How do I escape the hell that is involuntary dateless virginity?

How do I escape the hell that is involuntary dateless virginity?

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As a rule, by asking girls out till one accepts.

Otherwise, by working on the root of your problem. So, user, why are you a dateless virgin?

I don’t know. I’ve worked at self improvement for the past 6 years and generally think I am now an attractive, confident man who lives a full life

Despite this, girls still show zero sexual interest in me

By quitting your lying incel ways.

Where am I lying?

How often do you ask girls out? How do you do that? How does that interaction go?

I haven’t asked a girl out in 5 years

Before you criticise me for this, it’s because girls don’t show any interest in me. No girls ever give me any indications of interest. It’s as if I’m friend zoned within 5 seconds of meeting a girl for the first time

By saying it's involuntary.

Please explain to me how it isn’t involuntary

I’ve tried everything to make myself into an attractive male and yet I am still sexually invisible to women

Okay, then here's basically all your problem.

Try flirting with them, and if they react positively and flirt back ask them out.
If you don't signal in any way you might be interested, it takes a very sexually forward girl for you to get laid. Which might happen, but it's rare - most girls wan guys who take the first step.

But taking the first step surely doesn’t mean having to do LITERALLY ALL of the work including signalling interest

I was always lead to believe that girls and guys courted each other like this:
>Guy sees girl
>Guy and girl talk
>Girl signals via body language that she finds guy attractive
>Guy escalates accordingly

I can do the first two steps but I receive no indication that any girl views me sexually and so cannot proceed further

Post a pic of yourself. Chances are, you're ugly

>I've tried everything
>I haven't asked a girl out in 5 years

Why does everything come down to looks for you people?

For what it’s worth, I have been rated well whenever I post my pic online, and I receive plenty of matches whenever I’ve used Tinder. I might not be “hot”, but I am NOT ugly

I don’t know what it’s like in America, but in my country, physical appearance doesn’t count for so much. I’ve seen some dead average looking guys making out with stunners in the club. I have friends who are pretty genetically unfortunate but have never struggled to attract at least some women

I am the only guy I know who receives absolutely zero sexual attention from girls

Oh look, it's this thread again. OP creates it every day.

What do you want me to do? Do you want me to go up to random women who have no sexual interest in me and ask them out?

I can’t ask out girls if they don’t show interest in me in the first place

I'm not American.
And you'd be a fool to think looks don't matter.
Also if you get tinder matches, what's the issue?

You see what you want to see. You don't know if a girl is interested in you until you ask her out. But I'm wasting my time because you don't want to hear advice, only whining and validation.

Well, not necessarily. It usually goes both way, with both the guy and the girl flirting. There isn't one taking the first step. It's not a robotic interaction, it's usually pretty organic.

Maybe you're really shit at reading signals, you might want to consider that too. A more direct approach might be good for you.

Then, you get matches. Do you talk to these girls? They're signaling interest in you.

I’m not saying looks don’t matter. I’m saying that this heavily Americanised r9k/reddit mindset that “looks are all that matter” is in my experience bullshit. I think people are deriving it from Hollywood culture personally

I get tinder matches but have no courage to message them. This is because in real life, I get no sexual attention from girls, so I don’t really believe that girls on tinder could ever really like me. Why do I get matches on tinder but no attention IRL?

If she matches you, she is interested in you, you hopeless dolt.

If you don't have the courage to talk to girls not even fuckin ONLINE you a lost cause

It's probably cos you're insecure as fuck and don't expect girls to like you

No, there are plenty of reasons girls might match with a guy, including:
>Self esteem boost
>By accident

They also might swipe right and then regret it

Some of my female friends have openly admitted they match with and talk to guys on Tinder with zero intention of actually dating them

It’s not my fault. If girls showed me attention IRL I would have more confidence

Stop fucking making excuses cunt, every single post you make on this board is just another reason why you can't get girls. It's because you've got fucking issues, go see a shrink.

You haven’t given me any advice

You don't want advice.

OR she might be interested in you. Why do you automatically assume the worst?

>Some of my female friends have openly admitted they match with and talk to guys on Tinder with zero intention of actually dating them
You know you can change their mind by actually being interesting instead of being an insecure faggot, right?
I know because I've done it myself, I've had girls tell me they had zero intention of dating guys on Tinder, but I was so funny/interesting they had to meet me in person.

