Starting third year of community college

>starting third year of community college
>in second semester of chemistry degree
>mum's had enough and wants me done in 2 semesters or I'm out
>will get disowned and have all of my shit taken if I go for a trade or enlist
Is this a case worthy of suicide, Jow Forums? I don't really see any future for myself at this point.

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Practice some of your new chemistry concoctions on mummy.

get a job alongside uni and move out, kid. time to be a big boy.

Could you get a student loan?

Kill your self

Yes, but mum would throw a fit about that too.
I already have a job.


I don't know what your faggot mom's problem is.

How'd you score getting a job? I've been trying for months and no one will hire me. What do?

this is the girl degree. Are you going to be a nurse?

How can you be in the third year of a two-year degree?

who cares what your mom throws a fit about? she sounds like a child and you're an adult now

move out and never look back

Inflate your resume and exaggerate your skills as much as possible
>withdraw first semester
>take 2-3 classes from then on
because I'm not trusted
Fuck no. What's the man's degree?

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Chemistry isn’t a girl degree. Bio is. Chem is the German masterscience.




bump again


>mum's had enough
Try to get back on her good side? Help out around the house more, stop doing things that piss her off, cook her dinner, be nicer to her so she'll actually miss you when you're gone. She might not even be serious about kicking you out, no decent parent wants to see their kid barely making rent working a mcjob or on the streets. Maybe she just wants you to try harder at school.

Stop bumping

No its not worth suicide. You can look to friends, teachers, other family for couch surfing, or moving out to a temporary apartment. Youre a big boy, figure it out

If you're considering it, just do it. The last thing we need is more people.