Why do these shitskins hate each other so much?
Why do these shitskins hate each other so much?
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biblical prophecy
Iranians are Aryans, not shitskins, you fucking jew
iranians are whiter than you
same reason the irish do
because iranians hate kikes and saudis are kikes
Hello cumskin I'm Iranian and can explain.
It's all geopolitics. Both countries want to dominate the region on a geopolitical level. Salafists, however, don't see us as Muslims we are heritics. Shia means partisan, we are the partisan Muslims. So there's kind of a struggle going on between Shiites and Salafists but the other 1.5 billion Sunni Muslims don't really care.
I don't know about Saudis but Iranians hate Arabs from the gulf countries on a pretty racist level. People are still angry at the Arab conquests even though they were far less destructive than the conquests by Alexander, Genghis Khan or Tamerlang and Iranians dont here Greeks Mongols or Turks for their invasions.
Saudis steal Iranian oil by digging 45 degrees.
Iranians not happy.
Saudis rich.
If Saudis drilled at 45 degrees from their territory they'd reach the mantle before Iranian oil
Because the west pitted them against each other
Persian nationalism vs Arab nationalism.
it's basically non-catholics versus catholics but shitskin edition
because Iranians hold a nation, arabs are tribe
Saudi and Iran are both ZOGs engaging in a holy Sunni-Shia war and you can guess who profits the most.
Yes Iran is ZOG too. Do not be fooled with Holocaust conferences and stuff. Best way to hide your Jewishness in the Middle East is in acting anti-Jewish.
in all seriousness, kill yourself cunt.
No they aren't you retard. Aryans are indo-Europeans, prehistoric peoples of Europe. Iranians are Persians, a less ancient mixed eurasian race.
>it's all geopolitics
Correct. But I strongly believe the Islamic revolution in 1979 Iran is directly responsible for the heightened sectarianism we see today. Salafists weren't going to sit idly when on Khomeini declared exporting revolutionary/Shia Islam to the broader Middle East a pillar of the new Islamic republic.
>I don't know about Saudis but Iranians hate Arabs from the gulf countries on a pretty racist level.
Honestly I don't think about average Iranians enough to hate them. I'm indifferent. But every Iranian I've met socially (diaspora mostly) were alright with me. I didn't sense any hostility or baggage..
>Why do these shitskins hate each other so much?
They don't, they pretend they do in order to draw in non-muslims into their fake conflict to drain their resources and exhaust their population, and then they team up and conquer territory.
How tf do you think Islam spread from Medina to it's current territories?
nope, have a close look at the next iranian you meet that, look at their eyes and surrounding angles, you will find sand nigger in them..
shia vs sunni. 4000 years worth of bs.
Ah, yes. White means only nordcuck. Cringe.
Niggers stink.
Persians are Shia/Arabs are Sunni
Arabs try to import wahhabism/salafism to Shia countries, persians don't like that because they think arab culture is untermensch and take pride in the history of the great persian empires and don't want to follow the lead of Arabs who would be riding around on camels if it wasn't for the oil
turks secretly laugh at both and ask neo-ottoman empire when?
islam isn't even 1500 years old...
people will say sunni/shia but thats a bullshit copout answer for american retards to pretend to understand it. sunni and shia dont even hate each other
its decades of political, military, and economic conflict.
yes, you and the people in your country are unclean as well. but it's ok, i'm not racist.