Nobody fucking enjoys their jobs do they? over 85% of people hate their jobs, and let's be honest...

nobody fucking enjoys their jobs do they? over 85% of people hate their jobs, and let's be honest, how many of that 15% didn't just say they liked it because someone was standing over their shoulder or they just didn't want to be honest

i have no passions or interests that would be realistically feasible and or employable in today's labor force, and the only thing i can imagine myself willingly studying is philosophy psychology political science and maybe a little bit of constitutional law, which are really just autistic hobbies to get into that nobody really cares about, so what should i do? just get the piece of paper that will give me the most ROI?

well, the facts so far are:
MBA: 26.4% will hire
Finance: 25%
Accounting: 23.6%
Computer Science: 22.9%
Information Sciences & Systems: 18.8%
Computer Engineering: 18.1%
Management Information Systems: 15.3%
Marketing: 15.3%
Electrical Engineering: 15.3%
Mechanical Engineering: 15.3%

so, MBA finance and accounting? i'm severely lacking in mental skills which would enable me to do anything in engineering, compsci, math, physics or chemistry btw and the only STEM fields i could get into would be IT and if you count medicine as STEM then ofc medicine

and then of course we need the numbers which are literally almost all in medicine, so then what is it? everyone wants to hire an MBA but the highest paid jobs are all in medicine?

so what do i go for then? med school's fucking 8+ years and costs $150+k, and apparently being a doctor is hell on earth and everyone blows their brains out, accounting's only 42.5k seems chill but you don't make shit, since 26.4% of all companies would hire somone with an MBA, and people have recommended it to me, should i just get an MBA? it's 51k, but what job titles am i supposed to go for that? bachelors of finance?

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Holy shit go into data user

You give off the heaviest data-guy vibe I've seen on this website

Look dude, you did all the research, seems like you'll do fine in college no matter what you study. A degree is just proof you can be taught and you have some work ethic. Few places really care what you get you degree in. If you don't want to go into medicine / finance / own your own business, then get whatever degree you want. You'll have no trouble getting a job.

On the other hand, if you're just worried about job security and pay...what do you think about getting a trade instead?

>i'm severely lacking in mental skills which would enable me to do anything in engineering, compsci, math, physics or chemistry btw and the only STEM fields i could get into would be IT and if you count medicine as STEM then ofc medicine

getting in to medicine (i.e. getting accepted to med school and actually finishing) is much harder than any of those other fields you listed, unless you mean PhD level. lmao

I'd stay well away from an MBA program. They are literally cash-grabs and provide no value unless you get into a top-ten school. And even then, the only value you get is the networking opportunity, so if you're anti-social, you're throwing your money away.

I know at least 10 people with MBAs and they all went back to their old jobs after graduation except for one that started his own business.

Medicine also seems a poor choice. Hyper-competitive, long hours, high tuition rates, high levels of divorce, suicide and drug abuse. It used to be a cherry job, but not anymore. Maybe try nursing - still high paying especially if you specialize, lower tuition costs, the entire package just seems better.

>Be me
>quit uni, didnt finish it cause didn't had funds and working night shift and studying during the day was unbelievably suicide. (no we dont have government programs for that on 3rd world countries)
>went on an internship to get divemaster licence, since i always love the underwater realm
> 0 days where i was sad.
>could live and travel anywhere with water
>paid so shit tho, especially during low season where you dont get any work at all
>became unsustainable.
>went back to the city to work for a shit job that pays well and about to finish UNI again.
I guess all im saying and learned is that you gotta find a balance. For the fact that we cant really have it all. You gotta know the thing you love doing, and the thing that you can "endure" to do everyday as a daily grind to keep you alive and make both work towards retirement.

now that i re-read my OP keeping your perspective in mind, i can see how that might be the case, however, i'm truly just an autist that has above-average at best googling and research skills, i don't actually posses the mental skills required to work an actual data job which requires understanding and analyzing complex data charts with lengthy reports and generating fucking data statistics about the data statistics, my limit stands at using other people's already-made data, so maybe i could be a data or research analyst
i want to own my own business, but sadly that's a fairy tale in today's world: "According to Bloomberg, 8 out of 10 entrepreneurs who start businesses fail within the first 18 months. A whopping 80% crash and burn."

it's just not realistic in todays time, everything has already been done, the only way to succeed is by either being a super genius and inventing your own new technology effectively creating a new industry and thus monopolizing said industry before anyone else does, doing the same thing but stealing some super genius's technology instead of making it, luck, and or a top 1% population social circle with very strong lengthy connections granting you access to large sums of capital you can use as leverage, and then of course we have crime

i have many business ideas, and i'm going to attempt them, but they will most likely fail

"entrepreneurship" should be taken as a productive autistic side hobby as opposed to the sole method you survive on earth until you can get yourself off the ground, if you can that is

>get whatever degree you want. You'll have no trouble getting a job.
this is untrue, do you really think it will be easy getting employed with a gender studies degree? i have to get the most valuable degree i can, and value in this case is defined as from an institution anyone can get in, with an affordable cost, high ROI, high projected job growth and very high demand

Sell parts at a dealership. 0 investment in college and maybe two, three years in the warehouse tops to get there. Receive lower middle to middle class salary for easy job, go home at 4 or 5, stay up till 1 doing (???).

nursing is worse in many cases, except it's the job itself and not the road there. almost any brainlet can become a nurse.

