How do I get laid?

You guys keep saying that it's easy to get laid, but you never actually explain how to do it.
If it is so easy, then one would think it shouldn't be a problem to explain.

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It's also easy to get a job, it's easy to go to school, it's also pretty easy to get in shape.

It’s not a one solution fits all problem kid.

It’s easy to get laid, but it’s a hard thing to teach everyone learns how their own way unless they never try.

(For this particular instance trying means way more then once or twice talking triple digits if you want to get good most people start when their a pre teen)

Yeah, but, for example, when it comes to going to school, there are instructions on how to do it. You don't have to guess or keep trying out bad advice to actually do it.

So it is easy, but it also requires you to train a lot to actually succeed?
Isn't that just hard?

>set up tinder

Tried that several times. Didn't work. I did get matches, but they never went anywhere.

It is simple, not easy. They're different. Very different

Wouldn't it being simple make it easier to explain?

Then most likely you're shit at conversation

I think that's pretty subjective. My friends think I'm alright at conversation, and some of the girls I've met did find my conversation interesting. There are always types of women who don't like the type of conversation I have (like they don't laugh at my jokes and don't play along with the topics I present), but I feel like that's just because of a kind of incompatibility that will never change, so I disregard them.

The thing is, although I have met girls with whom I could comfortably talk, they just were not interested in me for sex. Do I need a special type of conversation to achieve that? All my experiences seem to point that being the case, but I still haven't been able to figure out how to do it.

I find the whole trying to get laid thing similar to trying to learn how to play a first person shooter with an unfamiliar controller that takes a while to get used to, nobody tells me what the controls are, and all I get is bad advice that gets me stuck.

Lol just b urself bro!

>missed trips by one
So close, user.

It's all about your life and the people you choose to associate yourself with.

Look at your current life situation, do you have a job? are you in school? do you spend most of your free time on social media and/or video games? or just the PC in general?

contrary to what you think/feel, women aren't what you need to feel better or "ascend" to the next stage of life, you do that by yourself and let go of the feeling/thought that a woman will elevate you further, because that isn't true.

As a side effect of letting go of that desire/feeling/thought, you will then get over your own hurdles by yourself, you'll carry yourself with a different light and a different attitude.. People will feel that, they'll notice your growth and eventually a girl will approach you with an opportunity in one way or another, but you really need to let go of this "wanting" of yours if you want to get it, It's one of those things that you'll get if you focus on yourself and being successful

More like, you are given all the tutorials and instructions yet ignore them and complain and never even try to pick up the controller.

>Look at your current life situation
In uni doing a STEM degree, but I do spend most of my time on the PC. I don't have enough friends to consistently go out.

>women aren't what you need to feel better or "ascend" to the next stage of life
I know what you mean, because I did use to feel that way.

>you'll carry yourself with a different light and a different attitude.. People will feel that, they'll notice your growth and eventually a girl will approach you with an opportunity in one way or another, but you really need to let go of this "wanting" of yours if you want to get it
I did start getting my shit together, and stopped thinking a girl would solve my problems. As a result, I have become much more social and chilled. The thing is, I still get sexual urges, and I feel like it is going to be a while before I meet a girl I actually get along with enough to get into a relationship. Irl I act normally enough around girls and don't orbit.

>focus on yourself and being successful
I prefer focusing on myself, my social skills, and my attitude about the world. Thus far, it has paid off.

Well, thus far the instructions and tutorials have been literally "haha nigga just play the game like point your gun and shoot haha" without any of the nuance actually necessary to achieve anything.

>be supposedly good looking
>be a genuinely good person
>enjoy working out
>mentally sharp
>shatter like glass around women
I mean I know I have baggage holding me back, but I just don't understand any of this or what I'm supposed to do

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So far you have not as much as picked up the gun and tried, only whined.

Same, but I'm quite introverted, hate working out, and look like a spooky skeleton.

