Wtf i actually like Trump now?

Wtf i actually like Trump now?

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I hope Drump does exactly this.

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I wish it was as good as all the normies think it is.

>muh spacegoat

what happened to "we are the 56%" and "mexicans will replace you" and "america will be nonwhite by 2050"?

is it more politically sensible for jews to claim now that hordes of central american mud people are the same tiny minority/outsized threat as the jews themselves?

This from the 'peaceful' left who just tried to assassinate an AFD politician

I just saw this thread on twitter omg.
In the comments the people are literally debating when Trump will start ethnically cleansing them O_o

Damn, the show hasn't even started yet and the salt mines are over flowing already.

>the comments
imagine being stupid enough to believe that twitter comments are real.

This is the vision I hope and pray for daily.

I mean neither of them were/are wrong

>refuse to make any deals whatsoever
>stomp your feet like toddlers because you are incapable of making a compromise and act like an adult
>surprised when the guy you refused and continuously obstruct at every turn decides to take matters into his own hands
Whether or not trump goes through and rams his wall through, the Dems are single handily responsible for the shutdown

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The Jewish population in the United States is somewhere north of six million. Coincidence?

God I wish Trump was 25% of the man most liberals thought he was.

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Don't you understand? The real goal is the destruction of the white race. They can claim that a majority is a minority and a minority is a majority and then switch positions tomorrow, and they won't care because their only goal is the destruction of the white race

He is but a humble servant

Good. They have no illusions of their future in this great nation.

i Wish, but no

Twitter is what Social media engineering looks like. These people actually believe they’re going to be murdered because are fed fake news and propaganda from lefty journalists.

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>Trump is going to do what Adolf Hitler did
Godspeed Mr. President

>Senate won’t approve the wall
>Trump dissolves the Senate
Hey, a man can dream.

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Kind of funny because don't Hispanics have more countries than any other race already?

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Wtf I love trump now

The 3rd world countries south of America are a minority? Okay

I love left hysteria

Trump should come up with the most leftist talking points he can think of and just read the whole thing in German, shouting it.

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What the fuck ever. Those fags won't be able to help themselves. His haters will be the main ones watching.

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disgusting kikes

>implying the (((racial minority))) didn't pose a threat to German national security

wait what? hes going to order the deaths of the jews? i thought he was going to incite violence by saying there was a national emergency and Q larp having prepped every one into believing that was the signal

are they trying to goad someone again and then play victim? why can't we just limit their influence and otherwise ignore them like every other flourishing european country/sovereign colony? oh yeah cuz americans dicks are cut and they're mind-controlled

>racial minority
theyre the majority in all southwestern states

Lol guy in pic must like doorbells.

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Trips of truth

Unconstitutional powers that rubber-stamp democrats voted for.

Time to do that thing that never happened

He better be faithful to base and strong willed against threats if he even wants to have a chance at 2020

This account must be a troll. If not, why are the left such meme thieves?

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>a racial minority poses a fatal threat to our security

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They are so terrified Trump MIGHT break their programming.

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NPCs digest what they are fed with, without questioning anything.

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Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there...

Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.

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Yeah but they ruined all those already

> racial minority
Uh no sweetie


Liberals are going to try to do tonight what liberals have been doing since the 1930s: Convince the country that anyone who supports border security must be a literal nazi. And, if successful, will use this to get Trump/GOP out of office and restore unconstitutional powers to democrats.

And the Supreme Court will BTFO Trump if he tries

>and that's a good thing!

these people are dumb as fuck. Just because a politician is declaring a national emergency does not mean he is going to start annihilating people. These people are the same people that want guns removed. Truly boggles the mind

trump is the senate i want a death star and i wana blow up jews

Why? Your a nigger and will be on the list

Implying this isn’t precisely the reason I voted for him. My only complaint is that the ethnic cleansing hasn’t started already

Bumping because YES!

Absolutely based.

but whites are a minority in the world and this guy shits on them

beaners are absolutely not a minority in my area. maybe they are in this rich limo liberals gated community but not in the real world

why do these faggots keep hyping my expectations?? these kikes have been kvetching all day about muh Hutlurrrr. trying to scare everybody but I'm at home saying God please let it be true!

these people just want me to be disappointed

this all day

Do it .

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What does national security have to do with a racial minority?

If I think that a sovereign nation ought to be able to maintain its borders, I have to have harbor some sort of racial prejudice?

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Lefties aren't winning the civil war.

He should call for a northern wall with Canada as well checkmate liberals.

is rehling a jew? just guessing from his face too lazy to research

>Israel thinks a racial minority poses a fatal threat to their security

Oh, no, wait. Your Senate just approved the bill that makes it illegal to boycott Israel.

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Gas chambers soon!!

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I would love it if he did start gassing these far lefties.

Fucking based

>This is how Democracy dies... with YUUUGE walls.

The funniest part is them constantly equating everything Trump to an Orwellian dystopia. When in actuality everything they stand for is Orwellian. It’s like they’re not familiar with his work, they’re really quite stupid.

ANOTHER NAMELESS FACELESS ACCT user SWARMING IN, I said you'd be coming.Reported

based DJT

Were Jews legal citizens lawfully residing in Germany

t. Historylet here

>nobody in Germany after World War 1 had any idea how to dispose of massive amounts of dead bodies
Nigga throw them in a fucking canyon or something that's why God gave us the Grand Canyon it shall flow red with the blood of the non believers

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claiming you love Hitler. Reported.

I said you'd be coming faceless one. Disagreeing with me, REPORTED

I wish Trump was actually a white supremacist capable of genociding niggers and spics like the left screeches he is every day.

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only reason i would agree with this horror is so we don't have to listen to theim crying about that anymore. god i hate dumb people like that.

>your a nigger
everyone point and laugh at this faggot.

ur all reported

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what was good about jfk?didn't he sign that shitty immigration act?

hitler was dead fucken right tho

He didn't need to convince the country. The drug cartels did that for them.

That was ted kennedy, jfk made executive order 11110 a few months prior to his ride in Dallas. That EO made it so the federal reserve couldn't charge interest on our money any longer. Im sure dallas was only a coincidence though.

Maybe. Sounds like good times.
Get ready for the war.
War never changes.

>believes trump is literally hitler
>his best plan to save the world is to not watch tv

no, johnson did after they killed him

I thought he was already a dictator?

baka desu senpai

I wish it was far far greater than all the normies think it is.

but he won't
he will compromise
instead of a wall you will get a fence
and the government shut down will be over
how naive can you be?

>racial minority
So Whites?

wall, fence, whatever.
so long as they can't just walk or drive over the border in swarms anymore.

Nice. We could probably make all those crazy holohoax stories come true. Let’s set some goals.