Hasan "Abbi" Piker, Chief Financial Officer of the Young Turks

This is not a joke. What the fuck do we do about this guy? He bluebills and gaslights 10 thousand Twitch kids into supporting communism every night. He charms them with 15 percent body fat and perfect muscles and facial aesthetics, then he tells them that accelerationism is necessary for a communist utopia.

He often masks his intentions with jokes like this: clips.twitch.tv/PoliteOptimisticHorseradishBudBlast

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Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off cancerous leaf

>10k twitch kids
And nothing of value was lost.

look at these kikes...they're afraid....

>15% body fat
>perfect muscles and facial aesthetics
>what do we do goys!?

Weak effort, roach.

Nobody gives a shit about Brown Fabio. Stop spamming dipshit

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these threads are designed to be screen capped and posted on r/chapotraphouse so they can 'own' Jow Forums

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>sounds like hes whining 24/7
>curbs up in a ball when attacked
hes so cool tho
54:54 timestamp

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wtf how tall is nick

Controlled opposition or future controlled opp.
Another Materialist leftist who likes to wear gold rings,watches and necklaces. No different to Charlie Kirk who pushes Boomer conservative theorys.

>when you realise this handsome turk is 6'4
huh, it really do be like that sometimes

literally who

Literally who, this guy is worse than Destiny. Not a single mother fucker will ever take this muzzy commy metro faggot seriously....

If you shaved his hair off he'd look like a white Somali as he seems to have a fucked up looking head on him.

A faggot leaf appears, what a surprise.

>Chapofags don't realise the internet is trap gay not masc gay.

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>irrelevant person I’ve never heard of does something
These kikes can’t keep getting away with this!

Having a good physique makes your idiot drivel worth listening to? It’s only a point for these weirdos because it’s so rare that anyone who is a modern commie (or whatever FUCK YOU DAD ideology) to have enough self discipline to not look like absolute shit. They eat shit, they read shit, they dress like shit, they hate nature and beauty and anything good. Look at your average hormonally damaged antifa; they look like they live in filth and barely cling to life.

Anyway, the truth isn’t on this faggots side. Maybe the common morality of the day is, but reality definitely isn’t.

all the californians doing mushrooms and fucking rich hippie white girls in the forests and on the beaches get more nature and beauty than your dumbass, and you better believe they love Bernie Sanders

>Having a good physique makes your idiot drivel worth listening to?
it does

Lmao look how mad you are. What a fag

These promoters of communism see themselves as being the rich elite ruling class within that system, they never want to be what the masses would be under commie rule, powerless slaves.

Yeah, does he not realize how many fucking commies there are? And what percentage of those kids are even going to turn commie?

He's 6'4, ripped, good looking and successful. He would literally bitch slap 90% of you manlet momma boys living in their parents basement and you would just have to take it. He's a better man than you.

Get any of these leftist morons to debate me
I'll make'em look real dumb

or if you have anything you guys want to prove valid let me know you're welcome too.

I'm starting a Channel guys
Daily debates weekday live at noon
Anyone and everyone is welcome to try expressing themselves, but you better be prepared

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Doesn’t matter if he is a physical chad, attraction to communism shows a spiritual and moral weakness that cannot be cured with roids