What came first? The leftist or the weed?

Are the typical liberal potheads made that way because the weed turns their brain into mush or are people with leftist personalities drawn to the the stuff?

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Weed unironically helped me become right wing.

I've smoked weed just about every day for the last 15 years and I would gleefully genocide leftists.

This, weed made me see how much of this world wasn’t random but the changes are all being done on purpose to transform society.

Kind of odd but yeah I feel as if it’s not the weed that makes people into leftists - it’s the propaganda being pushed in movies and education system and music, all of these influences that surround people every single day make them into leftists.

i guess i use it to treat my ptsd so if you consider "liberal" to mean not killing everyone around me then yes

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The leftist.
Muh Dabs.
Muh Thomas Paine.
Muh 30-round mags.
Fuck jannies.

1776 when?

I’ve smoked weed (though I’ve cut down recently) and I don’t agree with leftist ideals. Weed can be a red pill experience if done right.

Half the potheads I know are libertarians or rightwingers. Pot is universal now. It's post-political.


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i have nothing against weed honestly
but a lot of weed smokers need to be put down on earth from time to time

weed doing anything to IQ is a myth

I'm right wing as hell and smoke pot on occasion, but we have some allies. We're not alone on gun rights.


people with leftist personalities sell the stuff, those are the people who try to market the culture. anyone who can appreciate the benefits of alcohol would also appreciate weed unless they have asthma or something.

I live out here in a rural 90%+ white Red Trump heavily libertarian anti-leftist region in a legal state. I would guess just about 50% of the houses out here are growing. A lot of the seniors and former military people are super into and it has been a godsend out here since it was legalized a couple years ago.

The State is completely evil and tried to monopolize it but the local police and sheriff are terrific and just completely leave it alone now. It really has been a great thing, desu.

It has been a god send for heroin and meth epidemics out here.

I had asthma real bad as a kid, but it went completely away and Im a pack a day smoker now .I literally had 3 or more ER trips because I couldn't breathe, and was hours away from a tracheotomy when sick. Obviously, I can't run up and down a basketball court like I used to. But most people grow out of it.

Weed was there before civilization

Same here.

Perfume still works to trigger a reaction though. I can't stand perfume. I don't know why, but it closes my throat in minutes.

Same here. I realized while high that morality exists to keep humanity from deteriorating into beasts and those who scream for "progress" are incapable of living a moral life and attempt to drag everyone else down to validate their degeneracy

Weed acts like a mild psychedelic for some people and back when I smoked, it helped open me up to how fucked up a lot of the policies that the left want to enact are.

Much like when you start to look around your room and think of how all the objects had to go from their original state of wood, oil, rocks, etc to the finished items and the amount of people and energy it took to create them, including the tech advancements allowing for them... basically looking at our existence in a wider angle time-wise. Then seeing the weakness of most people (including myself) due to all these creature comforts and how many of these people who don't have the challenges of the past to fight against and don't give a shit about their ancestors who did, are fighting to censor speech that hurts their feelings and turn this world into some perfectly equal utopia without thinking of the repercussions of attempting this.

Its ironically "sobering" and made me want to read more books and work on self improvement, though the downsides is that any of these insights that come from weed or psychedelics aren't earned through one's own work and if this entire existence is made for our advancement, using substances like this becomes a crutch... as if someone else is giving you information without you rising to the level of receiving it without this help.

CBD is still something I use regularly.. the topical cream is amazing for joint pain and post workout recovery, though I've substituted Cannabis for lots of meditation since I know where the bar of such insight was set and want to reach it myself now.

Though just like with Mushrooms or DMT you can have profound meetings with entities giving you a taste of the possibilities of this existence or you can fuck around like an idiot using these as "party drugs" and not give a shit or understand any of the insight that may come to you, just being infatuated by the "pretty colors".

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Weed made me realize how bad things really are.

Yeah its just the worst people are attracted to weed.

The leftist. Weed can be a medicine. Leftist just abuse it so they can feel ok with doing nothing

I don't see how people enjoy weed. It had its moment of pleasure. Where I would be perfectly content watching or reading something. Or just jacking off to porn. But I hate the feeling of surreality it induces. Also thougths racing. And intensely negative introspection. I severly judged myselfand reviewed all of my recent social interaction. I mean that must be common right. It feels nice to be rooted in reality.


I thought Trump was going to federally ok medical weed and leave it up to the states to figure out, and I thought that Clinton would just keep the war on drugs going, so I voted for Trump. I moved to a medical state and jumped through the hoops to get a card because my choices for pain relief, legally, were nsaids that hurt my stomach and didnt do anything or the same opioids that were killing every one around me. Being against weed is archaic and right and left alike smoke. I'd rather eat a cookie and just be a little giggly than nod out on painkillers.

is that forbidden fruit in pic? i have some at the moment and some sour candy

Considering how marijuana is known to be a chemical castration agent, once your testosterone levels drop to that of an actual eunuch, you become a leftist by default.

