Tips on making cuddling with my gf more enjoyable?

Tips on making cuddling with my gf more enjoyable?

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Feel more. Think less. Enjoy.

ask her to scratch your back or run her hand across your body / hair
be sure to return the favor

Be sure to not accidentally jab her. Also keep your hands in places where her curves are that way you know you aren't making her uncomfortable

pass her to me

If you're spooning, put the arm that goes under her through the curve of her head and her shoulders, or around her neck instead of under her ribs. It's a perfect fit, it wont bruise her side and your arm won't fall asleep.
Thumbs and fingertips are magical. Whenever your hands happen to be, doesnt even have to be sexual, just gently graze your fingers wherever they happen to be: her back, her leg.
Shuffle around and ask her what's comfortable and ask yourself what's comfortable. Eventually you'll find the GOLDEN cuddle position and you'll literally never want to leave. Play with hair, kiss the forehead and the neck, and maybe find a spot where you arent breathing on each other so it doesnt get too hot, in case you're bothered by that.

Stick it in her butthole

get a girlfiend

How do you accidentally jab a person

Thats ridiculous. Please stay on topic. Fairy tales belong to /x/.

Shifting positions.

washing that body pillow helps.


get bluetooth earbuds and listen to something

I heard it's fun to touch her boob.

Caress her, massage her, explore her body. Bitch how were you able to get a gf in the first place if you had to ask this question on Jow Forums of all places?


I still don’t understand

do whatever the fuck you want to do, it's about pleasure.

Give her a massage then let her return the favour

Pull your dick out.