As we know, the west is fucked. At this point trying to salvage France or the UK is a waste of energy.
It is much more logical to invest our time into people/countries that actually stand a chance. Here is where pic related comes in. In order to fight the onslaught of degeneracy, central europe needs to reunite into a powerful force capable of withstanding pressure, and secure the existence and survival of the white race.
Jow Forums make this happen.
The Future of White Man
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So you expect us to the shitty parts of Europe...
Fucking leaf doing leaf shit
Austria and Czechia are pretty great, the other areas countries are good too, just poor. Of course Slovakia is shit and has always been.
Stay in your shitholes, we are full
I can see it now - it will become a new lefty unisex trend - the faggoes will have their faces stuffed in the unisex bathroom toilets without flushing and whisper to each other shiela just took a dump come take huge whiff... the stall is packed with nostril rats
Based, we're coming
Slavs are not white.
Have a strong vetting process. I suspect only up to 5% of westerners would be eligible. Those with high IQ, conservative values, and good work ethic would be an asset.
no one wants you, or your cuck genes bong.
We’re richer than Czech Republic, btw...
Nice fake fantasy map you bozgor shill. Quit being a butthurt faggot and accept that romanians have and will continue to kick your ass if you try shit.
Fucking embarrassing. This type of shit belongs in Mongolia, not Europe, the land of warriors.
What the fuck is this bizarre map and grouping. You should have labeled it nicely and divided between Central Europe (Visegrad Group - POL, CZ, HU, SK), Eastern Europe/Balkans (Cariova Group - RO, BUL, SRB)
Wtf is this? Croatia, Slovenia, and Romania aren’t in or part of Visegrad Group.. Visegrad Group is specifically a Central European and a union of West Slavs and Magyars (Hungarians) given their shared history..
>Austria and Czechia are pretty great, the other areas countries are good too, just poor
Poland is richer than Czechia, you do realize this?...
No, you’re getting the rope, kike.
Is that why your country kidnapped 200,000 Polish children and conscripted them into German ranks?
His country is Turkey.
This. Visegrad is specifically Central Euroean and a West Slav and Magyar brotherhood. No room for filthy Balkaners
Pol in a nutshell
Well, I didn't know that, I might need to visit Bratislava then.
>Wtf is this? Croatia, Slovenia, and Romania
Wtf are you retarded? Slovenia, Croatia, and Transylvania all belong to the same, central-european culture group.
You don't know shit.
>bizzare map grouping
Are you high? Its Austria-Hungary 2.0
Nothing more, nothing less. Nothing bizzare about it.
>No room for filthy Balkaners
I agree. That's why I did not include any Balkan countries. Idiot.
That map is just a future Gypsy homeland
Gypsies are not bullet proof are they
Krakow 2070, proud white men performing their ancient pagan Odin dance
I can't tell average italians from pakis
>b-but you're arab
Transylvania is a part of Romania,why tf they would join Visegrad group?
>eroding the distinct identities of those cultures by amassing them all as generically white
>also encouraging immigration from other white nations to further dilute their culture and sovereignty
fuck off with your civic nationalism
Most important, this map is revisionist, made by Hungarian. He shifted boundaries at the expense of surrounding countries. Made by Trianon butthurt.
I've seen turks in Turkey looking more European than italians
but turkish are south europeans more valuable than you slavshit
its better for the white race if Magyars regain their old territories because Romania and Serbia are absolute shitholes and give no value to the survival of our people.
A strong Hungary is a strong Central Europe. This was well known by the shills who dismembered it following ww1.
>encouraging immigration
Put down the needle, burger. You are making shit up in your diseased head, again.
>that map
Excuse me but wtf Laszlo
>Have a strong vetting process. I suspect only up to 5% of westerners would be eligible. Those with high IQ, conservative values, and good work ethic would be an asset.
What are you referring to by this if not immigration?
look if we kill all the gypsies you can be part of the empire
ahmed, slovakia is just fine.little gypsie problem can be solved easily, it's just not PC right will be.
Go east
Plenty of land in Siberia there for a future white homeland, and the winter weather will keep out the migrants of colour
Would the Romanians living in Transylvania get Hungarian citizenship, or how would you integrate them?
>Slovenia, Croatia, and Transylvania all belong to the same, central-european culture group.
Are you retarded? Slovenia, Croatia are in Balkans and were part of Yugoslavia. Transylvania hasn’t been Hungarian for over a century. Slovenia and Croatia are in Balkans, not Central Europe. Central Europe is Austria, Czechia, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia.