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I'm in my early 30s and have been smoking weed for near 20 years and I've never been a Liberal or leftist and have been a staunch Ethno Nationalist throughout my life. I know lots of others who smoke weed and none are Leftists or Liberal just apolitical or Nationalist too. I've also taken acid too and it only reinforced my views.

I came first
in your mom

>I've also taken acid too and it only reinforced my views.

None of those studies are legitimate enough for you to make such a dumb fucking statement LMAO. You don't even smoke weed and you're retarded

Absolute bullshit lol. Try harder faggot. I love getting high, I exercise, have a white gf who wants lots of kids, and I enjoy my life. Go smoke some grass and live a little

Yeah same.

National socialism was directly caused by smoking marijuana doing mushrooms. I have never felt such a powerful bond to my white ancestors until I did about 8grams of mush

I did it at the height of the "migrant crisis" and when I dwelt upon it all and cast thought towards the future and considered everything going on and what was being pushed by the media and "elites", it shook me to the core and made me more determined to speak out and act before it would be too late. Scary shit and my first time tripping, was very intense.

>fuck your science an sheeit, dude, weed!RRRREEEEEE!

Addicts are disgusting. Cigarettes are the devil too but marijuana is actually several times more toxic as well.

Exposure to marijuana smoke is three times more harmful than exposure to tobacco smoke, new research suggests.

Matthew Springer, a professor at University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine, studied the effects of smoke on rats and found exposure to secondhand marijuana smoke makes it harder for arteries to expand and allow a healthy flow of blood.


>leftists have brains that are mush

kek, ok

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Yup, this.

Always interested into lsd stories. Never tried anything like that myself, know a few people who were never the same after doing it more often

This. Weed = yes, but stoner culture should be nuked

>but stoner culture should be nuked

What kind of retard would believe a study with such strong claims on such minimal evidence you must be a tobacco lobbyist or a dumb nigger. This study is not multi dimensional only compares the difference between tobacco and weed smoke directly after inhalation completely ignoring the longer term effects of cigarettes .


stay flaccid trumpfags

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>literally doesn't know that weed promotes neurogenesis, and alcohol inhibits neurogenesis

kill yourself, highschool dropout scum

The left's only insult these days is mah epic nigger dick how can they possibly become more faggot than this .

>he's not nutting inside her knowing the borns won't impgregnate

Find some data to counter what I posted here:

Your opinion does not mean shit if you cannot back it up.

Weed is the obvious answer but to add context it was not illegal before prohibition (which corrupt Republicans profited heavily from if you've ever looked into it or at least saw Boardwalk Empire)

It will go away when it becomes legal and people stop making a fuss about it.

>The left's only insult

Boardwalk empire is not a history lesson dumbass

based smart rednecks not trusting the fed


I'm sorry are you saying they didn't profit off of prohibition? What is sin tax for why do you think it exists?

weed makes you question if or not the rat race to no where until you die is really the way you want to live.

obviously it needs to be illegal

The test just showed what we all know smoke does to vains. You can eat weed and not risk fucking your lungs and blood vessels

I live in the south and most the potheads I know are right wing. My roommate gets high and goes on about John Podesta being a pedophile.

Weed affects a person's political views as much booze would; that is to say, not at all.
The retarded potheads who only vote left because muh democrats want to legalize weed are just the stupid vote-cattle the left would've gotten anyways.

>drugs are related to political ideology
No, sage

you're too stupid to have an opinion

same here

I smoke weed and i couldn't hate anything MORE than greedy fucking commies. The weed just relaxes me and puts me to sleep after work. Once or twice a year i'll play around with lsd or psilocybin. I don't do that more than a few times a year at low doses because that shit actually can fuck you up at high doses over time, and like with all drugs everybody's tolerance is different. Am i really worse than these people for my habits in my private home life?

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The way it seems to me is that leftists are attracted to weed and then they reach a crossroad, if they are the people to really think deep while high typically they will turn right wing but if they just smoke it with friends and at parties they will probably stay left wing. I started smoking cause I was an Uber leftie through highschool, became right wing and began going on Jow Forums, and have since quit it entirely cause I realize how fucking retarded it is.

I didn’t vote republican until I started smoking pot

The Republicans might turn around and use muh wall and muh borders as a talking point against decriminalization but if they want to win they'll make it accessible legally, that's all there is to it. People are a lot more woke than in the 20s when they could just put some scary pictures of brown people trying to rape your daughters out there for retarded first wave feminists so they vote red.

