Any tips on telling my roommate's girlfriend to politely fuck off when it comes to the contents of our fridge?

Any tips on telling my roommate's girlfriend to politely fuck off when it comes to the contents of our fridge?

She's trying to get "us" (him) to eat healthier, and wants to clear up some space so she can buy him real foods and cook more often. But I'm a single guy whose fridge is frozen shit, takeaway leftovers, and beer. It's not her place to judge what I want to eat.

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she paying rent if not tell her to fuck off if he wants to live healthy it shouldn't impact your lifestyle

You gonna eat healthy whether you like it or not.

Why wouldn’t you want to eat healthy user? Don’t you want to live longer?

Tell her she can have his half of the fridge. Put a line down the middle. Refer to it as the line of death.

Separate shelves?
Are you on the lease? Is she? Who owns the fridge?

There are many ways to play this.

I don't really want to live longer, no. I do care about my health to some degree, but not to the point I'm going to let her dictate what I can have in my fridge. I eat much healthier than he does.

She isn't on the lease. I own the house, I pay more than 2/3rds of the rent utilities, this guy is getting kicked out soon because he hasn't paid in two months.

But I don't want to be insanely mean to this girl because she's friends with some girls I'm into, and I don't want to be seen as crazy.

> Any tips on telling my roommate's girlfriend to politely fuck off when it comes to the contents of our fridge?
Trust me, this is a non battle. Go out to your local outlet store (or Wal-mart if you live in the US) and buy yourself a dorm fridge. It costs at most $130. You can keep it in your room, and nobody needs to know about it.

I'm a Type I diabetic. I need a ready supply of insulin to live. My roommate and I got in a fight once, and the medicine in the fridge disappeared. I immediately bought a dorm fridge and NEVER looked back.

Today, I would never think of renting a room without taking along my fridge. Shared appliances bring on too many arguments. Best to go your own way.

> Buh buh I can't afford it.
Get a second job at McDonald's. Even at minimum wage, $7 an hour after taxes, within 2-3 shifts you'll have your dorm fridge. Literally, even if you give your 2 weeks' notice on your first day of work, you'll earn the money by the time you quit.

i like the cut of your jib, sailor.

Holy shit did your roommate really threw away your insulin.

Lmao what an asshole

Well it's MY fucking home, so I'm not about to drop even a hundred bucks so she can baby him through not having unhealthy things in the fridge. She doesn't pay rent, he pays 1/3rd of the rent (sometimes, when he feels like it), and all I'm trying to do is be reasonably nice in telling her that she can't manage my fridge because her boyfriend is fat.

kick the dude out and inform the girl she is always welcome to come over anytime.
put a damper on your fristration bro. dont act like a whint bitch.
treat her well and you will get favorable access to her hot friends.
as a home owner, your a damn living god or a golden goose to single women

Tell her/them a lot of the stuff in the fridge is yours and if they wants to get rid of stuff, they can only get rid of stuff that is exclusively his. And that optionally they can buy a minifridge if they're interested.

She doesn't really have any access to girls I'd ever want to hook up with. He's probably getting kicked out soon for other reasons. I genuinely don't want to be mean to either of them, and I don't want to be an autist about this, but I have no interest in her treating my house like it's hers.

She wants to clear the fridge of things that are bad for "us," meaning she doesn't want things that will tempt him to be around. She's not in good shape herself, but she's in the "home cooked food = healthy" mindset.

I just don't want to flip out on her when she's kinda trying to do the right thing.

but you said in a previous post that she was friends with some girls your into?
are you not into them that much to want to date them?

Dude wtf plant your fucking feet, and not in a weird way about it
>[Girl's name], I appreciate what you're trying to do for [roommate's name], but I need you to leave my stuff alone. You're not my girlfriend, you're his. If he's tempted by my food, and eats it, that's a whole separate issue that I will deal with him about, personally.
>But user
>I don't walk into your life and move things around in your fridge, I'd appreciate it if you do the same.

Op isn’t diabetic and doesn’t have to pussy out on this. Honestly kind of pathetic that you caved.

She's not the gateway to a bunch of hot girls that will love me for knowing her, but she could easily tell some girls I'm halfway into that I yelled at her for trying to make us food and trying to make us healthier. Does that make sense? It's all somewhere in the middle.

This is a good answer, I think. Kinda what I was looking for. What makes it a little complex is that HE is asking me for permission for his girlfriend to do this. I'm more than happy to stand up to both of them, I just don't want to be weird.

>What makes it a little complex is that HE is asking me for permission for his girlfriend to do this
Tell him she can move his food, but not yours.
>But user, what if I get tempted by your food?
"I don't think I have to tell you not to eat my food."

Feed her your meat until she won't question your food choices

Designate half the fridge as yours and half as his.
She can use his fridge space.

>this guy is getting kicked out soon because he hasn't paid in two months.
Raise that its impressive he can afford a new diet when he isn't paying rent.