ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself.

>Why am I the only one who makes these threads?
Quit your bitching, no one's holding a gun to your head and making you do it.

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LADIES: Why won't you admit that it's easier for you to get a date than it is for guys?

I'm not talking about hideously ugly girls, mind you. Those girls deserve nothing but my empathy for being dealt a shitty card in life.

How do I keep the text conversation going with this guy I like? What are some things to text him?

We get on great in person and can talk nonstop but over the phone is a struggle.

Do you admit that women can have it more difficult in other parts of life?

Admitting it is irrelevant and for not being absolutely true might not even apply to some women.

Why would you think the ever present potential of being assaulted, stalked, or worse makes dating easy for women?

>longer maternity leave
>wins fucking everything in every divorce
Such a disadvantaged life.

>girl has been hanging out with me as a friend
>she has a boyfriend but has never mentioned him
>I only know because social media
>she tells me some very personal things about herself

you think she is potentially looking for someone to jump ship with because she's not being emotionally validated by her boyfriend?

In a modern first world country? Nah, not anymore.

>our archaic laws suck therefore women are shitlords
Everyone should get leave for their children and if you've got a better solution for divorce other than "shut up and hate each other forever" I'd like to hear it, everyone gets fucked in a divorce.

So you know if they’re still together or are you just assuming due to her Facebook? It’s easy for people to assume because they see photos of them together on Facebook but unless she’s actively posting updates about them together, I’d just ask her upfront.

If she does, it’s possible that things aren’t so great with him and she’s testing the waters to see if you’re overall a better guy. Or maybe she just enjoys platonically spending time with you.

>men can’t be assaulted
>men are even less likely to be assaulted than women

El oh el

The girl I've been trying to date recently told me that I'm too loud, never heard this from anyone before but is this a common complaint?

That's not a response. You literally just agreed with him and then said, "Oh, but there's no way to fix it/I would fix it if I had the power to."

Periods. That's about it.

How do I start a conversation with a girl?

Why do men expect sympathy from women when they're unwilling to return the favour?

I saw them together, the other day in person and she didn't even introduce him to me, just said hi to me and passed on by
and I saw the two of them hanging out on her snapchat

I don't know if I want to date her.. like, shes very pretty and I like her but from what she tells me there's a lot of baggage too
seems messy

>asked a question
>got triggered by the answers

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If men didn’t have sympathy for women, women’s rights movements wouldn’t have been successful.

That would be a valid comment if I was actually triggered

Sure, because women's rights can be traced back to the guys who are upset that women aren't sympathetic to them ITT.

If men had sympathy for women, women would have had equal rights from the beginning.

Where’s the beginning specifically? If you want to use that argument let’s go ALL the way back.

Humans are creatures of evolution. Equal rights was quite literally impossible to achieve for most of our existence.

dear women who play hard-to-get:

>Where’s the beginning specifically?
When rule of law became a concept

What year was that?

Is it reasonable to ask a girlfriend to jerk me off?
We haven't done anything sexual really yet, we have made out and I played with her tits for awhile last week.
I'm horny and need some satisfaction and her coming over to my place again is not an option this weekend unfortunately.

I don’t see why not.

Would it be better to be coy about it and just say I've been horny or just straight ask for it?

Because we are taught that it is how we know a guy is into us.

I think it is easier for girls to get sex. Just as hard to get anything meaningful (reasonably so).

I honestly don't even find it that easy to find a date, I don't get asked out almost at all in my daily life.

Either one seems fine. A handjob is hardly seems like much of an escalation from titty play which you’ve already done.

Yeah. She even told me I could pull it out on the same night but I froze or some shit. Fuggin mistake.

Thanks tho.


Why do you ruin good things? It seems women in my life have an Eve syndrome of violating the one thing I tell them not to, whatever that is depending on context. All the way down to female coworkers and all the way up to girlfriends. If I tell a girl to not be manipulative her gut reflex seems to be "I NEED TO MANIPULATE" if I tell a girl I just want to be friends she sends me half nude pictures, If I tell a girl to be respectful of a few basic things she disrespects them till she is blue in the face


they act like victims , they cry as though you have taken something they wanted away from them when you dont associate with them anymore; They fuck themselves then want to blame you,

is this just me or do you women see this behavior acted out by many women ?

