Why gun confiscation will succeed

So whats going to happen, everyone on social media who is pro gun will be blacklisted from services. They will either get to you or people close to you. "If you associate with him,your pro gun friend, you will be blacklisted and have your services cut off, unable to transfer money or buy or sell things, cant view netflix, youtube,spotify is account isnt working" etc

The ones who have families and decent lives, their wives will be screaming at them, to just give up their guns because the children need to fed. "Its not worth it honey, just give up your guns, so the children can go eat, why are you being so difficult" the wife will say
"Hey bruh i cant talk to you or have you on my friendslist because i might get my services cut off"

How will many of you can function in that world, give up your guns and rejoin a not so bad society with all its comforts or continue to resist and be blacklisted from an ever increasing amount of services.

The powers that be have finally figured it out. There is a reason the world is becoming more cashless. Control..total control.
For past couple of years weve seen people on the right get unpersoned off social media and just recently person getting banned from airbnb and mastercard coming down on patreon and paypal banning accounts, how soon before thats plane flights and car rentals.
This combined with conservative shear refusal to fight back and protest means big businesses feel unstoppable do whatever they want.

>in b4, AR derps
>its just a random picture of a gun

Attached: ARSide.jpg (1024x529, 74K)

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homeless are people too...

Attached: homeless_CCW.png (1201x867, 36K)

Gun confiscation within any reasonable period of time is logistically impossible you idiot. Do you even realize the sheer amount of weapons there are in the US?

This will never work. The government will have to step in and tell the peasants that it's no longer legal to do retarded shit like this.

Its impossible to round up and deport 11 million illegal aliens!!!

>Takes deep breath and purges last of 2 brain cells

We can round up 350million firearms overnight with no problem!!!

Liberal logic...


How Banks Could Control Gun Sales if Washington Won’t

you conservatives are so painfully naive it physically hurts

Attached: banksandguns.jpg (781x712, 105K)

not a liberal. who said anything about overnight.
point to me where in my post i said overnight.

>t. city nigger
What happens when farmers refuse to sell their produce in retaliation?
What happens when truck drivers stop delivering food to the city?
Look at whats happening in france right now. Look at the chaos wrought over gas prices and shitty government. These people haven't even had services taken from them yet.

Attached: Poorfags Guide to Guns.jpg (3900x5008, 3.79M)

Uh huh. Remember when being gay was an offense you couldn't be fired for? Or a woman? You can't do this because it's retarded and all it will do is force the government to step in and slap the little retards into place.

>why it will succeed
You made a poor attempt at articulating upon its success. Let me explain to you the reasons it will fail currently:
1)Not nearly enough manpower to confiscate from private residences
2)American civilians own about half the world's guns. US govt would need outside forces to assist.
There you go.