Gobekli Tepe is a Pre-Flood Society

And you literally can't prove otherwise.
>t-they backfilled it!
Yeah, they backfilled an entire fucking valley which includes numerous sites including farming areas. '''historians''' and atheists on suicide watch, gonna have to rewrite that human history canon you've been pressing for the past century.

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the giza plateau has some real goodies underneath thats all im a gonna say luigi

How does this BTFO historians and atheists though? Explain this to me like I'm a burger


when the ice age ended the sea level rose and that is what happened. no magic sky daddy and magic zoo boats.

It neither proves nor disproves a flood. That's about it really.

What's with the sudden interest in this stuff? There are threads about ancient civ's all the time now.

According to historians, humans were hunter gatherer Grugs at this stage, not yet building structures (let alone giant monoliths), and still a few thousand years away from farming. The discovery of this site has disproven both of those long standing theories. The sites themselves show an incredibly high degree of craftsmanship. This in turn heavily suggests that these people were highly advanced, as building is one thing, but mining the material, planning, transport, food, etc all come in to play. Before this site, Mesopotamia was thought to be the earliest civilization (at most 5000BC, and I'm being very generous), which is when humans started becoming organized and resembling what we have today. This site (which there are plenty more of in the area like it that have been scanned, but not unearthed) can be dated to as far back as 10,000BC. You literally can't make this shit up, as in, if you suggested before the discovery of Gobekli Tepe that there could exist a civilization that could farm and build monolithic structures as far back as 10KBC, you'd get fucking laughed out of the building and called a crazy person. And since its discovery, these same historians have been trying to rationalize why they were buried underground. Being the geniuses they are, they've concluded that they decided to abandon it, and buried a whole valleys worth of large structures and farmland. Don't ask them why yet though, they aren't entirely sure.

10KBC is not that big of a stretch to the accepted wisdom. If you could find good evidence of civilisation at 100KBC, then that would certainly lead to a history book rewrite.

Posting because I want to hear the reply

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There is a hilarious JRE where (((Michael Shermer))) editor of skeptic magazine, gets so brutally brain-raped he started claiming hunter-gatherers were practicing agriculture because he REFUSED to admit GT was made by anything other than hunter gatherers.

>hunter gatherers

The absolute state of kikes

the flood caused the iceage.
the water shot up into the upper atmosphere, froze and snowed the earth up.


>Being the geniuses they are, they've concluded that they decided to abandon it, and buried a whole valleys worth of large structures and farmland. Don't ask them why yet though, they aren't entirely sure.
This is because they still cling to the Marxist view of a strict historical timeline of "human progress" and can't accept that history is cyclical to a certain degree with civilizations ebbing and webbing in time. They fucking crucified Robert Schoch for suggesting the Sphinx is older than conventional wisdom and that the Pyramids were built on much older sites until recently. To them the claim that we somehow "lost" knowledge is absurd because we, the modern man, are the pinnacle of existence. Even though we can only see a fraction of what these civilizations left behind and we can't find their tools because no craftsmen worth a shit would abandon his tools at a job site.

yeah ive always had a hard time believing that the human race is over 200 thousand years old but just invented the wheel a few thousand years ago.

i wouldnt even be all that surprised if we found ruins of ancient human civilizations on mars

same with pumapunku
>bring giant stones weighing more than 100 tones up 2000 meters just cause they could...

>in 3...2...1 a turkish rape baby will claim Greece was the birthplace of civilization

a lot can get buried over a hundred thousand years, and whats left could be covered up, destroyed, or explained away with seemingly rational alternative theories. its not entirely implausible that we are not the most technologically advanced humans to have ever existed.

though it seems to me if we are looking for a technologically superior ancestor we would have to go back pretty far and perhaps those ancestors didnt build giant steel skyscrapers and instead went for more primitive stone construction due to constuction techniques lost to time that made stone construction easier. and maybe a smaller population and a tendency to spread out instead of centralizing in mega cities. a smaller population and unexpectedly primtiive seeming constructions would make and advanced technological ancestor easier to lose most traces of over time.

