Devs Jan 7 >DeZ:US Coal sent a massive convoy of weapons to SDF. IS takes advantage of heavy fog to launch offensive to retake Al-Shafah stronghold >Idlib:HTS now controls almost 60% of Idlib de-escalation zone >Syrian opp. leader:Saudi Arabia has ‘strong presence in northeast Syria >Turkey slams Bolton’s comments on targeting Kurds as ‘irrational’ >Turkish military continues large-scale build up along Syrian border >SDF official:Kurdish forces could be integrated in SAA >Report:HTS amassing troops to storm southern and western Idlib >TFSA send massive convoy of reinforcements to west Aleppo >Report:No agreement made on transferring control of Manbij to Syrian gov’t >Trump goes back on declarations:We won’t be finally pulled out until ISIS is gone >Israel pushes US officials to recognize occupied Golan Heights as Israeli territory >Bolton:US to withdraw from Syria only when no risk remains to Israel’s security >Egyptian AF uses Israeli airspace during strikes on isis in north Sinai
Yea but voting is a diffirent thing. You can look at voting as a call to testify, and if you are called to testify you must, and between 2 evils you must choose the lesser one. So it is your duty if there are elections to vote for the one you think will represent muslims the best, even if he doesnt rule by sharia
Lincoln Perez
hala anlamıyor hahahahahaha neyse qnq, ben yatam yarın işime gidem silah neyin yapam sende bi bok biliyorum diye delüzyonlarına devam et :DDD
tayyibin bile memleketi terk edenlerden götü 3.5 attı ki açıklama yapma gereği duydu "v-v-vollaxi k-kimse k-k-k-kaçmıyor t-türkiyeden b-b-burası c-cennet"
After segregating the sexes, this suburb bigger school saw its poor performance go from below 50% to a staggering 90% success rate. We live in an hypersexual society now. Kids get to know about anal, gang bang and blowjobs as early as 8. It's applicable for turkey as well.
The simple act of separating the two sexes at school is enough to bolster better result. This is something the secularists are incapable of conceiving, because secularism is based on the notion that people are like blank sheets of papers. That anyone can be anything when it's all based on genetics first and foremost. What's needed is an atmosphere where capable people are allowed to flourish. In a mixed school, where 10 years olds share videos of gang bangs and blow jobs, send girls messages asking them to fuck and suck, and the actual school whores who get on it as early as 12, it's not difficult to conceive the possibility that segregated schools will offer optimum learning atmosphere for the kids.
The shit I heard coming from the public secular schools in Eskişehir is just shocking.
There is two choices in voting, either voting for a taghut (person who does not rule by islam) and become a mushrik, or not vote and stay a muslim. When shirk is involved, it is always the biggest evil.
Ah a mentally ill retard with political knowledge of 12 year old.
Imagine your political knowelge consisting of only:
>le cheguevara commies lol stalin bad tho and mao lmao >le hitlurs bad ahahah every nationalist hitlur hehe kid kys lol >Based beacons of civilization is in the west, I will travel there, earn money and ??? raise family and earn more money and educate my kids to earn more money and ??? jerk off and what not lol everything is OK just let me pile up material stufff FUCK YOU IMAM i ain't doing shit it's my money!!! Fuck religions! Islam ruined empires it created!!! It will ruin west AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Adam Adams
I noticed one thing about Turkey: it's chaotic but it's functional. Like a high functioning autist if you will.
The Iman hatip schools weren't built with the idea I described earlier in mind. It's going to be an unpredicted side result of separating sexes at school. In the end turkey and Turks are like orks. It just works, but they don't understand why.
Angel Nguyen
Not necessarely. So for example my cuntry is not ruled according to sharia, but i have one party that wants to ban teaching islam in schools, and the other that wants to keep it being thought there. So how am i supposed to not vote for the party that wants it being thought in schools. By not voting am i not, for all intents and purposes, actually voting for removing it from schools ?
Levi Gray
/sg/ /segregating genders/
Henry Richardson
Fuck you misogonyst.
So what if women would flourish if they went to separated schools? She needs that dick and you bigot will not have the power to deny her that.
#BREAKING: Russian media TASS reports #Russian forces are patroling around Manbij #near Syria's border with #Turkey
>#BREAKING: Russian media TASS reports #Russian forces are patroling around Manbij #near Syria's border with #Turkey Turkey is getting cucked. Now the PKK/YPG are siding with Iran to be another puppet along side Assad. With Iran controling the Kurds/Assad and having Russia as a super power guranto, it is all over I believe. Syria will go back to normal and no one is gonna be able to do a thing since the US are leaving.
>oh wait. I forgot, from a couple days ago: If you are westerner on /sg/ and are not a chad who has a gf, you are honorary dispora (if you aren't already dispora where you inherently own the previous stated qualities).
Because those people were raised in a time where you didn't have 8 years olds watching gang bang scenes. The global intelligence level of the west is lowering. Iq is dropping.
Adam Sullivan
All rationalists that build the foundation of development of the Europe for instance were theists and deists.
Also only really theocratic country in the world is Iran currently. They don't have it bad at all.
Latin america, africa, middle east, north africa are all mostly secular yet have no scientific development. Only whites and chinks do science today, but chinks have no morals so they will get genetically modified human soldiers earlier.
