Ancap thread

The donald r*ddit fags and stormniggers get out

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>current year + 4
>still being a lolberg
Fake and gay

>being an ancap in 2019

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>look at me mom im so edgy i hate freedom and im so anti establishment even though they hate freedom too

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>if you don't follow my ridiculous meme ideology for autists you hate freedom

>government is freedom

this is about the only argument against it I've heard, so I'm gonna keep on sailing. thanks

Authoritarians are now the biggest threat to us, backstabbers

>look at me i'm a brainless selfish hedonist

grow up

>freedom means hedonism
t. NPC

literally the only argument needed. if you're above the age of 20 and still see existence as an atomized experience, you are completely naive
>b-but muh voluntaryism
proves that humans are social beings and will rally around collective ideas
>b-but muh freedom
freedom is not a virtue and cannot bring individuals together. freedom is by definition the absence of shared experience
>b-but muh free market capitalism
if you don't think you can become a slave to corporations, you are equally as naive as marxists who don't think you can become a slave to the state/community

Imagine being Authoritarian.

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>humans are humans
wow really? thanks for enlightening me into a fashy goy xD at last i truly see

If hedonism makes a profit like it currently does then what is stopping it in an ancap society. Anti-hedonism is bad for business

lol literally can't even fabricate a response. ancap is seriously the philosophy of 20 year old college students

I heard them say ethereum has an unlimited supply....


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Hedonism is the result of welfare
Not an argument

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