The Sphinx on its own isn't proof of a >100KBC civilisation. There are theories that it is 800KBC years old but the theories aren't solid enough.

the sphinx is the most enigmatic of all structures on earth....believed to be tens of thousands of years old (due to erosion)....contained a library of ancient knowledge...

A Ukranian team even claims it could be a million years old

or maybe they decided to reset civilization for cultural or religious or philosophical reasons related to refreshing a tired earth. so they covered up their own traces, which may have taken thousands of years and massive engineering. and then they fled off planet. we might do the same ourselves one day and if we do maybe we will go out into space and find human civilizations already out there.

its a bit of a stretch, but i dont think its impossible

Science is a Synagoguian circle-jerk

based Roo Puncher

One must consider that it once (10k-20k years ago) was looking to the leo constellation.
Pretty much brings solid evidence to the fact that these people knew about the solar system.

>contained a library of ancient knowledge
always wondered how legit this theory is

Attached: sphinx-interior.jpg (481x1906, 180K)

It is thanks to Brit and French archaeologists and Egyptology that we have been lied to about early civilizations.

There is a doorway.
The egyptian government stopped all work on the sphinx...supposedly there are many chambers beneath.

an ancient library might not be the stone tablets you're expecting

a millennium disc can be bought at bestbuy
it is like a dvd that is capable of storing data for 10,000 years

scientists have recently discovered how to store massive amounts of data on quartz crystals. the data from such a piece of quartz can last for around 14 million years. elon musk put one on his car that he shot into space so this is real tech.

maybe our technologically advanced ancestors never left, or maybe they came back at some point. and operate as a breakaway civilization that controls and directs us without us even knowing they are there. by now so many tens or hundreds of thousands years later they would potentially be so advanced as to seem like magic to us.

If anyone wants to corporate fund me a trip, I'll go recon the area. It's a tad more difficult to get Ahnenerbe funding these days.

Would be great but you can't even get into reach of the fucking thing. They really blocked it off.
Check out on youtube, you have ARMED goons protecting the area.

I am going back to pumapunku in March, I will take pics of the insane shit that is that place.
100 ton stones brought up and down more than 2000 meters above sea level.

we can't even do this shit today.
On my first trip I met an engineer from Germany...dude was tripping balls at the engineering feat to accomplish such a site.

Visited machu pichu in 2009....WTF is that place LOL..a fucking hellish trip to get there...

people crawl into the sphinx to get smashed all the time. brokem beer bottles and syringes litter the insides of the sphinx. any secrets there arent something youre going to be able to stumble into. you would have to bring some kind of equipment to find anything, likely expensive and acquiring the tools needed and then making that flight might attract the attention of people looking to keep this shit covered up

you can't even get close to the site these days.
The Egyptian government locked that site down

Gobekli Tepe is a Neanderthal city's religious center.
Pic related is a Neanderthal cave in France, untouched since the ice age until it was discovered in the 20th Century. Note the arrangement of the two fire pits inside an ellipse. This is the same layout as found at Gobekli's religious buildings.
For survival, the ellipse with two fires is ideal for warmth and defense. That architectural motif seems to have continued to Neanderthal civic and religious architecture.
The real question, then, is where did the Neanderthal go?

Attached: neanderthal cave construction.jpg (2180x846, 323K)

They grew hooked noses.

So, back to his question. What does this have to do with atheism?

