This is satanic evil

Jow Forums, we must take action. A great injustice is being committed against boys across the world. Circumcision is a procedure which removes an important part of the penis called the foreskin. This "piece of skin" has many functions. It contains over 20,000+ fine touch receptors, lubricates the penis and creates a natural gliding motion. If it was so useless then why are we born with it?
>b-but its cleaner
Retard, take a shower. Smegma can be prevented if you bathed.
>Girls like it better
No, they like the appearence of a retracted foreskin. A circumcised dick mimics the appearance of a retracted erect penis but with an ugly scar line and an ablated frenulum with a dry head. Intact dicks look better than circumcised ones. They also have most likely never had an intact penis inside of them. The foreskin has a ridged band which stimulates the vaginal canal. Ribbed condoms simulate this lost ridged band in males.

Since the procedure is done on infants with no anasthesia, it causes extreme psychological trauma that lasts through your life.

I had this procedure done as a child(age 5) and I remember the torturous pain afflicted upon me. I didn't know why I had it done to me and I thought I was in hell.
My penis began to grow hair on the shaft from the tightening of the skin when puberty started and my glans have dried up and cannot detect fine touch. My dick has been damaged.

Start to educate your friends and family, write to your local representative. Donate to Foregen. Use your weaponized autism to fight this.

Imagine what future generations will think of this barbaric ritual we are doing on our kids.
If one country like the US could ban this procedure, the rest of the world will follow in its lead.

If you're not a lazy piece of shit shit watch this:

Go here and learn more

I won't stop posting this thread until circumcision is outlawed globally.

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Other urls found in this thread: Reasons Not To Circumcise_0.pdf of circumcision

That post on reddit is really eye opening at how brainwashed people are

Is there even any hope at ending this with people so stupid? I got -4 just for posting truth.

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It does surprise me that people still defend this. My nephew ended up with some sort of infection because of circumcision - asked my sister why she'd even had it done, and she didn't have a reason.

People are literally stupid. Honestly I think 90 percent or more are literal NPCs. People will refuse to even think about this and then pretend to be intelligent, they just shove it in the back of their mind and pretend chopping a part of an infants body off is entirely normal.

Witness the subhuman normalfag NPC in its natural habitat.

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Circumcision is proof that people do not innately have morals. People don't even think about mutilating their children. Most people's morals are just the societal culture that they are in. They don't think critically.

This. It also disproved religious fags and their assertion that you must be religious to have morals. Many people who do this are religious and while not required in Christianity it doesnt outright call against mutilating babies.

pretty funny it's so popular in america among non jews, you guys got jewed so hard

Yep, you can think the (((AAP))) and the (((people))) in charge for this current generations excuses.

Sadly this, whenever I hear about a large demographic of Americans that are not Jewish and circumcised I always wonder why you voluntarily drank your retard juice.

The same reason your country did earlier. Muh masturbation is evil and abrahamic logic of "sex bad, pleasure bad".

Difference is here the jews moved it into " health benefits" and have groups like AAP that lied about it. So its continued longer.

You're talking hundreds of years earlier, I think we can be forgiven for falling for their tricks in times of serfdom.

Try posting this one

Attached: circ.jpg (1024x684, 155K)

Im not saying its as bad as here, but it hasnt been hundreds. A hundred maybe. Lots of Anglo countries did it including Australia and Canada. Canada still does to some degree.

Please dont make me look at that again


lol britain is one of the worst countries in the western world to be in, you're doing worse than america

I wouldnt go that far

Says you, have fun being overrun by every surrounding country because the west is abandoning you

why do you think arabs can do that? theyre incompetent af historically even before usa gave israel aid


the funny thing is same people who are fighting to stop female circumcision, turns around and says its ok to circumcise males....

Trump isnt going to do shit ptg redditor

I'll eat my hat if he stops sucking jew dick

Thats americunt logic for you, or hell, even the rest of the world. Barely anywhere has criminalized mutilating boys.

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ok lets see, he is about to stream.

We will see, sorry for being rude to you I appreciate the thread I just dont see how a kike sucker like trump will do anything important.

It's all so tiresome. I can't think of a single species of animal on the planet that intentionally mutilates and butchers its healthy offspring.

Not only do so many people do this, but if you ask them to simply give their child a say in what their genitals look like, they become irate, red faced and begin to shout obscenities at you. They find it obscene you would dare to question their decision to amputate a perfectly healthy external organ on their infant. They think you are being overdramatic when you simply ask them not to cause needless pain and suffering to their day old infant.

