If mutts are white why do they get sick from eating raw pork?

>Pork must be adequately cooked to eliminate disease-causing parasites and bacteria that may be present.
>Humans may contract trichinosis (caused by the parasite, Trichinella spiralis) by eating undercooked pork.
>Today's pork can be safely enjoyed when cooked to an internal temperature of 145 °F as measured with a food thermometer before removing meat from the heat source.

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Every race cooks pork fully you retard, the Japanese can eat raw fish but cook their pork fully. The Chinese don't even have a tradition for eating half cooked meat, because they mostly eat pork and know the parasites in them.
In fact, you sound like a turkroach trying to convince whites to kill themselves.

Pussy. How did your ancestors survive the Ice Age if you're such a bitch?

Germans eat raw pork all the time. I've also fed raw pork to people from other European countries and none of them had any issues.


>t. Mettbrötchen am Fliesentisch

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take your garbage slide thread to /ck/ you subhuman retard

Humans evolved from apes because we could cook our meat, only niggers don't know how to cook.

There is a thing called avoiding unnecessary risks, which I don't think a turkroach can understand.

Do you eat your chicken rare too, you little retard?

As long as it's fresh, why not?

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If nigs are black then why do they die from bullets?