>Neanderthal cave

How old is the cave?
I mean, when did the Neanderthal arrange the logs?

well considering that people were taking dumps in the sphinx and littering the ancient site with broken bottles and graffiti sprayed and carved into the walls.... yeah i would think they should restrict it off. i do hope they open it for tourism though. if they just kept an armed guard and charged admission and treated it like a museum it would be a great tourist attraction. maybe they dont want people there as tourists either.

historians are faggots and will pat each others back and confirm each other while actively falsifying/crooking the truth

don't flip your fedora friend
i believe the implication is that many atheists strictly adhere to the scientific dogma coming from establishment institutions

>He doesn't know the autistic German

Newfag, kys

>i believe the implication is that many atheists strictly adhere to the scientific dogma coming from establishment institutions
That's the issue, i'm not sure why anyone would believe that. It's not a claim made by atheism that you have to.

aren't they "restoring" it to waht they think it looked like when it was first built?
I seem to remember Rogan complaining about this

Those are burned stalagmites, not logs. The Bruniquel site is around 150-200,000 years old. It's truly ancient. That's why I'm suggesting a long cultural pattern that carried over into permanent architecture much earlier than is currently agreed upon.
The original inhabitants would have huddled together facing the fires with their backs against the wall. This cave was a literal Clan of the Cave Bear cave, their are bear bones nearby and the complex is miles of spelunking fun.
Semitic peoples, at least. I'd like to see the genetic workup for the Cohen line especially.

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Land shifts over time, especially that many thousands of years. There is nothing unusual about that. Gobleki tepi is probably a early beta test of civilization in that area which got wiped out. Maybe it's the fallout 76 of civilization attempts.

What we do know is that items an interesting site. What this has to do with atheists is beyond me though, you dont need archeology to disprove the bible.

Can someone explain to a brainlet why ruins are always buried underground? Is land constantly rising?


Wind and sand, my friend.

Also brainlet here, ground pressure would be my guess, shit eventually sinks overtime.

I have a pet theory that the jews were surviving bands of Neandrathal tribes. There was obviously a great big conflict between homo sapiens and Neandrathals. Oral memories of those conflicts that have passed on from generation to generation is the reason why every civilization has been suspicious of jews, and vice-versa.

Because the Neandrathals were defeated even though they were smarter (like jews), they stuck together. Which is why even modern day jews talk so much about the "tribe" and stick together.

I think historians underplay the importance of oral histories. There are things, beliefs and attitudes that predate written history that have survived in modern day humans

Whites are Neanderthals

its the hypocritical smug smile you get from an atheist who has fallen for the scientific dogma as hard as any religious dogma. the atheists who have clinged to scientism while calling it science. atheists who parrot propaganda in smug tones. the arrogance some might say of someone who thinks he knows something for sure that is beyond knowing. he confuses his beliefs for knowing and insists that it is fact. and then he goes and preaches that everywhere. wouldnt be surprised one day to see atheists knocking on doors like jehovas witnesses handing out pamphlets about gender spectrums or whatever the latest absurd establishment scientism is. atheists in general just piss people off because so many of them act like this.

Too late. Egyptian government refuse to seriously dig up and look into the Sphinx as any revelatory discovery pushing back its age means the Arabs that currently live in Egypt as “Egyptians” won’t be able to claim they built it.

It’s currently being held hostage by buck toothed and butthurt Arab nationalists who keep playing “we WAZ kangz” with the Sphinx and any possibly librbary of antiquity.
Let this be a lesson to anyone who thinks multiculturalism is anything other than a Frankenstein’s monster of butthurt competing tribes waiting to ursup and erase the role of civilisation builders.

>its the hypocritical smug smile you get from an atheist who has fallen for the scientific dogma as hard as any religious dogma
Who are these atheists, and what are they believing that isn't true?
>he confuses his beliefs for knowing and insists that it is fact
>wouldnt be surprised one day to see atheists knocking on doors like jehovas witnesses handing out pamphlets about gender spectrums or whatever the latest absurd establishment scientism is
I don't know what that would have to do with atheism, but ok.
>atheists in general just piss people off because so many of them act like this
This is what i'm getting at. It's this silly strawman people put up about the opposing side that they're offended by. How many atheist have you honestly come across that have gone out of their way to check all of these boxes you've posed in this reply? I could check every single one consistently with Christians alone, not to mention a few other religious groups. But why would i reduce an entire group of people based on my severely small anecdotal sample size, and not come to some ridiculous conclusion of "theists in general just piss people off because so many of them act like this"