It wont change any time soon though. "They" have made sure this is a deeply rooted part of American culture. It will not last, but it will be decades before people start to question this practice on a large scale.

I want it to come sooner so bad, for everyone's sake. Including current victims. It needs to be called what it is to have more work put into solving it and curing it.

People are really sick. This whole issue has made me so apathetic to the world as long as this continues occurring.

I dont understand how so many people can be so stupid and cruel. It boggles my mind.

>I dont understand how so many people can be so stupid and cruel.
There's a reason why for most of history, most civilizations were monarchies and theocracies. The fact is most people can barely be called human. Most people are basically retards and will happily butcher their sons if told that's the correct thing to do. Most people unwaveringly follow whatever directive they are told to do, never once critically thinking.

Most people are not bad or even good. Morality does not apply to most people. Most people are gelatin. They are amoebas. They don't possess morality. They are literally human fungus.

The sooner you learn and understand this, the more infants you can save. Learn how to appeal to people. Learn how to convince them they will be a hero and can save their son from harm. Tell them he will thank. Never EVER use logic or empathy when dealing with normies. Treat them as feral animals. Use social shaming. Tell them in 20 years, in tact will be the norm and their son will be bullied for it.

I'm just so unused to thinking or speaking in such ways, but it probably does work better.

Honestly the more I speak about this issue the more I tend to agree with your assessment.

America is more advanced. Cutting the useless foreskin off leaves the penis looking more aesthetic, less prone to disease and infection, smells better, tastes better, cleaner, and women like it better. I wonder why they don't make dildos with foreskin n why porno actors are cut

shut the fuck up jew

These threads are not about circumcised and uncircumcised penises. You are allowed to think what you wish to think about them.

These threads are about the cruelty of forcing an unnecessary cosmetic procedure on infants. It is unethical to amputate part of someones body without their consent.

I'm cut, and I already feel bullied for it, like I had a say in it. I bear the mark of the Jew, and the only way out is the sweet release of death.

Hope for foregen. Alternatively you can stretch, its not the same but its better.

Imagine shilling for mutilated dicks
You are evil and your reasons are meaningless


Foregen may just be a pipe dream, and even of it's not, I will be at least 40 by the time I have the option for that expensive procedure. I hand stretch ever now and then, but I work an extremely physical job where I'm only home for two weekends out of the month, so stretching devices are out of the question for now.
Plus, I'll never get the nerve endings back, never get the ridged band, never undo the brain damage from the trauma, never re-live my youth as an intact male. These scars are more than skin deep.

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You should seriously look in the fucking mirror and realize what a fucking psychic vampire you are, cut dick.

In a day and age where men are berated for 'non-empathy', it's startling and chilling to me how little even the WOMEN in our lives care about the psychological scarring that circumcision leaves.
It's a baby getting CUT on a central part of a main nerve stem.
Yet......crickets in terms of any outrage.

im uncut though, lol

They definitely are more than skin deep, however foregen does plan on giving nerve endings and ridged band back.

I agree though, the mental effects will live on. I often wonder about that as well.

Foreskin isn't useless
Mutilated cocks aren't aesthetic
Don't fornicate, and clean yourself
>Women like it better
Why do people always make this arguement?
Men like women without beef curtains, let's start cutting off their labias so it's more appealing to men.

>being circumcised
LMAO. this is one of the perks of being a mutt in america. Everyday I thank my lucky stars that I still have my manhood. Thank you, my spic parents

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I'd honestly probably trade my whiteness to not have been mutilated.

I was referring to the inadequacies of stretching, but yes you are right about Foregen giving you the whole package. It just sounds like flying cars and food replicators to me though, so I'm not risking the hope.

This is what made me realize that most people really are basically insane and/or not self aware.

I understand. I have some hope for it, if I didnt I dont know that I could go on.

Seeing all the things stem cell regeneration can do it isnt a huge stretch to think it can regenerate foreskin.

>It's time to get rid of all that extra, useless skin. It's time for your circumcision, user.

>This is America. All males have to be circumcised. If you don't, you're discriminating between yourself and the Jewish community. Discrimination falls under hate speech laws so if you refuse this procedure, we'll have to call the cops. You'll go to prison for anti-semitism and the prison doctors will probably end up performing the procedure on you there anyway (for prison health and safety), so it's best to not make a fuss and just get it done here this afternoon.

