>Pork must be adequately cooked to eliminate disease-causing parasites and bacteria that may be present.
>Humans may contract trichinosis (caused by the parasite, Trichinella spiralis) by eating undercooked pork.
>Today's pork can be safely enjoyed when cooked to an internal temperature of 145 °F as measured with a food thermometer before removing meat from the heat source.
If mutts are white why do they get sick from eating raw pork?
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Every race cooks pork fully you retard, the Japanese can eat raw fish but cook their pork fully. The Chinese don't even have a tradition for eating half cooked meat, because they mostly eat pork and know the parasites in them.
In fact, you sound like a turkroach trying to convince whites to kill themselves.
Pussy. How did your ancestors survive the Ice Age if you're such a bitch?
Germans eat raw pork all the time. I've also fed raw pork to people from other European countries and none of them had any issues.
>t. Mettbrötchen am Fliesentisch
take your garbage slide thread to /ck/ you subhuman retard
Humans evolved from apes because we could cook our meat, only niggers don't know how to cook.
There is a thing called avoiding unnecessary risks, which I don't think a turkroach can understand.
Do you eat your chicken rare too, you little retard?
As long as it's fresh, why not?
If nigs are black then why do they die from bullets?