The stats say otherwise.

Maybe in America. Not in Canada. Nursing profession is fucked here. I probably should have clarified that.

I was a late bloomer in life because reasons, I'm 30 now and work at a retail job that I enjoy because of how easy it is, and it keeps me busying.
I only get paid 15 dollars an hour though, and it's 40-50 hours a week with no benefits.
It's low responsibility/medium effort job, and everyone I work with is super chill, no real annoying bosses.

I'm at the point in my life where I'm thinking about going back to school and getting a real job, but no career interests me and I'm absolutely afraid the stress of school and a new shitty job will destroy my life balance.
So despite knowing it's a bad idea, I kinda just want to continue low responsibility chill jobs, and just have no kids and leave frugal, all my hobbies are super cheap, so it's not like I really need money.

So I don't know, continue enjoying my life and hope it all works out, or go back to school and potentially get a shitty job that ruins my life because I'm afraid I won't have enough money in the future.

I also have about 60k in savings that I could either use for school, or invest it in something on the side to save for retirement if I continue with my poor person job.

I see. I was assuming US. I know a few anesthetic nurses, they make fucking bank down here in the US. I do ok in the IT realm, but if I had to do it all again, that's what I'd do.

>nobody fucking enjoys their jobs do they? over 85% of people hate their jobs

yeah probably, it's a fucking job. You just work to pay the bills.

If it's a -career- then it's a different story. Especially if it's something you were wanting to do since you were a kid or a teen or even a young adult.

I'm getting into audio engineering and music production. That is my dream.

I'm sure I could make more money and have better job security and benefits and all that if I just worked at the Business Factory or joined the army and did absolutely whatever or went to some bullshit trade school - but working JUST to pay the bills is what makes people miserable. It's like forever being a 16 year old teen working their first job.

It's not like I'm aiming to be a rock star either, and end up being some guy who plays the guitar for spare change outside of train stations, there's plenty of ways to pay the bills with less than glamorous jobs in the audio industry that would make me a "sell out" but absolutely pay the bills.


Yeah since we have socialized healthcare nurses make significantly less here than in America. But that isn't really the main issue; there are labour shortages and nurses get forced to work fucked hours, in addition to tons of cost-cutting measures being employed which constrict their abilities to do the job properly.

Until the government stops mis-budgeting healthcare being a nurse in Canada is gonna be shit.

>On the other hand, if you're just worried about job security and pay...what do you think about getting a trade instead?
i am very physically lazy and don't like doing manual labor and would much prefer to keep my spine and knees intact by the time i'm 40 and not get addicted to opiates and have to deal with literal unironic idiots all the time, and constantly be shunned upon by society, and since i lack the mental capacity and abilities for most if not all subjects revolving around a focus of math, i would doubt i'd be able to do the trades which involve sitting down and typing away on a keyboard, going to office meetings doing random tasks and drafting out a few hundred word reports as i sip on my concealed beverage everyone thinks is a latte but is actually just liquer

if you know of any trade jobs that fit that description then feel free to give out your recommendations i suppose
indeed, hence my negativity directed towards med school
hmm yes, seems to place it as #2 and some others have placed it in high ranks

what is your opinion on gender discrimination within this field? according to and they're all women, 95%+ female and growing projected points out it's bad for sitting down and have a small bladder, i have a very small overactive bladder and i don't like not sitting down

there seems to be a high amount of physical activity and manual labor in this position and many seem to complain about depression, overworking and exhaustion
thanks but i'm looking for a degree name and a job title not fluffy life experiences

>Not in Canada. Nursing profession is fucked here.

How exactly is it fucked? Canada is facing a nurse shortage.

Except for the magical land of Quebec, all the provinces and territories require potential RNs to have a Bachelor's degree.

I am not a nursing professional, so I have no idea about the details. But from the folks I talked with, it seems good. Or there's also pharmacy. My cousin does this. As long as you can keep up with the scripts coming in and are fast with them, you'll do ok.

Not him, but I usually take the word "labor shortage" with a huge grain of salt.

It usually means "people won't work this job for the low amount we want them to" and NOT "we can't find people to do this job".

Chalenge acepted, sounds like you might actually like a "precision trade," they're less laborious and require more skill that bakcbreaking labour, so your coworkers are a bit smarter, its more prestigious, and you're not stuck in an office. Percision trades include but arn't limited to: metalworking, leather working, wood working, and other simiar feilds.

Basically watch makers and shoe repair. precision-trade-colleges.html

the US is also facing a nurse shortage, even if their average salary is like 7 dollars higher than in Canada.

people who typically go into nursing don't do it because they want to make mad bank, they do it because they want to become nurses.