>Oh don't be scared, sweetie. It's a totally painless procedure, and wait til you experience all the health benefits! Plus the ladies like it better. Your sex life is about to improve a lot, trust us. Don't believe everything you read on the internet. Those silly European doctors all have anti-semitic bias. Europe currently has an epidemic of male urinary tract infections - something the biased 'lame stream media' won't tell you. Plus they can't even afford to do this procedure on a wide enough scale because their healthcare is dead broke - soshalism doesn't work. We have the best healthcare system in the world. By the way the total cost will be six gorrilion dollars, plus taxes (the taxes go to Israel), plus a 'tip'....heh heh. Our system says your insurance that you pay $500 a month for won't cover this procedure so you're going to have to pay out of pocket. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Diner's Club, UnionPay, JCB and Discover.

>Ok! Here's your gown, take the second right down the hallway and get changed. The nurses will prep you. We'll begin the procedure by standing for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag (of Israel) and by saluting Our Beautiful President, The God Empress of the United States, our first Jewish president, Ivanka M. Trump!

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Fuck this whore so much. I can't believe so many people on here worship trump.

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Most people are literally NPCs. This is why the meme is so effective. The world consists of people who have such an unwillingness or inability to question their own beliefs and surroundings that they are willing to subject their sons to barbaric genital mutilation. I won't pretend I am free of bias, but even in my most bluepilled days I understood it was wrong to mutilate baby penis.

a third

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What age did your parents stop cleaning your foreskin? Mine did at around age 7, they'd just give the glans a quick rub with soap and lavender oil and just polish where the glans meets the shaft. Though they eventually got me circumcised since I wasn't cleaning it and it got infected yet they insisted I was mature enough to do it myself at that age. I didn't understand it'd get infected.

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last one

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Irish Catholic American here. I have a cut dick. And when it gets jerked off, sucked, and fucked. All i hear is how " pretty " and " nice " it looks. Women and even the THOT girls say that uncut dicks look like " worms " and are " nasty ". Women and girls all prefer circumcised men. Just saiyen. Enjoy your worm dick that your gf's all make fun of with their friends.

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That's adult circumsiciom you piece of shit. Most of them are performed on babies and they look nothing like that.

People are raised to trust doctors and most doctors will parrot the standard pro circumcision propaganda.

Youre not even supposed to RETRACT FORESKIN ON KIDS.

Holy shit

>muh anecdotal justification

Imagine being proud of the fact that you're missing the most erogenous sensitive parts of your penis and making fun of intact penises.

You're not meant to pull the foreskin back at that age. Soap on the glans is especially bad as it dries it out.

The reason why you hear crickets is because a very powerful cabal made of a very few select people have immense power and control of major social media platforms and all traditional media publications.

Anti-circumcision arguments never reach the mainstream not because of organic reasons. But because you will instantly be pulled off the air, you will be branded a bigot, you will be shadowbanned and have your account deleted. You lose your job and social standing overnight.

stfu copypasta


Retard did you even read my thread? I am mutilated like you and uncut dicks feel better for women. Keep coping faggot

he's shitposting
holy fuck when did pol become so easy to bait?
oh i know, 2015 when the redditkiddies invaded

This one is believable.

Are you implying I'm a reddit kiddy? Ive been here long before Jow Forums existed.

No, not many people especially mutts know not to retract, idiot. If you decide to not cut your son then you must know how to care for his dick properly.

So your argument is that day old infants should have this surgery performed on them because.... when they have their penises fellated, the person fellating them will find their penises more appealing? Is that what you're saying?

Infants are not going to be having sex any time soon. It is totally unnecessary to force this procedure on them just so their sexual partner 20 years in the future MIGHT think their penis looks nicer. You're surgically altering someone elses body so that SOMEONE else appreciates it more.

Its literally tantamount to giving an infant girl a boobjob.

>implying that age makes any difference in eventual outcome

>caring what women think

Even some of (((them))) think circumcision is retarded.

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ok me too but you still got baited by that 1 post by this ID aussie
go back and read his post. pure bait.

When you go in for a circumcision as an adult, a skilled plastic surgeon performs the operation. They also have much more tissue and skin to work with so that an error means less damage.

When you have the procedure done as an infant, there is far far less tissue and surface area, meaning one wrong slip means much more damage.