>You don't know shit.
Clearly you don’t, fucking leaf.
deportation for 80% (the descendants of illegal immigrants following 1500 AD.), the rest given historic Transylvanian rights.
But whats wrong with that?
if you look closely you can distinguish us because of IQ
WE are the ones with the highest IQ between whites
Hungarian kingdom would stay strong, if there was not magyarization in 19th century. Do you know that Slovakian south territory is probably the poorest from whole country? Gomor is full of gypsies now.
Slovakia is actually not bad at all. They have been very active in state-building. They have made impressive accomplishments. Plus they don't have a liberal government (Czechs neither).
>Plenty of land in Siberia
There's a reason it was used as one big prison
nah, we just need a new form of tourism
go to italy and hunt those mudfilth trash like the animals they are, execute them like the parasitic trash they are, good sport
That's your argument? Because an atificial meme-state existed for a few decades, that discounts 900 years of Slovenian and Croatian history? God damn burgers...
>Transylvania hasn’t been Hungarian for over a century
No one cares
>not knowing the cultural boundaries of central europe
why do I even bother discussing Europe with fucking burgers?
I agree
We should hunt down all italians like the shitskin animals they are
>Slovenia, Croatia, and Transylvania all belong to the same, central-european culture group.
Nigger what? Slovenia, Croatia and Romania are not in Central Europe, they’re in Southeast Europe/Balkans. And they share no cultural relations with Central Europe/Visegrad since they’re Balkan and have had different histories via Ottoman and Yugoslav influence.
>Its Austria-Hungary 2.0. Nothing more, nothing less. Nothing bizzare about it.
It’s bizarre grouping Balkan shitholes with Central European nations.
>I agree. That's why I did not include any Balkan countries. Idiot.
Slovenia, Croatia and Romania are Balkan countries you fucking brainlet.
>Southern Europeans
Kys. They’re Central Asian-Arab-Anatolian mutts
I am from Gomor. Born and raised. Fucking tot fucks are trying to subvert the territory. It is poor because these butthurt slavs withhold funds from the region. Its fine though, all will change soon as Hungary continues to dominate the region.
Your mother is balkan you fucking dumbass. Transilvania is balkan? The idiocy of Burgers has no bounds.
burger, pls don't embarrass yourself further
Good luck with that
>burger doesn't know European history
Why do they even bother to chime in?
You can't just deport people you don't like in 2019, people own properties here, they wouldn't just pack up an leave. The international community would not accept it either. It would spark WW3.
Looks like you're nothing but another memester faggot.
Don't mind him. Italy is based and will make a great ally to the Visegrad Empire.
Italy is just the most beautiful place in Europe (world) and to live there you need huge balls
>Your mother is balkan you fucking dumbass. Transilvania is balkan? The idiocy of Burgers has no bounds.
My mother (and father) are Hungarian, how the fuck am I Balkan? And I never said Transylvania is in the Balkans, you must have me confused for another user.
I would just say that Slovenia was cis-Leithania, while Croatia (mostly) and Transylvania were trans-Leithania (Hungarian kingdom).
Only idiotic tribes decided to stop in Poland to live
>t. First gen Magyar born in America
Croatians and Slovenians may be in the Balkans but they are still considered our closest brothers together with Czechs and Slovakians.
100% that's a turk you're replying to.
Like Khazars
Obviously this Empire is contingent upon the West falling into chaos and disarray from mass shitskinization. Only under such a scenario could Hungary expand.
No one cares mutt. You don't understand the that all former Austrian and Hungarian territories belong in the same central european culture group.
Based union now!!!
Ukraine and Lithuania were part of Poland, does that make them “Central Europe” as well? Of course not. Influence does not equal geography.
That makes no sense
He didn’t say anything wrong tho?
lol, have fun britbong.
poland is just less than 100 km from where I live, and they are the future of whites in Europe.
they have become nearly everything that Germans claimed to be.
Arent you too busy counting all those stolen shekels and severed foreskins?
one generation and you completely lost touch with your homeland.I bet you are a hungarian kike.
Funfact: the future of all men is extinction regardless of color.
I am half Slovak, half Hungarian, but don’t speak Hungarian. I feel for you, unemployment is awful, Gomor is beautiful land, my ancestors came there in 17th century from Borsod. But Slovaks will never surrender those parts, Duna in no way, same with gas pipeline.
