The fake president is the national emergency

The fake president is the national emergency.

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>election security
I agree voter id is needed

The biggest national emergency is that half your country are literal communists. Don't become like us, purge now.

I agree with a few, but I bet our solutions differ. And immigration is an issue. Fuck this faggot.

>disappearing middle class
Women working and immigration are contributing to this.

>Did I miss any?
yeah, Trump's collusion with Putin

>climate change
we are already doing a better job fighting it than other countries
>election security
I remember a president telling us "elections couldn't be rigged". I also remember a certain group of people saying voter fraud was a myth.
>record national debt
that you didn't care about from January 20, 2009 to January 21, 2017.
Trump's trying to fight this
>North Korea
relations are objectively better now since Trump was elected
>Crumbling infrastructures
>disappearing middle class
>health care costs
That you ALSO didn't care about from January 20, 2009 until January 21, 2017

Oh, the immigration crisis is "fake"? These fucktards are the ones who've been screaming about "muh immigrants" for the past months, filling up their diapers every time some Central American shithead-parent drags their sick, starving toddler across a desert wasteland for days on end, until they get arrested and the kid later dies in BP custody.
Know what would discourage that sort of activity?
A big, beautiful, completed southern border wall.

>the root cause of these actual emergencies is not rampant, unchecked illegal immigration

Democrats are all evil pieces of shot. All of them