Furthermore an infant cannot consent to a surgical operation and thus the procedure violates bodily autonomy. And is thus immoral.

Jow Forums isn't a reddit support group, fuck right off. Also, you have to lurk for 2 years before posting.


I was literally just pointing it out for people who didnt know. Took me 10 seconds to type that. Hardly baited.

This thread got even worse and op got banned or deleted.

God reddit is a fucking brainwashed shithole.

Hey newfag go fucking shoot yourself, any fucking spot where this issue can be pushed is good by me. I hate reddit but ignoring its popularity is absurd.

Fucking newfag tool, stop trying to fit in.

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>I am circumcised, and I tell you something, I despise it. I despise it. I despise it... I am completely pissed off that I'm circumcised.

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>le not your personal army
Underage faggot, go back to /b/.

>muh dik

Youre missing out on so much pleasure you have no idea. Glad that youre proud to be both a good goyim as well as being willing to shill for dick mutilation bcuz muh wimminz prefers it in your opinion. Nothx im glad i can get my rocks off in ways you cant possibly understand by simply having a soft feminine hand touching my dick. Meanwhile you have to furiously jack it with lube to even come close to what we normal people can experience by simply letting her slide her hand in our pants.

I am opposed to forcing unnecessary surgical procedures on infant boys who cry and scream in pain.

Do you not oppose needlessly causing infants agony and fear and pain? If you do not oppose such needless suffering, then you are evil. And probably a psychopath who abuses children.

It looks like a penis getting mutiilated either way you dumb piece of shit

Even the king of all jews regrets being cut.

There are numerous jewish people who resent the fact this procedure was forced on them. I think it's a mistake to use anti-jewish language when voicing your hatred for circumcision. Its important to stay civil. Forcing this on a baby is immoral. His body, his choice. Thats really all that needs to be said around normies. Dont give reddit, youtube, facebook, etc mods a reason to delete your post

Attached: 1546645508372.png (1105x1661, 223K)

>Source for the global circumcision rate map:

>Extreme trauma from male circumcision causes damage to areas of brain

>Circumcision may lead to abnormal brain development and subsequent deviations in behavior

>Factors Influencing Intelligence Quotient

>Effect of environmental factors on intelligence quotient of children

>Traumatic experiences in childhood and psychopathy

>The exaggeration of the benefits of circumcision in regards to HIV/AIDS transmission

>Circumcision/HIV claims are based on insufficient evidence

>More than foreskin: circumcision status, history of HIV/STI, and sexual risk in a clinic-based sample of men in Puerto Rico.

> Can Penile Cancer Be Prevented with Male Genital Mutilation? NO!

>Circumcision’s Psychological Damage - CDC wants all males to be cut--but it's harmful psychologically

>Infant MGM autism link

>Ritual circumcision and risk of autism spectrum disorder in 0- to 9-year-old boys: national cohort study in Denmark

>Incidence of asymptomatic meatal stenosis in children following neonatal circumcision

>Homo Sapian foreskin for sale

>resaons not to cut your kids Reasons Not To Circumcise_0.pdf

I'm circumcised and it's fine

>no medcial benefit

>reasons not to do it as an adult

>genital mutilation causes dysmorphia and other psychological effects

>possible terrorism link


>lasting damage

>possible suicide link

>bad sex life

>cut karma

>increase in rape and killing


Oh your circumcision is fine? I guess we should go ahead and greenlight the circumcision of hundreds of millions of baby boys, some which will die and many more of which will have botched penises and be unable to experience sex. That course of action is acceptable. Because yours is fine.

Because ... for some reason.... We can't just.... Wait? For some reason... We cant just... Let people decide what their genitals get to look like?

Because, uh.... Wait why dont we let people decide this again?

>guy randomly kills doctor who delivered him

>how it harms women

>Neonatal Circumcision Reconsidered

>Baby died from lung collapse due to screaming too hard from circumcision

>The effect of male circumcision on the sexual enjoyment of the female partner

Look at the size of the surgeons fingers mate. He's operating on an infant.

>9. Effects of circumcision on hormones of circumcision


>Circumcision decreases sexual pleasure

>Circumcision decreases efficiency of nerve response in the glans of the penis

>Circumcision results in significant loss of erogenous tissue

>Circumcision has negligible benefit

>Neonatal circumcision linked to pain and trauma

>Circumcision may lead to need for increased care and medical attention in the first 3 years of life

You're fucking salty aren't ya?

>David Reimer