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I think you're missing the idea that you can manipulate them by the fact that they do what you say not to do.

like reverse psychology ?

true but i dont want to trick a girl into being in love with me , how can I love a robot?

if I see a guy slightly glance toward my hips or chest, is it safe to assume he was probably checking me out?

guys check out most women if given the chance , what was the context

Not really. We do a sort of check of those parts on most women, even unattractive ones. It's just nature.

Nope. Even getting a date is easy. Many guys on dating apps and such are looking for a girlfriend, not just sex. Girls are picky with those guys too.
>I don't get asked out
There you go. You just admitted it's easier. You don't even have to do the asking.

Bumped into a guy before work and we were idly chatting. Said bye and as I was walking away he like glanced at a weird angle, which I am pretty sure was towards my ass, but idk. My automatic thought was maybe he was checking me out (which I am not opposed to), but I could also just be reading more into things.

Yes but you should know I check out most women I see. It's literally as natural as when you glance at a sign and read it before you can even think about it. So don't take it personally.

I getcha , ye probably was
is correct

Yeah, it's like how when you're driving you glance quickly at your speed, surroundings, other cars etc. It's just what you do. It's this feeling where we need to check.

Who ever teaches you that shit?

kek this, if a girl plays hard to get i stop giving a fuck real fast

Boomer parents.

Exactly man. Nothing is a surer sign that a girl isn't worth my time than her playing games.

They're essentially the "if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" girls. You don't want anything to do with them dude.


also in the mid to long term of the courting process if she seems hot and cold, holding you close one sec then at a distance another, it is very likely she is eyeing/with someone else as well

why are guys such cowards sometimes?


i walked away during and argument and he didnt come after me

If this is about a boy being too shy to make a move or something fuck off. You're a bigger coward than he is and you have better odds.

I know this is fake but it's the first thing that crossed my mind too.

>I sent obvious "go away" signals and he chose to respect them.

this is why people say guys exoect sympathy from women but never give it to them. they never listen or try to understand. they just assume.

why would anyone want to pursue someone who is being argumentative ?

guys have to make the first move though? thats the rules

like you like someone and they like you and even initiate and you flake. you have all the encouragement you need but you can't admit your mistake or apologize or even talk about it. you can't even face them but you write online how much you kiss them everyday.

>a guy will offer himself up to me in hope of currying my favor and I will reject him or deem him worthy of my attention

if you expect a knight you had better be a lady

Your point?

are you a girl referring to a male or a male referring to himself ?

So was right and you are a retard.

>we both like each other but i didnt want to ask him out so its his fault

Grow some ovaries and ask him out. It's 2018.

>it's another "he didnt ask me out" episode

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hi op here. why the hell are so many people replying shitposts as me? wtf guys. ignore that.

It's complicated. My ex and I have a long history. We aren't fighting and it's nothing like that.

But let's just say he is in the position where he can reach out if he wants to and thinks it will affect my health if he does. Because for a while we were both mentally unstable due to some life shit that happened to us. And he writes this online where I can see it asking me to contact him and that he misses me. It feels like I have to make the effort for something he wants to happen. We already had a similar story in the past where he was too afraid to reach out to me after a breakup and didn't contact for a while, so to me this is a chance for him to not make the same mistake so I encourage him. But he won't reach out.

I don't know if I am supposed to because I cant read his mind you know, all I can read are the ramblings he posts. I've confronted him before and he denies writing it, so I wonder what use is my contacting him first when its obviously something in his own mind he needs to work out.

It's making me worried that he's unwell and I don't know what to do. But maybe this is the worst place to ask for advice.

women expect to be asked out even though they reject the vast majority of men who do

maybe if the crashrate wasnt 80%+ more people would fly?

no no

It sounds like you two are semi-co-dependent and you need to ixnay all contact.

Went out with ex gf yesterday (big mistake, I know). Last times we did it ended up with sex and spending the night/morning together like a couple before she'd get mad at me for trying to get her back.
Please tell me if I'm wrong for thinking the following things were inappropriate given that background:

>say hi and walk next to her as greeting
>she turns in and initiates a ever so slightly too long four second hug

>talking about workout progress I look at her flexing
>she asks me to touch

>tell her to change topics while she's listing all the body parts she wants tattoos on because otherwise I'd imagine running my hands down her naked body
>she shrugs and continues

Her words were "I really just want to be friends" but her body language was pretty clearly "interested"

This isn't even a question but I'll answer anyway.
You're both idiots. I hope that helps.