>thanks but i'm looking for a degree name and a job title not fluffy life experiences
You wanna finish a degree to get a "JOB" right? No offense but all I'm saying is it might be best for you to picture yourself on what you can possibly say "endure" or find "pleasant" of you would be doing it as a job then get a degree that would work you towards there. Your trying to get a degree that would benefit you and bitch about it being useless cause your not looking at it this way. You gotta sometimes look ahead to know what your goal is and where you would be going.

Also if you do it this way at least you'd know you'd be find grinding with on a daily basis rather that finishing a degree that your uncertain of and keep rolling with it and be so fucking unhappy with your job.
Don't worry too much about shortages user, if you look back there's a lot of shit that happened that humanity can't barely explain. Best advice is just to know yourself, what you love doing and what you wanna do for a living, and start on from there. You don't have to be good at it, you don't have be to be smart at it, you just have to be mentally okay or even better... Happy with it.

what is your job title, what state are you in and *if* you work for a chain what chain do you work at

also look at

also dump it all in an S&P500 index fund, according to you'll make 12.25%, or 7,350 a year, or $612.50 a month just by keeping it there, so you'll have your grocery and insurance bill covered just by keeping your money there
unless the thing you truly want to do is literally impossible or has no job title and isn't related to making money or working a job and has no benefits

either way i am dead, and most people are dead, you have to be fortunate to really know what you want to do and have a clear path, just like everyone else i don't so there's only 1 thing to do: chase the money and be a sellout
you do realize it takes 8 years and 6 figures worth of debt to get a doctorate of pharmacy so you can become a pharmacist right?
that's literally sweatshop 3rd world 18th century tier manual labor jobs

the whole point is that i wAnt to be stuck in an air conditioned office all day, not sweating buckets and constantly working my body away making shoes and watches

show me trades that don't require manual labor or if they do, it's so insignificant you probably wouldn't even break a sweat

btw in what world is being a fucking literal unironic shoemaker prestigious?
that's nice and cute but the things you're talking about are for fluffy love-dovey people

this is about survival and security in a world where neither of those 2 are easy to come by by doing the "thing you love" and "beeing urself"

sorry kid

go back to your boat or whatever and have fun being poor or something
happy do what u love etc. etc.

this is millenial children talk, and how you end up poor, and in fact you'll notice that the majority of people who talk like this are poor

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OP you seem like the kind of person that would do great in sales.
Everybody ltao at sales, but there is pretty good money there, often with flexible schedules and a reward system based on merit, not on time spent, balls licked or shit eaten.
Being able to sell is an awesome skill that will always be needed in any field you can imagine.
So if I were you I’d throw the stereotype away and would try to move in that direction.

precision trades are literally the opposit of factory work, its the last bunch of jobs machines can't so. Also as a side note factories in the US are air conditioned, you usually sit all day on a line, and it requires very little manual labour.

Precision trade jobs are more prestigious than manual labour trade jobs was the point.

If you can't hack being a doctor or a lawyer, more prestigious than truck driver is as good as you'll get.

Actually, truck drivers not bad. You sit all day in A/C, don't lift shit, and get paid well. Eat your pride and its perfect.

>you do realize it takes 8 years and 6 figures worth of debt to get a doctorate of pharmacy so you can become a pharmacist right?
My cousin does not have a doctorate, just the pharmacy degree is enough. According to him, very few people actually get one.

indeed, i have sociopathic and manipulative tendencies and fit the profile but in reality, the numbers are low and don't fit, larger numbers are luck based, there is also 0 demand for this profession

maybe in the mean time, i will do more research on this
i could do a lawyer or doctor but the time and money required would crush me

it's 8 long god damn years, that's nearly a decade, a fucking decade

it's a good shortcut though

how much would i expect to make, sewing together fucking shoes in an air conditioned 1st world sweatshop lmao?

what are the real numbers

what's the demand? will they slobber their mouths for me and go out of their way to make sure i get hired or am i just a worthless sack of shit lining up in the application process going out of *my* way to make sure i get hired?

i'd actually do truck driver if i was the driving type, it looks really nice

too bad self driving cars exist

what country

if usa what state and how much does he make

"the cost of pharmacy education continues to rise with average tuition rates near $25,000 per year (public and private combined). These tuition increases have led to sizable debt loads for graduates entering the workforce, with the average student loan debt reaching $123,063 in 2012."

how much did his degree cost and is he in debt

oh and what are the job titles for these things? i literally cannot find any job or mention of "precision trades" using keywords like watchmaker watchmaking shoe repair shoemaking shoe maker and whatnot

is it assembly line technician ?

He's in California. I don't know how much he makes precisely, but I remember him saying about 120k. No, he's not in debt anymore, he hates debt. But I don't think his debt load was not nearly that high when he graduated. He's never really mentioned it to me either, which leads me to believe that it wasn't an issue for him.

yeah, i'm not going into 6 figure debt, or any amount of debt for that matter

nice starting salary he has though

what does he do? sit at the counter of a pharmacy and hand out boxes of drugs?

No, that's not starting, he's been in there for a good 10 years. But in pharmacy, you top out after a year. One of the bad points about the career.

He actually doesn't do retail, he does rounds in old folks homes. Lots of job security in geriatrics