The beginning of the end

My friends.

Tonight will be something that will make world history.

I promise you.

Attached: godsaveus.png (1350x778, 3K)

whats gonna happen

hope your right. shit has been boring as fuck lately.

have fun on T_D tho faggot leave here

not a damn thing is going to happen. I can guarantee you that.

and who are you to make such promises?


pretty edgy, op better supply good. My life is boring as fuck

tell us in what way. tips?

op better supply protips for $0.50

Either an hero or do another 9/11

Attached: dots.png (568x665, 3K)

Is he about to do an ethnic cleansing or sth

Anyway, staying here. This looks interesting

LARPers get the bullet too

Trump says stufff

Q says trust the plan

Attached: jews2.jpg (6256x3240, 3.71M)

>stay here all night
> op delivers in the form of a picture saying "fuck jews" or some small pointless shit

Q user predicted this

Trump will shart live

Attached: Captura de Tela 2019-01-08 às 20.45.01.png (116x67, 10K)

American ""happenings"" never deliver, even the french are beating you with the yellow vest bank shit that will collapse the EU (based)

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It’s happening! later or early in the morning someday at night.

happening threads never deliver and even if they do, the happening is pointless

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My head agrees with you but my heart is conflicted.

Trump’s gonna go on TV and say things about Mexico in a stern voice. This. Changes. Everything.

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>Q user predicted this


Sauce, I know you got it. Don’t hold out on me


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based poster of girls showing there asses like a mile of shit doesnt come out of it per week

Super rare merchant.

Attached: sniffer_gang.jpg (618x378, 31K)

Then he will back down on the wall and re open the government.

Il even put money on it. He's talking big about the wall now because he wants to win the re election in 2020.


>New GTASA speedrun wr
>AEW conference
I feel it boys.
The happening is today

Attached: R14kkDj.jpg (657x527, 39K)

All he is gonna do is talk about how we need a wall. Maybe he'll declare a state of emergency for the sake of building it, idk. But it's nothing that big, stop trolling.

unironically this

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