Circumcision grief

hi Jow Forums.
I just did a bunch of research and discovered that circumcision is wrong, it's a completely fucked up and terrible thing that should be completely expunged from our culture, laws, and medicinal doctrine. The thing is, I'm circumcised and I'm just now realizing that I hate it, and I hate my parents for doing it to me. How do I cope with this loss? How do I talk to my parents about it? Is there some benefit to being circumcised that I'm not seeing and I'm just overthinking it? Thanks for your help.

TL;DR I'm circumcised and I'm just now realizing that I hate it and don't know how to deal with it.

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I pity you Burgers.

Reminder that feminism supports and encourages circumcision in men but not in women.

>laws, and medicinal doctrine
Where the heck do you live? Kikestan?

Nigga how do you circumcise women

I am basically in the same boat as you, but have been thinking about it for over 15 years (I'm 27 now, learned about the harm probably at 13 or so). It gets me down but it is a lot less of a crushing psychological burden than it was years ago.

If I were you I would go through foreskin restoration. I started in my teens and made good progress and am picking up the pace in my late 20s and the sensitivity gains are real. It will enhance your experience and do a lot to make you feel whole. I would not wait for foregen; biomedical startups like that take a long time to get through and they are in the very early stages.

As far as your parents, you have to forgive them as they likely did not know better and/or honestly thought they were doing the best for you. That is the way our culture thinks about it, especially decades ago. I have not talked to my parents about it and I probably never will; I personally just don't find it worth it to have that conversation/argument with them. Take comfort in knowing that the prevalence of the practice is decreasing and more people are waking up to the harm it causes. Educate others and be vocal about it when appropriate to ensure that we all do better for our kids. And don't worry, the technology will be there someday (but restore in the meantime because it could be decades). I plan on dying with a foreskin.

This surge of people upset over foreskin has me curious. Even if there was nothing wrong when you were circumcised, how much loss of sensitivity are we talking? Is it painful without your foreskin? Have you in any way experienced something to a lesser degree because of the removal of your foreskin?
Genuinely curious.

Not really. Even the most ardent man hating blue hair tattooed dykes I know think it's fucked up. Most of the support comes from coping dads who insist that their sons need to match them because muh locker room and we gotta stomp that shit out yesterday.

Circumcision removes erogenous structures period. The frenulum and ridged band are the most sensitive areas of the penis per some pretty major studies as well as anecdotal reports from men circumcised as adults. It is hard to compare and impossible to know how much infant circumcision changes because you can't remember the difference, but the fact remains that there's no real medical indication for it and it removes erogenous tissue.

I don't think you can know that if you are circumcised. I don't think it really affects things at the end of the day (sex/masturbation is still enjoyable), but you can't tell the difference because their is no comparison because you can't know what its like to have a foreskin. The closest you can get are dudes with bad phimosis who get the operation. I don't think they like it all that much, but its whatever. As for me (someone who is cut) it isn't all that painful, although wearing shorts with an erection can cause a odd sort of sensitivity on the head.

Ill say this, its basically impossible for chicks to get me off. Sex and sexual acts lack a strong enough stimulation to actually get me to climax.

I can get myself off but thats about it, and even then its hard at times.

Also its literally dooming to relationships with girls that have any sort of self esteem issues. Ive lost several long terms to the girls eventually not being able to handle the feeling that they cant get me off. Makes them feel like they are not good enough, or there is some other reason besides sensitivity issues.

They all love the sex though, since I cant get off I can go for basically forever.

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So the damage to the frenulum being done, how does regrowing a foreskin help? I can understand and empathize with being put through a needless procedure, but isn’t the regrowing just compounding a problem? My knowledge of the regrowth is that it takes time and essentially you are just stretching the skin below the head slowly to mimic the foreskin. Is that correct or just b.s.?

cut their clit off like in the middle east and some african tribes

the effect is the same

uncut guys can know both. they can fap with foreskin on and stretch it all the way back and choose between one or the other

I am considering that surgery as it will prevent my dick from smelling and reduces chances of STDs

Lol. Inform yourself. And try washing your dick once in a while


As a woman an uncircumcised penis Doesn't turn me on ... Reminds me of dogs. Kinda grosses me out. Sorry but it's true.

Because it's no longer cool to be muslim or jewish.

>As a woman
Lel. No. You're a tranny or a faggot or a bitter cutfag.

The whole circumcision thing going on in the USA seems so weird to me, an European woman. Why would anyone do it to their newborn son?

can't relate

>men should have parts of their dick sliced off at birth because I prefer it aesthetically