Fuck the nazis, fascist, commies, racists, divide and conquer bullshit that is Jow Forums
Just do what is Right. Don't harm others, but surely defend yourself. Help others who need it. Show them the Light so they aren't living such a degenerate life. For fuck sakes, all this hate does nothing, people!
moral thinking is what led us to these horrible conclusions you monster
Angel Roberts
No. Claiming to follow moral principles, but doing the opposite is what lead us to this, heathen.
Caleb Nelson
Live for something, or live for nothing.
Choose your side,faggot. A man without purpose is not a man.
Parker King
Live for Truth. Know It and It will set you free. Live to help make a world without luciferian god-larpers so humanity can truly be free.
Hudson Thompson
Actually, it’s not hate. It’s a will to self preservation (of your culture and heritage) which are under constant threat by disagreeable cultures (Islam or degeneracy) and by mass immigration (which leads to the forcible destruction of heritage).
I’m not a “Nazi” but delirious radicals would call me that for believing what I believe about cultural preservation and heritage preservation.
Ryan Clark
Neat. Are people harmed in your idea of the process of cultural and heritage preservation?
Levi Young
Well said user!
You are not understanding what OP is saying. Moral actions are different than discussing of morality.
Robert Lopez
natural law is moral
Tyler Hughes
Not at all. The security of their preservation (culturally and otherwise) is just as important. Multi-culturalism hurts them as much as it hurts us.
Connor Ramirez
Are you an ancap shitposter?
Jackson King
The values and ideals claimed by Western society today are those of a slave morality, a love-thy-nigger ethic of Asiatic origin. It is a morality of envy, which exalts the botched and the degenerate and disparages the noble, the strong, and the beautiful. It is a morality which holds that everything which walks upright on two legs and talks is precious and ought to be preserved. It is a turn-the-other-cheek morality which denies a people the right of self-defense.
It is a morality which damns the Germans for attempting to rid themselves of a pernicious infestation which was stifling their national life; and it is a morality which will equally damn any attempt by White Americans to disinfect the cesspool of mongrelization which their own country is fast becoming.
The “revisionist,” the conservative, the right winger, the anti-Semite who cannot face the Holocaust squarely and judge it on the basis of a higher morality, according to which it is only the upward course of Life which is sacred, also cannot solve the other moral problems of the day; he cannot, for example, cope successfully with the challenges to a White future which are presented by non-White immigration and by a high non-White birth rate.
His attempts until now to cope have been inconsistent with the slave morality to which he pays lip service — and which exacts its toll for every transgression. For it is never healthy for a people to say one thing and do another: to preach the equality of races and the brotherhood of all members of genus Homo, on the one hand; and to refuse, on the other hand, to share everything we have — our land, our food, our women — with any Mexican or Haitian or Vietnamese who wants them. America’s half-hearted and ineffective immigration restrictions are a perfect reflection of this fundamental inconsistency.
Cameron Jenkins
>Just do what is Right. Don't harm others, but surely defend yourself. Help others who need it. >(((Show them the Light so they aren't living such a degenerate life. For fuck sakes, all this hate does nothing, people!)))
The expedient society, the society which must often act counter to its proclaimed fundamental values and ideals, because those values and ideals are inconsistent with the survival of the society, is sick. Either it must find a new set of values and ideals, consistent with survival and with progress, or it will perish. Ultimately, only the society with absolute conviction in the rightness of its actions can achieve the last and greatest goals on this earth.
Jack Lee
>Just do what is Right.
And what would that be?
Angel Reed
oh wow its all so simple! tens of thousands of years and it was all right under our nose, how could we have missed it!?!?!? thanks user i'll be sure to spread the word.
Tolerance of the immoral led us to this. If you want morality, you must be willing to harm the immoral. They are willing to harm you to get their way. If you always get invaded but never invade, no matter how good your defense, you will eventually lose ground. If you dont have income, no matter how frugal, you will always go broke. If you dont spread morality, no matter how moral you yourself are, your family will always become degenerate. You are fucking weak. You are a coward. You will be replaced by people willing to harm, whether that be Islam or NatSoc. It is that simple.
Jackson Martinez
you are right spread the word
"if you kill your enemy's, they will win" sanctum trudeaus