>No one cares mutt. You don't understand the that all former Austrian and Hungarian territories belong in the same central european culture group.
By that fucking logic, Ukraine is in Central Europe culture group as well. That’s retarded. Not to mention you have a clear divide between who was under Ottomans for half a fucking millennia,
>He didn’t say anything wrong tho?
He says that Croatia and Slovenia could not be in a union with Austria-Hungary-Poland because of muh yugoslavia. That's pretty fucking dumb bro.
Croatian-Polish brotherhood 4ever
This thread has nothing to do with Italians. Pack your shit and leave you imbecile
Why a nomadic tribe should decide to live in Poland in not because of mental or phisical weakness?
Lol, you’re clearly not a Pole otherwise you would know your only brothers are Hungarians, Czechs and Slovaks.
Slovenia is a meme country and Croats are Balkan niggers.
Lithuania is culturally Central Europe as fuck. Ukraine (as in centrail and Western) Ukraine is in its deeper historical layer somewhat Central European because of that. But only western Galicia is central european proper (austria-hungary).
What is pure geography good for? You need to study the people (populations).
Nice. There does not have to be territorial changes for Gomor to be okay. In time, with Hungary's rising economy and diplomatic influence, I hope the region will start getting the support it needs. I am planning on going back once I saved up enough money. I got land tere and everythang.
I’m not sure if you’re trolling you’re just a typical amerimutt, but slovenia was one country with austria for 400 years. Being in yugoslavia was a brief moment in our history everything considered. By EU definition we are in central Europe - literally, if you go to EU official site. (
user, far Western Ukraine (Ukrainian Galicia) is fully culturally Central European.
>He says that Croatia and Slovenia could not be in a union with Austria-Hungary-Poland because of muh yugoslavia. That's pretty fucking dumb bro.
It’s not just Yugoslav though, it’s also Ottoman, Byzantine influence for over half a millennia and a whole bunch of other factors such as genetics and culture. They had a far different future and course of history. Not to mention, Croatia and Slovenia do not cluster generically and culturally with Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians and Austrians; they cluster with Serbs, Albanians, Bulgarians and Greeks.
It would be stupid for the white race to decide to keep Poland or central Europe as homeland, it's a shithole
>it’s also Ottoman, Byzantine influence for over half a millennia
Holy burger education everyone. I mean we all knew how fucking stupid burgers are when it comes to Europe, but this level of ignorance and retardation is actually depressing.
Why are amerimutts this dumb?
Good, good, keep arguing over who's white.
Well I’m Austrian, been living in Slovenia for 20 years now, and I can tell you you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.
Oh yes, I would wish it for those people, because it seems this varmegye is not Slovak priority so to speak. But then buy few dogs, my family had to because of gypsies :)
>Croatia and Slovenia do not cluster generically and culturally with Poles, Czechs, Slovaks,
Except they do. I've been to all those countries. We are one big family.
i remember when i was in shitaly, god this awful's like india in europe
>but slovenia was one country with austria for 400 years.
Stfu, Slovenia is a meme country. And Ukrainains were part of Austria as well.. what is your point. Influence does not equal geography and You forgot the part about the divide coming from Yugoslavia/Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes as well as Ottomans.
>By EU definition we are in central Europe - literally, if you go to EU official site. (
No, you’re in Southeast Europe/Balkans. You WANT to be in Central Europe.
I’ve seen you Slovene fags do this shit before. You’re too embarrassed to be in the Balkans so you try to LARP as Central Euros
In my town the gypsies are cool. They look up to us and actually feel pride in the town so they don't chimp out and even keep the other random gypsies in line.
Rozsnyo is a beautiful city, and the people are great too dude. Slovaks and Huns get along well there.
They don’t. They’re I2a aka Dinarid, West Slavs and Hungarians are R1a M458 branch.
A leaf has no right to criticize anyone. Nothing wrong was said. Ottomans, Yugoslavia and genetics are a HUGE factor. do realise Ottoman empire never reached Slovenia, right? Btw I’m not Slovenian, I’m Austrian. Moved here because I like it better.
we will step up and rule the good old empire again, mates.
The days of the whiteoids are over, just like the neanderthals were driven to extinction by their superior cousins. India will become a superpower by 2020 and replace USA as the defacto ruler of the world, with all other countries serving as vassal states to the glorious motherland.
it's easier for mutts