>Weed affects a person's political views as much booze would

that statement is patently false on it's face.

how many times have you ever heard of someone smoking weed and doing violence as an effect?

how many times have you ever heard of someone drinking and doing violence as an effect?

modern politics have emotional roots, and both weed and alcohol have self-specific emotional impacts

i thought you europeans were supposed to be smarter than us?

I used to smoke a lot and I have been a fanatic national socialist since I was 14. So I think it just brings out whatever your latent beliefs already are. At this point in my life, I am taking a break, probably going to last years at the minimum, just not what I need right now. If people want to light up I don't really care. Leftists will be leftists with or without weed.

Don't know how it's in the US but here weed is a way to cope. It's better than pharmaceutical thrash in a lot of cases anyway. I personally know a war veteran who'd go insane without weed, he says that himself.

found the branson

>modern politics have emotional roots
if you're a woman, maybe

its vegeterianism

I smoke weed everyday and I am an ethno-nationalist. A redpill is best served while high.

no most people white who smoke it here are not liberal, just dems like making money and dont care about morals, so they legalize no problem

weed made me rightwing and conservative too. but i see why kikes wanna legalize it. weed makes you passive and it freezes your memory. they can manipulate a high society really easy, they can purge history without anyone noticing it. the good thing with weed is once you stop doing it for a few weeks you come back even stronger. stronger in spirit and in will. you can see clearly who was manipulating you in retrospective and you change to the better. weed is okay but don't smoke it too much for a too long period. then it fucks up your ego because your memories and experiences get mashed up and you just froze in your growth. you won't learn anything if you overdo. but for small periods once a while i think it's great to become better. you can sort stuff out you learned and relearn wrong paths you have chosen.

nice milquestoast response, toothpaste. how's that 1.0 GPA working out for you?

I smoked weed since I was 16 and always was right-wing/conservative I just never took to drinking and growing up in South Florida it was just what we did. I detest pot heads thou, I keep my usaged to myself. And it should probably stay illegal.

That's understandable. god bless him

lol, said the retard who thinks emotionally, like a vagina. great comeback, you dumb faggot.

My dad smoked weed for 40 years and had 4 kids so did my aunt and uncle and grandpa and grandma so proofs??

>And it should probably stay illegal.
Keep booze though so we get our superbowl commercials at least.

you're not very original either, are you?

We had a Presidential Poll at my weed grow forum during the election.

>73% Trump
>19% hillary
>8% Allepo
over 5000 voted

why should i try to be original? you're just some pseudo-intellectual on Jow Forums

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obviously the leftist

and if you can't see that all the 24/7 reichwing fearmongering isn't for the purpose of emotionally charging it's base, then you're even more retarded than i first thought

I took acid 4 or 5 times that year but I'll never do it again. The first time was so intense and scary mainly due to the settings I was in. I don't take drugs of any kind other than weed though ever since I tripped and I can't for the life of me tolerate electronic or pop music ever since.

I'm trying to quit the marajewana. I wanna have more REM sleep and remember my dreams. I quit weed for a few days and had this wonderful dream where I went on a vacation to Mars and climbed Olympus Mons. Then when I came back my old Christian Uncle met me outside the space ship and started griping at me about not having a basic moral foundation to all my success and everything seemed to fall apart around me there in our argument. It was very strange but I know my subconscious was telling me something very important then. Picked up the Bible and started reading it.

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>Weed made me realize how bad things really are.


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stay jelly, stupid boy

No because conservative pot heads aren't as bad.

THC is a bronchiodilator, you literal retard.

>hen you start to look around your room and think of how all the objects had to go from their original state of wood, oil, rocks, etc to the finished items and the amount of people and energy it took to create them, including the tech advancements allowing for them... basically looking at our existence in a wider angle time-wise. Then seeing the weakness of most people (including myself) due to all these creature comforts and how many of these people who don't have the challenges of the past to fight against and don't give a shit about their ancestors who did, are fighting to censor speech that hurts their feelings and turn this world into some perfectly equal utopia without thinking of the repercussions of attempting this.
>Its ironically "sobering" and made me want to read more books and work on self improvement, though the downsides is that any of these insights that come from weed or psychedelics aren't earned through one's own work and if this entire existence is made for our advancement, using substances like this becomes a crutch... as if someone else is giving you information without you rising to the level of receiving it without this help.
>CBD is still something I use regularly.. the topical cream is amazing for joint pain and post workout recovery, though I've substituted Cannabis for lots of meditation since I know where the bar of such insight was set and want to reach it myself now.

you did too much.

Anecdotes don't mean shit, find some scientific data, learn to argue with adults.

[citation needed]

I don't think I'll ever do any hallucinogenics, just too chicken shit for that. And especially now because I fucking love electronic music.

>he thinks pot is exclusive to one political position now
Are you from the 60s?

I have posted 8 different sources citing multiple scientific studies. The drug-addled opposition has posted shit.