I'm still kissless but not a virgin. I've had a fwb for 2 years now. Is this weird...

I'm still kissless but not a virgin. I've had a fwb for 2 years now. Is this weird? I really want to kiss him but I'm not sure.

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>I'm still kissless but not a virgin.
How does that even happen?

Fwb between two autists is an interesting combination, user.

In all seriousness though he finds it too intimate.

I’m gonna lay it straight out for you. If you are kissless but not a virgin, you are a 2 cent whore.

On the "bright" side, he's the first and only guy I've been with. Does this still make me a whore?

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How does somebody who’s never kissed before think going straight to thinking dick in the vagina is less intimate than kissing? You clearly need to give a lot more details of this situation because the only time kissing is less intimate than fucking is when somebody is paying for sex.

Yes. Do you think being a whore has to do with how many dicks entered your vagoo? No. Its your attitude, your life style.

Okay okay, tell me how exactly your first sexual experience go down? Details please. How do you let somebody have sex with you before you’ve ever even kissed somebody before?

Or a rape victim.

Yikes, who alerted the purity police?

OP, if you want to kiss you den, tell them, if they cut off your relationship, buy a good vibrator and find a guy who wants the same intimacy you do.