See it like this: if they're not really interested, then it means you can experiment and try new approaches without losing anything. Getting rejected by text is way less embarrassing than in real life.

It's obvious that girls who match you find you sexually attractive. Even you know it:

When asked if you were ugly, you used this to respond:
>I receive plenty of matches whenever I’ve used Tinder
So you believe you're matched because they find you attractive.

Why are you so scared of talking to them? Do you fear rejection?

>I haven't asked a girl out in 5 years
There is your problem, there is literally nothing else to say. Message your Tinder matches, don't ask for a lick of more advice until then. There is literally nothing more to tell you.

He's a special snowflake. Unlike every other male on the planet he can't ask a girl out ever.

I do. I desperately want to escape this horrible predicament. I would give anything to be able to date women like a normal human being

I assume the worst because I receive no interest IRL. If girls in real life do not show sexual interest in me, but I can get matches on tinder, then something is wrong

I’m a dateless virgin. How could I possibly be that smooth and sexually interesting? I have no experience

I’m petrified of rejection. I literally can’t think of anything that scares me more than rejection. Not even death

There is no other man on this earth who is as scared of rejection as me

Why? What's the worst thing that could happen if you get rejected?

I got rejected a bunch, and while it hurts a little it's quite literally just it - a specific woman doesn't like you. It's good that there are dozens of other women who are as good or better than her, and might like you.
Just be sad for a bit and then move on.

Go see a psychologist.

Rejection is a woman saying “you are not physically attractive”. It’s the ultimate insult, in my opinion. It’s emasculating. It’s impossible to be rejected without it bruising your ego. All you can do is pretend that it hasn’t

As I have never dated, kissed or had sex, every rejection adds on to my mountain of failures. I have a 100% failure rate. I was rejected twice in high school. Ever since then, I don’t even allow myself to develop crushes on women, because I don’t want to risk rejection

I’ve seen my female friends and how they talk about men they aren’t interested in. They aren’t rude or hateful. But women seem to reserve a special kind of pity for men they aren’t attracted to who approach them. I REALLY REALLY do NOT want to emasculate myself by opening myself up to that kind of humiliation

You already know why you are an incel. You've known it before you even made this thread. If you can't ask a message back your Tinder matches then that is 100% on you. The ball is in your court, it won't get any easier

The most attractive, masculine guys still get rejected often. So do the most attractive girls. Every single fucking person has a rejection rate of at least 80%. You are just making excuses. Why don't you seek rejections like you seek sex? Everyone else gets rejections and sex. You apparently don't want either.

>If girls in real life do not show sexual interest in me, but I can get matches on tinder, then something is wrong
Not really, I'm in the same boat and it doesn't stop me from getting dates.

>I’m a dateless virgin. How could I possibly be that smooth and sexually interesting?
As I said, you need to try new approaches.
Sure, you'll probably fail at the beginning, but you won't get anywhere if you just wait for things to happen.
Eventually you'll find something that works and you'll be glad you did it.

>I’m petrified of rejection
I used to be like you, but eventually I realized that rejection isn't really that scary after all.
Getting rejected just means you can stop wasting time with that person and move on to someone else.

Are you serious? Don't you realize how pathetic it is to give up after only two rejections?

I can’t think of anything to say to my tinder matches. I can’t just message “hi” like a fucking imbecile

Those two rejections came at a really vulnerable time. I was 16 and 17 and very insecure. I felt so damaged by them that I swore to never let myself be humiliated by a girl like that again

Say something funny about one of their pictures or their description.
If you can't come up with anything, find the dumbest pickup line you can and send them that.

You weren't really damaged, you were just an overreacting teenager.
Are you going to be that pathetic teenager your whole life or are you going to grow up?

Getting rejected isn't humiliating, absolutely everyone gets rejected at some point.

>Rejection is a woman saying “you are not physically attractive”.
It isn't. It's a woman saying "I am not interested".
I rejected guys because they were too dumb for me, I rejected guys because I was in a bad place and didn't want to date, I rejected guys because I didn't feel any chemistry with them even if they were cute and nice enough.
It doesn't mean they're shit human being by objective measures, or even by my subjective point of view - just that at that very moment I didn't want to go out with them.