I seek forgiveness from God Usually said when you almost sin or when you see someone sin really badly
Jose Johnson
It's true in a sense but in the end it's all about your mentality. If you browse Jow Forums for 10 hours a day it's obviously a detriment to your life. If you have a single modicum of restraint and you can allow yourself maybe an hour a day to check some boards there is literally no problem. Though, in all, Jow Forums doesn't offer much to the individual.
Robert Bell
I can see this being used a lot in jokes.
Justin Edwards
it does
William Edwards
>riding around on dirt bikes with guns how do i sign up
Joshua Adams
can you also use when you are about to go commit a sin, not jsut when you avoided sinning? Preemptively I mean. You are aware there is a landmine you will have to run over if you go live his ride?
Nathan Foster
thanks for replies earlier about maronites. can anybody redpill me on roum of al-sham? my family began the first roum church in beirut..I want to know more about the roum in syria, jordan, palestine. is it true a lot of roum have been keen on secular arabism? i know the maronites generally despise it.
in a trolling way for a joke, yes in a serious way, no
Kayden Cruz
honestly where did the kara boga black bvll turk meme come from? turks are turkic asiatics mixed with meds. i'm literally blacker than any turk
Christopher Peterson
Hey explain this to me pls
Zachary Rodriguez
>you learning german right? the "es" is refrencing the last part of the sentence "Syrien zu verteidigen". >we see assad as an ally, when IT comes to, defending Syria
>MFW I realize there is a german huffington post now I will be using this from now on
>>you learning german right? Yeah, gotta get on the gib train before it runs out of gibs but user that's kultural APPROPRIATION plus no one will get it
Robert Morris
>Hamas reclaims Egypt-Gaza Rafah crossing as PA staffers withdraw: Officials
>plus no one will get it I was only intending on using it here and other syria related sites. >the gib train before it runs out of gibs W-wh-when are you planning on coming here? >please be a joke
Chase Scott
>HTS has split the NLF(Ahrar Al-Sham and Soqour Al-Sham) areas into two pockets,one small pocket containing the frontline with the regime,and a larger pocket,with 2 major NLF strongholds Ariha and Maraat Al-Numan
Xavier Jones
>Iran says EU 'hostage' of US, warns of 'consequences'
>Iran has criticized the European Union for failing to set up a payment mechanism meant to circumvent US sanctions, warning that the bloc should account for the "consequences" of the delay.
astaghfirullah, I would never come to your nigger-infested country
Luke Campbell
see what I did there?
Austin Young
Why still make these threads? War is over.
Isaiah Harris
>Democratic Republic of Congo officials say they are delaying the announcement of the results of its presidential election until some time later this week.
>The Catholic Church in Congo said Thursday that it had election results showing one candidate clearly winning, but did not say who it was. A senior church body called on the government to publish accurate results. The church warned of a popular uprising if results were not "true to the verdict of the ballot box."
>On Friday, U.S. President Donald Trump said 80 U.S. military personnel and "appropriate combat equipment" had been deployed to the Central African country of Gabon to protect U.S. assets from possible "violent demonstrations." In a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, he said more forces would deploy to Gabon, Congo or neighboring Republic of Congo if needed.
>While there is no evidence the new virus — called Měnglà after the place where it was discovered — has caused outbreaks in people, the virus has traits similar to those that have helped its cousin viruses break into human cells.
Nathaniel Cox
sg is deded
Aaron Ramirez
Erdogan's new adviser is one of those quirky American instagram hijabis
>“At present, the [Ukrainian] military intelligence has seen a number of signs indicating that Russia has been preparing an act of subversive and terrorist acts with the use of chemical toxic substances… In the middle of December, a group of Russian specialists in chemical, military and toxic substances arrived in Donbas. The group included Russian special services agents and agents of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB),” Defense Department intelligence directorate representative Vadym Skybytsky said at a briefing in Kyiv on Saturday, December 29.
>“At the same time, the Russian special services are cynically counting on large-scale civilian casualties, which will ensure a certain response and attention from the international community,” Skybytsky said, adding the disaster would be presented by Russian propagandists as the use of chemical weapons by Ukrainian armed forces against the residents of Donbas.
>Afghan Taliban call off peace talks with U.S. over 'agenda differences':
>Two days of peace talks had been set to start on Wednesday, Taliban officials told Reuters earlier, but the hardline Islamic militant group had refused to allow “puppet” Afghan officials to join.
well i couldn’t post for the last hour cause captcha wa shaving issues so maybe that’s why its excessively slow. its also middle of the night
Elijah Hill
Hmmm, that means Taliban knows they're speaking from a position of strength and that they can keep fighting for a long time still
Levi Richardson
Please let this be true and forcefully reopens /ug/ with a grand opening.
Landon Clark
Lincoln Lee
>Exclusive: New documents link Huawei to suspected front companies in Iran, Syria
>U.S. authorities allege CFO Meng Wanzhou deceived international banks into clearing transactions with Iran by claiming the two companies were independent of Huawei, when in fact Huawei controlled them.
>Australia and New Zealand recently banned Huawei from building their next generation of mobile phone networks, and British authorities have also expressed concerns.