Same thing here. I'm a guy and I loathe texting. In person we get along great.

why do so many girls put x at the end of their message. What does it mean?

But it was a question, "was [x] inappropriate or am I wrong?"
But I can see your point that going out for drinks with someone you should be getting over is pretty dumb.

This girl I’ve been hanging out with recently is on the chubbier/bbw side of things, a bit more than I’m used to. She is a shy girl but as we’ve been getting to know each other I’ve enjoyed her company. Should I be concerned about her being fat and what that means? I know my friends will give me shit for it, but at this point I don’t really give a fuck

Is it possible for you to lose interest in a guy because he doesn't have any sex appeal when he talks to you (ie. he's not being very flirty)?
Conversely, is it possible for you to gain interest in a guy that speaks to you just like he would any other person?

I've been socializing a LOT more, I'm actually talking to a lot more women than usual. I make them laugh. I ask them out for coffee. They say yes. But they never actually respond to the sms date confirmation (I usually wait a day before sending that text). I think that they're not actually interested (and just give me their number to be polite), and I think that they're not actually interested because I'm not actually flirting with them -- I'm just talking with them and making them laugh, just like I would any other person. Is this a turn off? How do you want a guy to flirt with you?

I think I finally realized the difference between flirting and just meeting someone/making friends, but I'd like the above questions answered.

The difference between flirting and just being friendly is all in the intent and perception. You _intended_ your funny remarks or whatever as flirting, and so they are. She thought you were just making a joke, and so for her it wasn't flirting.

Otherwise flirty behaviours are really rather similar to friendly behaviours.

I think so. Maybe. We got along really well so I guess it's hard to give up your best friend.

Ixnay.. took me a minute to get it.

There is no definite answer. Sometime it does sometimes it doesn't. For me either the guy is initially attractive to me or he isn't and it doesn't change.

I don't use dating apps. I'm not super picky, I went out on dates with maybe 75% of the guys who asked me out when I was single.

>You don't even have to do the asking.
I ask guys I like out if I like them and they don't ask me out, I don't know what you're talking about.

>I went out on dates with maybe 75% of the guys who asked me out when I was single
You're better than most girls, then. I hope you find your happiness in life, femanon.

> I smile and say that means a lot to me
Stop saying that. Be cheeky, and say something like "I know" instead, or crack a joke about it.
As for the rest of your post, you're insecure, and that makes you a lot more unattractive than being "short, fat, and broke".
Get fit. Find your spine and grow it.

You make it sound like girls are obligated to go out with all guys who ask them out, and they're horrible people if they reject guys.

I agree, times have changed and the hard to get rule got old and gets abused too much.

Not even close. Girls can do whatever they want. It's the fact that they can't admit how easy they have it that bothers me.

>if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best
I really hope most women dont think this way.
I mean this is the kind of spoiled rotten thinking that created red pillers.

Sounds lile you are the coward not standing your ground.

>men complain when you play hard to get
>men complain when you're easy

Men give sympathy to women all the fucking time. What do you think white knighting is?

Men never complain when you are easy the fuck are you smoking

I havn't talked to a female except family members outside of a formal setting in years

A few days ago some girl talked to me and I dropped the spaghetti

How do I find confidence talking to females when there's none to talk to


Why the fuck do women do this?

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Go on Tinder or go to a club, it's a real mindset. It's only common among thots though.

A lot of meme phrases like thot are actually really to my surprise and disappointment. I have some thot on snapchat that only sends snaps of her at the club or of her driving and dancing to Tupac songs.

Oh that's why all guys are super happy dating girls who had dozen of past partners and thrilled when a girl tells them she has been gangbanged.

Why do guys like cumming on chick's faces and tits? Why are they into anal when the feeling is literally identical to vaginas? Why do they give a shit about swallowing? I mean, once it leaves your dick who gives a shit what happens to it? Lets not pretend like women are the only one with inexplicable sexual quirks, k?

Fucking individuals over a period of time is pretty different to a lot of guys all at once in a gangbang. But I guess in your mind everything is black and white.

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I like it when a girl is "easy" by asking me out with no bullshit like playing hard to get.
I don't like it when she's "easy" by wanting to put out on the first date.

Not sure why you think there's any contradiction.


No we dont fucking care, thats just virgins being stupid virgins.
The only time being easy is a problem is when she is making an ass of her self.

I dont know I would never do it.

Never did such a thing and thats mostly in porn.