What are some instances when it should be perfectly legal to *MURDER* another human being with no questions asked?

what are some instances when it should be perfectly legal to *MURDER* another human being with no questions asked?

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Pic related is pretty close desu

can you imagine someone wasting your life like this

Eye or an eye. If some fucks you over this hard you have every right to brutally end her.

if they try to make themselves king

like trump is doing now?

so much for based chads

he was a successful businessman and yet he still got cucked, what chance do we betas have?

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You’re allowed to kill anyone that is trying to enslave you. Whether or not it’s physical or spiritual eslavement is irrelevant.

All the time,
every civilization is false there are no allies among anyone that isn't a lie

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>imagine wasting your life like that
>posts on Jow Forums

yeah it' pretty much the same

Fuck dude why you have to do me like this

I want you to say "jews are inferior pigmen" to prove you aren't a memeflag kike

When they break the NAP by entering your "fenced" property

If you’re a famous ex running back from the NFL and you’re black.

You mean except in self-defence when your or your family's lives are in danger?

I'd say number 1 is catching a pedo raping your kid. Pic related. There should be no questions whatsoever. The sheriff refused to press any charges against the father.

There was another case in Russia a few years back when a father went out with his son for watch the New Year's fireworks, but the son ran out... father thought he had lost him and went back to the apartment... caught a pedo raping his son on the stairs. He literally killed him by punching his face so hard that it turned to mush, turns out the father was a former boxer. Sadly, due to his involvement with narcotics as a youth, he got a couple years in prison, but he was treated like a king inside, the entire city supported him, even the church, etc.

Attached: pedo.png (659x2196, 805K)

Communists, but they aren't human anyway so it doesn't really apply.

Imagine how the kids feel - 20 years of "dad" attending your school plays and baseball games, giving you advice on girls and seeing you off to college, and then come to find out it was all a lie perpetrated by your cheating mother, and now he probably doesn't even want to see you because it's too painful a reminder.

>he probably doesn't even want to see you because it's too painful a reminder
This would be a really shitty move on the cuck dad's part. I can see where he's coming from but it's not the kid's fault his mother is a whore.

>he got a couple years in prison, but he was treated like a king inside, the entire city supported him, even the church, etc.
For some reason Russians tend to do this. I read about a Russian guy who lost his family in an airplane accident and so he went and stabbed the air traffic controller who was partially responsible for it

No, it wouldn't be shitty. No man deserves to be cucked.

it's called honour

Anyone involved with circumcising babies deserve to be murdered.

>still gets cucked

No hope for the West

>Sorry "son", all of those times we shared, I'm taking it back. Your very existence is an affront to me.

Everyone should do it. I would.

Vigilante justice is the best kind of justice. Imagine the gratifying feeling of killing someone who did you unspeakable harm. It must be one if the best feelings in the world.

First thing that comes to mind is if you catch someone molesting yours (or any) kid.

Yes. Exactly, you Aussie cuck.

guess i should have read the thread before posting.
>tfw you want to make a living out of going dexter on pedos

Kudos to both the Russian and the Texan.
Doing the jobs government doesn't have the balls (or inclination) to do.

Agreed. It's hard to imagine how anyone could disagree. Though most people would. Society is fucked.

Pretty much everyone on twitter. Torture the ones that brag about being non-offending pedophiles and say so in their bio.

Criminals who have too much influence in the "system".


any government employee. taxation is theft.

people who are in the country illegally.

if your wife cheats on you. OJ did nothing wrong.

Debate time.

anyone that supports gun control or actively votes to take away your freedom.

even if son is not you real son, there's no reason to close of relationship, obviously divorsing the wife is the must do thing. But if the "son" still wants to be in relationship why not?

people that have abortions when their life doesn't depend on it.

only exception is if kid is a potato.

Literally this. I would resent their very being.
Fuck you.

because it's not your "son", doofus.

you could be finding a new wife and have a real son. anytime you spend with your fake son, is time you take away from your potential real son.

I hope you guys learned from this and go get yourself tested today. 2 weeks or less is all it takes

If someone breaks into my house or tries to steal my shit I'm killing them on the spot

agreed. though if what they're stealing is small, a hand will do.

So you saying a man shouldnt be spending time with his buddies?
Because thats what the "not real son" is now to you.

no, I'm saying a man shouldn't spend time with fake buddies.

are children your friends?

someone call the cops. spotted the pedo.

exactly. tough luck.

life isn't fair. it wasn't fair that the white is a cheating evil whore, and it isn't fair the kids now won't have a dad.

life goes on.

>Man has obligation to children of the whore that ruined his life
Cuck thinking. You're also retarded if you think the children wouldn't choose their biological mom over their cucked dad since association with one, means ostracizing the other.

This guy was probably one of our resident Chadposters saying
>"Dude just go make white babies, look at me I have three kids and a loving wife."
The rest of our Chadposters are still unaware of how hard they're getting played, until now that is.

if they jam the copier and just walk away and leave it jammed. death by flaying.


what was the point of doing this?

People who advocate for gun control or non-white immigration

Took all my money baby and I want it back.

Adultery, a boy seducing your daughter, your daughter betraying her race, a homosexual seducing your son, things of that nature.

What is the point of anythink, really?

Eh, I boy seducing your daughter is extreme.

That's what boys do.

Nothing when Muhammeds are raping your daughters.

No. There should at least be some questions asked.

>Shit tier genetics won't let you have kids.
>Nice wife sacrifices her virtue to let you have children to raise anyway.
>Get mad at her when you learn about it.

What a fag.

I'm ashamed to live in the same country as you, leaf.

I would get mad if the guy could have had kids and the wife betrayed him, but if he can't have kids of his own, then he got the next closest thing.

Or maybe he'd have rather not have had kids? In that case I get why he's salty.