I'm pretty sure any culture "technologically superior" to us would be required to work with metals, and then silicon. That's the bench mark.
You can't simply meme everything out of stone. different materials actually have different properties.

ive been to egypt and have studied it for years. i can accompany you. finding that stuff would be a dream come true. can you read heiroglyphics?
its a tourist hotspot and obviously youd need to get permission to do archaeological work the legal way.

theres a bunch of ramps and walkways built around it for the tourists

shit changed quick (access) when the erosion at the base of the paws proved it was way older than the claims.

Imagine that this structure is located at the "greenwich" point of the planet...perfect "center" at if it as old as they claim, it would have gazed upon the leo constellation...so the site is way older than claimed.

Well, if stuff grow there, leaves, twigs, etc. will turn to dirt and the land will rise. If you want to find something from the stoneage in Sweden, you have to remove about half a meter of dirt to get to "their" level.

grass and weeds grow on it, die and turn into dirt. this repeats enough and the place is buried

my uncle went there last year....they have armed dudes around.

These people were brought in after a dude made a compelling argument that the erosion at the feet means it is about 10k to 14k years old.

bulit by ancient balkanoids

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sure, but access has become more restricted for a few years now. Even machu pichu will not be accessible in a few years. The peruvian government is slowly shutting the site down to tourists.

>they backfilled an entire fucking valley
I'm not disregarding everything else but just for reference, the city of Rome is actually several layers of city deep. They would fill the city and build a new one on top.

i knew an atheist who was exactly like his description. turns out he was a fag who liked to shit on christians because they told him liking shit on your dick is bad. and lets face it, the claim that there is no god is just as sceintifically unprovable as the claim that there is one.

its also how fucking rapid atheists are about defending themselves with long autistic posts

look people just dont like you, get over it. im talking generalities about what people expect from mainstream atheists. so what if none of that applies to you, woop do doo.

meanwhile how many atheists just never shut the fuck up about atheism (like you) when nobody gives a fuck. and constantly shit on religious people. a lot of them.

i meant rabid

they have to have them around to protect the tourists. its the middle east. its a war torn 3rd world shithole filled with muslim sandniggers. they had a coup 2 days after i left.

That's one of the best JRE episodes.

nobody goes to egypt anymore because they believe it is dangerous(it is). their economy is in serious trouble due to the lack of tourism, they are desperate for tourists. i went on a nile cruise and one of the massive ships only had a single passenger onboard when it could hold thousands.

As I have followed the "Bosnian Pyramids" for many years... why has nothing come of the "excavations". I have also asked many Serbs if they are real and the overwhelming many say "no". So what's up with them?

But the world is only 6000 yrs old
Checkmate heretic

Unfortunately mate, they will just ignore it like they do everything else that goes against their narrative.

oh sure, but on the small scale. for factory equipment for sure youd need steel (or some kind of carbon material we dont yet know how to mass produce) and sillicone for the earlier computers at least, i dont see how its possible to jump straight into graphene computers or whatever. but im saying that kind of stuff was buried or covered up because it was small. while the big monumental buildings and cities and towns that are harder to cover up completely might have been made of stone. perhaps they had a way of moving stone around with little effort and construction techniques and low population densities that made it practical to just never stop building in stone for the most part. im not saying that happened, just suggesting its possible, thanks for your reply.

>Q-tard boomers start posting on Jow Forums
>Creationists start posting on Jow Forums

sure...but it does not explain the complete stop of work on the pyramids and the sphinx...they won't even let archaeologists scan around the sphinx or send robots to explore the newly found chambers in the pyramids.
Even machu pichu is being restricted

and whats the truth gonna do ? Nothing, people would still rather live as slaves then wanting knowledge to free themselves. Every civilization needs a collapse, our time is coming soon.

