Over 1 million Floridians with felony convictions get back their right to vote today

sorry repubicunts, looks like your days off stealing Florida are over

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Would probably help Republicans more, considering that those who get out of prison and stay out are probably redpilled from prison segregation, and hard working, i.e., not niggers.

Imagine this delusional that Florida would turn blue

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they gonna vote Trump just watch.

it really is done
the elections in Florida are always close
even if 200,000 of the million actually vote, it is enough to decide elections

How did the Republicans in the state let this happen?

Republicans are cucks always have been their allegiance is to Israel and old people thats it. Them agreeing to this probably let them pass some bill that helps old people in Florida get more handouts or something. It's not a meme at all when people say Republicans don't give a shit about the youth.


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You know that you belong to the good side when you have to recruit criminals to stay in power .

They don't even have to vote. This just gave them 1 million votes to play with and the perfect explanation.

>stealing Florida
That's fucking rich

Do felons in Israel get to vote?

it's not the first time repubicans have tried to steal it. Whenever votes are found repubicans kick and scream not to have them count because they hate democracy and know a fair and complete vote would send them out of office

It's over. With Florida in the bag, now we just wait until Texas turns blue from based hispanics... probably 24' or 28'

>kol hakavod
>Hebrew term for "well done"
Stick them in the oven until they're kol hakavod.

Because all Republicans are weak cucks, they never fight for anything, they just give up like faggots

imagine being that sad that you troll 24/7 on /pol, get back to HuffPo faggot

Felons can vote while in prison in Israel

Not to mention all the Puerto Ricans that moved in after the hurricane. gg

Really not too sure, heard a lot about what demographics make up the main prison populations, and that's not the Trump-voting demographics.

Can't vote in federal elections though so...

fucking kikes. Jow Forums is always right.

Florida is already purple. This will turn them blue for sure.

Most inmates don't even vote, before or after incarceration.

The Canadian actually understands this lease more than the Americans. Figures. God I wish I lived there

Why does everything thing ex-Felons will only vote Democrat? From my experience, many of them are very redpilled and do learn from their prison experience. My guess is 50/50 in Florida.

Watch Lockup, Hard Time and America's Hardest Prisons. Whites are guaranteed Republicans. Niggers are niggers, and spics can be either/or.

(((grinburg))) every single time. Well its time to burn Florida to the ground, fucking demonrats are cancer to existence

>make owning all but very specific guns (weak pistols) illegal
>gun lovers and owners all around arrested
>they can no longer vote
>washington is replaced by enough people to amend the constitution and remove gun rights
>guns fully outlawed

Taking away someone's right to vote via felony can be so easily abused

>It's over. With Florida in the bag, now we just wait until Texas turns blue from based hispanics... probably 24' or 28'

How would the Aryan Brotherhood vote?

it'll all be nigger votes, they just reinforced the dem base. it's bullshit. felons in florida and soon illegals in mexifornia

If 40% of the prison population is black, that means that more whites get to vote than blacks. And then when you count that blacks don't vote as much as whites, you're looking at a sizable growth in the white voting population relative to black.

>inadvertently admitting Democrats are the party of criminals, rapists, and drug dealers

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demonrats are cancer. its time for a revolution and BTFO all of them


not so fast faggot, if it stands then so to must their gun rights be restored, a man cannot endure half free and half slave...

>implying that niggers vote
Pug-leeeeze. Unless a gibsmedat nigger candidate runs on the Dems platform they will stay home watching pirated cable.

Oof. If they served their sentence without issue then they should get their right back.

they dont need niggers to vote, they just need them on the voter rolls so they can forge their votes, as they're known to do

>implying even 1/100 will vote

>Being excited that criminals are allowed to vote now
Do you even hide that youre moraly bankrupt anymore ?

doubt. on the plus side, these fuckers never vote anyway, and once a felon always a felon. these guys wont be free to vote come 2020

lmao good luck in 2020 republicunts

>more than 1000000 niggers were given their right to vote blue back

How long is it going to take for people to wake up to whats going on?

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for gun rights there has always been a federal level restoration process but atf funding for processing the applications was cut under clinton and never restored; worse still the court rulings on it which i dont think went all the way to supreme court have stated that allowing you to file the application is due process regardless of the govs ability to process the application...same shit could be pulled right here, petition for the rights and there is your due process i'll get around to it in about 4....never.

These 70 IQ Cholos aren't going to vote anyway

Enough to swing elections.

is this some sort of joke?

Nah, you're thinking too deeply about it.

give them firearms right too. voting is more dangerous than owning a firearm anyway

Sooo, Florida is the next state that goes bankrupt ?

Florida once elected Jeb Bush as their governor. Slow and steady now...

I thought their state legislature was supposed to block this and lefty was having a fucking fit?

>Black dont vote anyways
>Aryan prison gangs and meth heads vote republican

it can happen

It's Florida, a state full of criminal niggers.
You can bet that most of these felons are black.


because if theyre drug smugglers or cartel members the wall is the last thing they want. you also have the cartel members paying felons for their votes.

is that so crazy to understand?

Are you laughing yet?

Want a fat juicy blackpill? Jump on Fox news and try to redpill Republicans about Israel and the Jews.

All those backwoods rural counties that vote heavily for republicans have drug issues, felony drunk driving, possession of meth/heroin, possession with intent to sell weed, I believe being in possession of prescription pills that don't belong to you is also a felony. These people only get 6 months to a year behind bars but the felony stays on their record for life.
So while nogs make up a hugely disproportionate amount of the prison pop. because they get caught with a laundry list of violent shit from car jacking, robbery, assault, murder that put them behind bars for decades, there are probably more white felons overall.

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Niggers are too dumb to vote anyway.

Give them back their gun rights too.

Hispanics are generally more conservative man. I dont think it will pan out like you think.

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I'm curious to think how prisoners would vote. I know quite a few ex cons - I work in construction - and they are ridiculously right wing. Black and white dudes. Probably something to do with a daily routine buildingg a good work ethic for the outside world and good work ethic and adding meaning to your life isn't exactly a trait of the mainstream left.

Imagine being British and thinking you know anything about American electoral politics. Go back to your containment thread, Limey.

In the back of cars and in closets. HMMMMMMMMMMMM

The left, once again, reduces itself to shit-tier levels of idiocy just for a power grab.

>Hispanics are generally more conservative man
Civicuck cope. 70-80% are liberal or rather welfare state communists.

because they're a bunch of fucking neocon boomers down here. live in a county, goes full red on all elected positions....ALSO goes full YES on EVERY FUCKING AMENDMENT.
These old fucks are all hypocrites who don't actually believe in smaller government. Florida is lost because of stupid lazy boomer hypocrites.

based chile

Without gun rights the right to vote is meaningless

My Jew sense is tingling. Why do you kikes come here?


Jow Forums is always right

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