I'm a white guy who wants to revert to Islam. What should I know in advance? Am I retarded...

I'm a white guy who wants to revert to Islam. What should I know in advance? Am I retarded? I need some spiritual guidance in my life and Christianity seems mostly corrupt and immoral.

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It's all pretty corrupt and immoral. If you need to be a follower, just develop a daddy complex and let someone spank your ass like a bitch.

Religious guidance isn’t really spiritual guidance. Religions are all some degree of corrupt. My advice, don’t pick a religion, learn from all of them.

Spoiler: Islam is also mostly corrupt and immoral.

Find spiritual guidance in the Quran if you want, but if you're hoping Islamic institutions will be "purer" than Christian ones, you're gonna have a bad time.

If you're referring to the sex scandals in the Catholic Church, be prepared for more of the same in Islam. Fact is that mankind itself is twisted and wicked, not any religion in particular.

so if you're reverting, that means you've been islamic before. You're the expert on what it's like, why ask us?

Op probably meant converting.

Islam is the most corrupt of the three Abrahamic money worship cults.

>god trolls abraham into almost killing his own son
>everyone in the world thinks this is an awesome and profoundly deep story for 2000 years

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Religion isn’t gonna help you be less corrupt or immoral, especially when your reason for converting is that you want to find some doctrine that will tell God wants you to do the things you already want to do.

Muslims claim that everyone is born Muslim, but they lose faith, so they refer to first-time converting to Islam as being "reverting".

Retard religion.

Not OP, and not a Muslim, but reverting is actually an Islamic term for it in a formal sense.

It has to do with the idea that Islam conceives of itself as mankind's natural religion, the prophets having been sent not so much as to introduce new ideas but to correct a corrupted world that strayed from its spiritual roots. So when you convert to Islam, you are "reverting" to the oldest, truest religion.

>bushmen and pygmies are born Muslim, the most *recent* extension of Judaism

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>I'm a white guy who wants to revert to Islam

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I didnt say I'm Muslim, just that that is what Muslims believe.

>Converting to Islam because you think Christianity is too immoral

Muhammad is among one of the least moral people that has ever walked the Earth.

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I know, just pointing out how unbelievably retarded logic they use to come to that conclusion.
>people who have never seen their own reflection are Muslim, they just don't know it yet

Well I'm a Muslim guy too OP, the thing is that the Quran and the Hadith left by the Prophet (PBUH) is complete and perfect but the main problem is that Muslim people are difficult to deal with. We normally either delve too much into extremism or we just have complete abandon for our teachings. Look at Saudi Arabia, the central hub for all Muslims, the whole countries completely broken. The punishment for stealing is getting your heads chopped even though its written in the Quran that its better to forgive than to take revenge but of course our religion's reduced to a business which is just heartbreaking. Also user Islam says that simply being a Muslim isn't enough and that you have to be good to other and TOLERANT of their beliefs, again rules we don't follow. Islam also says that being a good person is enough to get you into heaven, you don't need to be a Muslim to do it. And that's my advice to you OP, read the Book and the teachings left by The Prophet (PBUH) and try to emulate the good things done to the best of your abilities

>am i retarded?
yes u are

mohammed the pedophile prophet who stabs peoples eyes out is a better rolemodel than jesus?

keep dreaming.

>>ps: god is not found in one religion, there's bits and pieces of truth in all religions and philosophies... but there are assholes everywhere trying to claim to. hold a monopoly on truth just so they can satisfy their selfish and pathetic egos.

Read the Quran, take what you will from it. Find your local mosque and ask for guidance.

This is actually really good bait. Like, some of the best I've seen in a while.

Yes. Read the Quran and learn how twisted everything really is. How familys are supposed to operate, how women should be raised, how animals should be get their necks cut and left to bleed before we take their meat, how sons must be cut... There are so many things that are bad about islam. The worst thing I can say about it is that it isn't flexable. Things like eating with your left hand is haram. Heck, even arabic is not flexable because changing arabic would mean changing the Quran.

Arabic is compressed both vertically and horizontally, what I mean is two letters can stretch out for 5+ seconds, and it's style of reading requires looking a few letters ahead and then combining it with the letter you're on (after you stress it the right way). Of course anything you read against islam will be from "mistakes in translation" because islam is the religion of peace and because arabic is a stack of shit that continues to gain more ways to say the same shit. In short, arabic is hard to read and islam is a shit religion.

t. user born in a muslim family

>am I retarded
You will never be seen as a Muslim by actual Muslims and whites will see you as a traitor. There is NOTHING that sandnigger religion can offer you that others do not.
>Christianity seems mostly corrupt and immoral
newsflash anyone that deigns to speak for God or put his will into words is corrupt and immoral. If you need some age old book full of contradictions to tell you how to live your life then you're already pretty fucking stupid

It's not as you guys think it is. From what I know, this is for Abrahamic faiths and not godless cultures or polytheists.

This. Read the Quran and always question everything you see. The deeper I go, the more I see that anything that is against logic is not from the teachings of the prophet and Quran. Since Arabic is hard to learn and understand, start off with a translation in your native language and go from there. If something doesn't make sense, ask yourself why doesn't it? The key is to question, think, and then act.

don't base your life on religion

family friends good morals

its good to study religion once a week if anything.

believe in yourself

>and Christianity seems mostly corrupt and immoral.
Islam is about the most corrupt religion there is. There is lots of options other than Islam, consider very carefully.

For example, why not Hinduism? Or is it perhaps not popular enough to your liking because it's a very philosophical religion yes it has it's issues but it's much better than Islam.

>convert to Islam
>receive free 2/10 wife
>it's OK that she is a 2/10, because she has to cover her face at all times
Honestly not a bad deal if you're a hopeless incel

You have to get circumcised