Explain this narrative you speak of. I'm as puzzled as some of the other anons about this narrative pushed by historians and atheists that this find allegedly goes against.

sure..but archaeological digs are always accompanied by the military. Yet they have stopped giving permits.

The general consensus is that civilisation is young and humanity only advances forward and there is no "lost knowledge"
The GT ruins shatter that conception because it predates the alleged 5k years of civilization

How is OP a creationist you retarded newfag?

hi child

>no u

Attached: fat faggot.jpg (400x400, 24K)

all of these historical sites that are dug up
are saturns past meals. "where did they
do they were so advanced" *burp* NEXT.

we are on the level of bacteria, saturn eats
bacteria making it an amoebae. why do you
think God made leonardo paint the last
super? think morons, think.

Attached: feed me.jpg (495x921, 444K)

supper* such a dumbfuck

Looks more like the Tell of an old city or fortress than a temple or burial pyramid. It'd be more interesting, since it would mean people occupied, rebuilt and reinforced that area for a long time.

What if it's da jooz?

>everything came from nothing

Jow Forums always has and will always be a YEC board

Why would humans build an advanced civilizations to only put down their tools for the next several millennia?

It was a colony discovered, destroyed and buried by npcs.
Likely rotted out from the insides by women then overrun by countless shitskins.
History is a repeating cycle.

>magic nigger in the sky was always there

more likely jews are just socially engineered puppets like the rest of us. put into positions of power to take the blame while the real puppetmasters remain behind the curtains.

>retard thinks God lives in the sky

Historians never said an ice dam collapse causing catastrophic flooding at the end of the last ice age might have caused massive damage to certain Mesopotamian civilizations and changed the topography a bit. There's a lot of cultures in that region that have flood myths from antiquity. The Hebrews borrowing the Gilgamesh story and rebranding it as Jewish Adventures is old news. Everyone and their mom knows the "Flood" in the Old Testament did not involve Jews at all. That doesn't mean some kind of flood didn't happen at some point, however, leaving a deep cultural impact on the entire region.

How powerful are ice dam collapses, you might ask? Powerful enough to create the Grand Canyon... Because that's how the Grand Canyon was created.

>i knew an atheist who was exactly like his description
>an atheist
This is my point.
>and lets face it, the claim that there is no god is just as sceintifically unprovable as the claim that there is one.
Correct. I'm not sure why you think this means anything, though. Atheists don't say god doesn't exist, and there are a billion other claims we cant prove or disprove.

>retard thinks eternal sky pimp got bored one day and decided to make nigger earth in his own image for shits and giggles

>Atheists don't say god doesn't exist
those are called agnostics

congrats, youre not a real atheist. maybe now you can stop being so butthurt about this. see, we are not talking about you, we are not talking about agnostics, we are talking about atheists.

>retard assumes his own retarded ideas to be the ideas of people he is unable to win an argument against

>its also how fucking rapid atheists are about defending themselves with long autistic posts
Why would the length of the post matter? It sounds like you just don't like what they're saying.
>look people just dont like you, get over it
I'm not worried if people do. I'm simply explaining why this small amount of atheists you've come across equates to how atheists are.
>meanwhile how many atheists just never shut the fuck up about atheism (like you)
It was brought up in the discussion, i asked why it was relevant, and instead of giving me an answer it turned into this. So you posing it like i came in here and started arguing about atheism is silly.
>when nobody gives a fuck. and constantly shit on religious people. a lot of them.
theists do this all the time, you dont see me getting upset that they do. We're on a discussion board; if you dont like it, then ignore it and move on?

what do you want, a peer review study proving a significant percentage of atheists irritatingly push their beliefs on others in a sumg and condescending way that generally irritates people?

sorry, we dont have that study. we just have our personal experience of atheists never shutting the fuck up about atheism

>if man came from monkeys why are there still monkeys

Christcuck logic
Prepare the eternal bull to cuck your earthly existance