Father kills daughter

Albanian father killed his own daughter, 28, because she had a relationship with an Afghan immigrant. Thoughts on this?


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based and shariapilled

Good dad

He did the world a service, shame he didn't get a chance to kill both of them.

tolls, etc.

it's all so tiresome


I don’t think it has to do anything with religion here, since the afghan was Muslim as well

shitpars are like 35% cathlic and apparently this girl was a greek so probably not muslim

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Should've killed both of them.

They could be catholic but they are definitely Albanians, their names sound nothing like Greek names.

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Did he fuck her?

Why? They are both shitskins?


Keep the sandnigger gene away.

And nothing wrong was done here

alb*nians are muslim roach rapebabies, i don't see why he did that

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Poor thot. Rode the cock carousel until she hit the wall then turned to afghan refugees for salvation.
Her father did a favor for her by putting her out of her misery


Imagine being a female, your own father murders you and some balkannigger copyrights your picture and slaps their websites watermark all over it.


Well Afghans have poo admixture, so it was a noble act imo. To prevent cross contamination, and a soiled blood line. Albanians are also our diaspora btw, pic related.

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Based Dad.

FUCKING BASED dad forcing the bitch to pay the toll.

He should have given her to me

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Make honor killings great again


Strong culture, will stand its ground, unlike the cucked West which doomed itself to destruction. Thanks, leftists! It's your weak shit that is the cancer eradicating all your values, just to drag us down with you.

He did the right thing.

I’m Albanian and can tell you guys that the whole honour system is still very strong especially in smaller cities. Nowadays in the capital city is full of degenerate scumbags though. Times are changing for the worse.

Absolutely based, as an Albanian she knew what she was getting herself into. Don't embarrass your family stupid thot

This too, fuck that parasite

Alboroaches are mudslimes too though

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WHiter than the 56ers

riiiiiight....take a look at your gypsy Greek brothers first

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Based, would do the same.

They murder their girls and wifes because the beer can dropped off the table. That justification is just potatoe humans talking shit.10% of wemen there get married by just being taken off the streets and then the "groom" pays off the family after the deed is done. Anulments is death, so it stays.

Based father, realized he raised a traitor, did what was necessary.

whats the toll status then?

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Afghanis in Albania? Anyway just further proof that all women are whores unless they got caring fathers, like this one had

should've ,killed both the daughter and the refugee

father did nothing wrong
prevented this bitch from polluting his lineage

>killing your own daughter for being a degenerate thot
In some ways the Muslims are superior to Whites

Albanian father of Greek minority. It's in the news.

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