as long as you keep these israeli people, jews, or zionists in general in your country, they will work in favor of Israel, and to the detriment of your country.
As long as you keep these israeli people, jews, or zionists in general in your country...
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Everyone is goddamn well aware. That is why we are discussing this topic 24/7 while dealing with the non-stop shilling.
>Everyone is goddamn well aware.
I don't see the alt-right caring. almost all of their e-celebs shill for israel. also they ignore everything "their" politicians do in favor of israel, very conveniently.
Bolton is a traitor, why is no one going after him in that community?
So you are that kind of goddamn moron. You allow the label created by the Left/media and the eceleb shills to guide your perception of what is going on. At some goddamn point you faggots are either going to learn or maybe it is best to goddamn bury you.
>label created by
plenty of those retards identify themselves with that label.
>civil disobedience
>against an armed govt
I thought they were suppose to be smart.
The task you are ambiguously asking us to complete is in essence impossible. Not only because of the cold hard reality that most Jews do not have power- only potential connections- and therefore truly don't deserve retribution... plus the fact that the Jews who do have power are fucking untouchable and have an infinite chain of people to fill in place.... nope... it's truly impossible because if you do somehow manage to take them down, you will find the west immediately controlled by the chinks or Russians- who are both WAYYYYY worse.
The solution is self improvement, and improving whites around you. Don't blame the kikes, learn from them and everyone else you see legitimately dominating, and try to be like them in your own way.
>The task you are ambiguously asking us to complete is in essence impossible.
start by not supporting people who actively shill for israel.
start by not turning a blind eye to faggots who are loyal to a foreign nation.
>ignorant jew sends money to a country that is only familiar to her in name
>pol rages
When will you turds realize Israel is a mutt country of retards being propped up to channel the greatest collective rage the world has ever seen?