the things in the world to talk about, this particular “writer” chooses spices. Just kidding, they chose a silly subject for the express purpose of disingenuously proposing that swedes should be bending over backwards for third world countries. Because spices.

Nah, that's just ground pork, boiled. Bland, boring, ordinary. For Swedish meme food you need either old Swedish stuff like
or modern Swedish stuff like
>anything halal

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i like lingonberries

>pol thinks that ancient trade routes are a Jewish cuckoldry fabrication

I am fine with aussie shitposts. It is the finest of all shitposts.

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Swedes have imported Indian BVLLS since the time of Vikings to improve their gene pool.

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So youd rather not communicate and trade with non whites to gain more knowledge and materials not available in your country? You white supremacists are morons

Ugly baby haha

Also what is the solution here? Censorship of truth?? Lmao a true nazi! Retarded!

>cultural exchange doesn't require mass immigration

leftist traitors BTFO

Well who wouldn't. But that's just the sub-arctic cousin to cranberries. Not really a meme-food. But you want something common, edible and somewhat strange from Sweden. They do this thing where they make a cake, looks like a cake anyway. Like the fancy type with frosting and snarly architecture, bit like a wedding cake. Except it's mostly meat, like a sandwich turned inside out. Can't remember what they call it though. It's a long, long time since I lived in Sweden.
>mostly meat
uh-oh, maybe it's not so common anymore. But if surströmming has survived, this must have too.

Because the woman is ugly and Indian genes can only improve so much and in small steps.

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ive seen that unholy shit and most european food is werid as fuck i was just wanting to point out some good things.

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God damn... I want that bitch.

Katanas would be a very shit weapon of choice if your fighting someone in chainmail or lamellar. Japan was very isolationist and barely even traded with their Asian neighbors anyway.

She's reserved for the big Indian BVLL cock

>The Vikings did not only go West to pillage and plunder. Most of the silk found in the Oseberg ship may have been purchased by honest means from Persia.

where the hell do you brainlets come from? why are you so incapable of getting the point?

I don't think Australians even call it shrimp. it's prawn.

Swedes and Indians are actually the same race cause Indo europeans

Correct. The only difference is that one shits in its street the other in its gene pool.

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>Betteridges law
Fake and gay

Someone post that article that says Swedish meatballs are actually Turkish and Swedes have to apologize for culturally appropriating them.

Back in the day you could sail from the Baltic to the Black and Caspian Seas by transiting the vast river systems of Russia

I think we have the same thing in Finland (probably came here from Sweden) and call it literally just "sandwich cake". And that's all it is. Looks like a cake, sure but tastes like a sandwich. It's pretty good.

Sailing to weather is for niggers and hired poor people. White men sail downwind

Let me ask you this: Do you never wonder WHY some fluff pieces are written? Do you never question the motivation behind the chosen topics and the tone set in them? It's perfectly understandable why an Indian journalist/writer living in Sweden would have fun writing an article like that, the question is why did the editor choose this particular piece to publish.

Because if you don't think the editors are making purposeful decisions of what goes online and what doesn't then you are unspeakable naive.

from a week old thread:

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You don't barbecue shrimp?

Smörgåstårta best tårta.

Smörgåstårta. Det serveras ofta på serveringar.

The Swedes are even getting cucked by poos.

lutfisk is famous for being disgusting and smelly, but it's not exclusively swedish. god, i havent smelled it in like 20 years and can still remember the smell