second world looks like hell
i don't know how people can travel in 3rd world countries
Second world looks like hell
Other urls found in this thread:
don't share his photo with white woman
God, he's so alpha
What the fuck is this
quick rundown?
>second world countries
nigger do you even understand what first and third world mean? it has nothing to do with development. It has everything to do with NATO/USSR alliances.
>second world looks like hell
what does that even mean?
Dance you're heart out brother godspeed
but mommy said monsters weren't real...
zika + FAS + inbreeding = masterrace
My ancestor :)
whomst is this gobelm? seen him in a couple of
threads now
Is this Australian kangaroo?
what do you think the average day in the life for him is like?
what do you think his biggest day to day problem is?
>what do you think his biggest day to day problem is?
not having some nice Forró to dance to
Someone posts that disabled guy with very thin legs dancing, he's also from Brazil
The meaning has evolved
The bitch in the video was laughing at him. It seems that he realized that and stopped dancing. Do you think he knew?
Pretty sure he has a brain deformity.
I like this guy. I hope all the attention the internet gives him doesn't get him killed
Found it. I love my countrymen
the average american
This, bless his soul
If you only know how many white babies are born with horrible disfigurements too bad even the most christian white man goes for abortion when he gets wind of a damaged baby
honestly how can people be depressed. look at this dude. he has nothing going for him.
hes a disabled retard in a shithole country, and he's happier than me.
its inspiring.
F Brazil!? Topkek
nice digits but tehy aren't the digits of truth.
disabled people ahve a right to life just as any of us. in fact they need more protection than anyone else.
this kid all grown up
He's happy because his brain doesn't function.
He is going on pure animal instinct.
He is happy the same way your dog is happy when you step out of your room in the morning.
bruising his knuckles on tree trunks
The Missing Link was found in Brazil
poor man, having Microcephaly in a shithole country like that must be horror.
this is some uncanny shit
We found the Brazilian Grug
it's because you're a bitchmade leaf desu
Makes you value life doesn't it?
>He's happy because his brain doesn't function.
I don't think that's the case but even if it is there are tons of people who are pretty fucked up very happy.
People here are literally what happens when you randomize everything in the character creation of a RPG, this and many other BR freaks you can find on the internet prove this.
I don't know where this myth that Brazilian are generally good looking comes from.
>shithole country
Well yeah but we enjoy some freedoms you guys can only dream to have. Worth it? I don't know.
Imagine that about 1 in every 40-70 bush apes has an old truck, and the other 39-69 nig chimps that don’t have a vehicle simply allows the truck buck to muhdik; in other words, they turn tricks as payment for a fare.
so is it against God to want to keep your bloodline pure? Huh kike boi
It feels like I'm looking at a Creepy Pasta monstrosity, poor guy. His soul is too pure for this world.
New meme for the / pol / to laugh at this shit so much
I go to hell for laughing at an illness
>shithole country
hahahahahah i can buy meat for a month while you can barely afford a steak with the same money, would rather stick with my shithole
>Brazilian are generally good looking comes from.
>they all look differently
Going to Philippines this year and I don’t mean Manila. Fucking Jungle bunny Mindanao. Promise to make dank memes about me if I get beheaded, lads.
rules brazil with an iron (but fair) fist
I kek so hard at those videos, but it's kinda sad
Such as?
>this thread
lmao they shaved that monkey , that's cute senpai
He looks like the game over screen of Luigi's Mansion.
How can I download that? Is such a thing even possible?
This world is gonna burn lmfao
that face.. just..what.
It makes me feel strange inside. Whats going on here? I can't explain this..
Stop messing with my head Jow Forums
Shrek is love.
At least he seems happy.
download it from youtube with
Makes you apretiate the zoomalis you have as neighbors doesn’t it sven.
Chicken man can cut a rug like the best.
>hoping Trump address this national security threat during national address
>makes wall 10ft higher
no its not that. damn i think i've had enough of Jow Forums for tonight. Good night. My mind is full of fuck.
Is this Darwin's missing link?
That’s a pinhead its a birth defect that every race can have.
Why's everybody freaking out? That's a regular Brazilian.
I can agree the meme comes from the more whiter skined here that are actually really good looking
you guys can judge a book by it's cover, but I bet he's actually a really nice fella, he seems like a soft soul. He probably has no real friends, I would dance with him and play catch and stuff.
Were all white in Brazil.
Stay strong Sven, the worst is yet to come.
not starring in a deep web porn where he fucks white women
What does monkey meat go for per kilo?
sopa de macaco para a senpaiília
I don't have a slightest idea but I am 100% positive, he is happier than most people on /pol.
idk, i usually don't buy american products
I’d watch that and I’m not even into porn.
oh I agree, without a doubt.
mentally retarded people are usually happy and smiling because they have all their needs taken care of and have no fucking idea what planet they're on or what their name is
>Reactor online
>Sensors online
>Weapons online
>All systems nominal
my god, | feel like this could compensate the fossils that we lost at the fire on the National Museum. This specimen could help us discover important details regarding human evolution...
eh. I've been to Brazil and it's rare to find a good looking person.
Much love to that wild mofo.
Wrong, we're beautiful in unique ways
>that face.. just..what.
Noonans, Marfan or Kleinfelter Syndrome combined with pretty severe microcephaly.
Macaco for the soup
No it's not, that's a Zika supersoldier, notice the small cranium.
Yep, he knew. He felt ashamed and stopped dancing.
Where did you got to?
that's just a retard, they hide the scary looking motherfuckers in mental hospitals like Sonoma State Hospital