That's not really true. I have tried multiple times, but, every time I do, it doesn't work.

What have you tried? How many matches on tinder? How many dates?

>it's easy to get into shape

It's easy to get into shape yes. But it isn't easy to lose weight

It's very easy to explain, it's just that people always have a one off dismissal for it all
>It's a numbers game
>You keep trying stuff until something sticks
>You keep refining that
>You can't put pressure on people and you can't place expectation on them super early
>Most people just want to relax and have a good time; try to act with that in mind

Like if you want specifics I can get specific for your scenario but the real answers are just to work on the simple things-- diet, exercise and attitude-- and get rid of the unnecessary complications and drama.

But the problem is, just because it's simple doesn't mean it's easy, or that it won't take a lot of time (a year or more really). It's this part that clonks a lot of boys' bonkers these days.

It also doesn't help that you guys are trying to date in the modern age of progressive thinking though. Now you got bitches who wanna be called different names because of their spirit animals and shit and instead of one girl in every hundred, it's one in every ten now. Shit's whack, everyone is either an undersexed maniac with a complex or a complete delusional case that thinks they identify with, like, aphids or something

damn you're autistic. when you do have sex, make sure you use a condom, we don't need any more retards around

I got about 15 matches on tinder. Tried to make conversation with most of them. Some responded, but only 2 maintained conversation. I didn't connect at all with one of them, so we stopped talking before I suggested a date. The other one I did get along with, kinda, so I suggested a date, which she refused. Afterwards it became harder and harder to get matches (I could literally spend a month without matches), so I stopped using it.
You may say this only counts as one attempt, but that is disqualifying all the times I did try talking to them and did not succeed.
I would give it another try, but tinder has ads now, and I hate ads.

>You can't put pressure on people and you can't place expectation on them super early
This is very good advice, and I have implemented it successfully even with casual male acquaintances.

>Most people just want to relax and have a good time; try to act with that in mind
Well, I have OCD, so I find it difficult to relax, but I know what you mean.

>It's a numbers game
I feel like if I just go all out and try this frequently, I will just end up doing the same thing and committing the same mistakes every time. The thing that actually made me get better was to stop and reflect for a while about my experiences.

>Like if you want specifics I can get specific for your scenario
My scenario is currently I have a total of 1 friend, and hang out with a group that is consistently all guys. Not to mention I study engineering, so my uni is 90% dudes. Because of that, I have a lot of difficulty simply meeting girls.

I'm much better at social interactions than it appears here. I just can't get laid.

You literally tried tinder for a few minutes and then gave up.

I assure you that this was not the case. I tried it for several months straight. It might just be that my city has a low density of young population, and that makes it difficult to get matches. That or my pics didn't send the right message.

Join more dating sites other than tinder, work on getting more friends, work on talking to more people, expanding your social circle and network of friends will (hopefully) increase the amount of potential female partners you will encounter.

Solid advice.

>Join more dating sites other than tinder
Which ones do you recommend?

Lose weight. Quit drinking sugar. Only drink water or black coffee, tea. Eat more vegetables, take the stairs, park in the back of the lot.

I do all that, plus I have a physically active job, but it hasnt helped too much. My main problem is that I have no self control around others. It's hard to describe, but when I'm alone, on my own, I can easily make my own decisions and easily resist food.

But as soon as I'm around another person, I'm fucked. They don't even have to suggest food, it just becomes something I seek out. That being said though, I do have a fatass family, with a fatass brother who cucks me with food anyways.

I managed to lose 13 pounds, but I seem stuck on that and haven't gotten any lower.

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Fast and do NOT cave to your addiction to food. You can survive off your fat entirely until youre less than 4% bf. Drink snek juice. You will drops POUNDS of fat quickly. The hardest part is not eating beyond 500 calories a day, or no calories at all.

Fasting is a meme tho. Just be sustainable OP. Don't fuck up your body because you want to lose weight