I got rejected too, and of course it hurts a bit. You're blowing it out of proportion if you make it the worst thing of your life.
You have a 100% failure rate because you tried just twice. If you tried 20, 30, 40 times you'd have a much lower one. You're a "failure" romantically because you don't even try, you don't win the game because you aren't playing.

I know I've been ridiculed by men who rejected me, and while it is annoying to think of, I don't care all that much. I got a really nice boyfriend, at the end, and it made the little ego bruises worthy.
You have to go through a little trouble for all the good things in life.

Everyone gets rejected at some point but not everyone has a 100% rejection rate

What if I ask out, say, 3 girls and all of them reject me? Then I will have been rejected by 5 in total and will still be a virgin who hasn’t been on even one date. I don’t know if I can take that kind of crushing defeat

To me, a girl saying she doesn’t want to date me is an insult. Sorry, I know I sound ridiculous. But it is. Rejection is a girl saying “there is something about you that is missing that makes me unable to consider you as a partner”. I find that insulting

Stop being a loser.

You are trapped in a perpetual spiral towards oblivion. Get out of it.

If you could tell me in exact terms what I must do, that would help

It might be that, yes, or they're not seeking for a partner.

But, even if they didn't want you specifically - why not being considered good enough by a specific woman hurts you so much? Why is it even insulting when probably it isn't said with any intention to harm you or make you feel bad? Do you consider all girls good enough to be your partners?

You're just blowing out of proportion something really small.
She doesn't consider you good enough to be her partner. Totally fine. Move on to the next.

Go see a psychologist

>What if I ask out, say, 3 girls and all of them reject me?
You keep trying.

>not everyone has a 100% rejection rate
Because they didn't give up like you. If everyone gave up after 2 rejections, humanity would probably be dead right now.

Even 10/10 chads get rejected a whole lot more than 5 times.

I don't know if you play video games, but what you're saying is basically the same as
>I'm never going to play Dark Souls again because I died twice at the beginning of the game

Dont even see a psychologist, just stop being a parasitic piece of shit. Seriously. Right now, get off your chair and do 20 push ups. Feel the physical and mental relief that it brings.

All I want is for a girl to help me out a bit

Presumably at least some of the women I meet in my everyday life would consider going on a date with me. So why can’t they indicate that? Why can’t they flirt with me a bit to give me the green light?

How am I supposed to differentiate women who are interested in me from women who aren’t?

You have such a negative image of yourself that you won't even notice if girls give you clues, or flirted. Unless they threw themselves at you or asked you out, you wouldn't notice.
I mean, even when you get something that is a blatant green light (matched on tinder) you make up excuses to believe they don't like you.

Just try to flirt a bit or ask them out. You'll get out of your fear by exposing yourself to it. I know it sounds terrible, but that's the best thing you can do.

I won’t break out of this mindset until the day I go on a date with a girl

I’m dying for it. I just want to go on one date. No expectation, no demand for anything more. Just one nice date with a girl.

I need validation from women. I feel so unattractive. I feel like the least desirable man on earth

Then if you want to get on a date, ask for one.

There's this game you really want to win, and are super scared to lose, so you don't play. And then you scream that life is unfair because it doesn't let you win without playing at all.

To get results, you need to risk. Flirt, ask the girls out off tinder, or anything really. Just try. If you sit at home and do nothing, you won't get anything.

What is flirting?

Next time I go to a party, for instance, what specifically should I be doing and saying if I spot a girl I like?


Flirting is just expressing sexual attraction in a playful manner.

>Eye contact
>Be witty, whatever you say
>Genuine compliments (use them carefully tho, don't smoother her)
>Show some interest in what she says
>Playful teasing
>Light physical touch (don't start with this one)

But user, I thought women didn't care about looks and everything is about personality and charisma :^)

Learn to play tinder. Add like 4 or 5 photos, keep your bio short and funny and swipe on everyone until you get a match.
Chat to a bitch by making some kind of sexual yet negative/demeaning observation about her bio or a picture. Like how you know a girl with that shirt and it would look better on her floor or something.

Yeah, can you imagine this is a problem many men have and not your imaginary boogeyman who apparently creates the same thread every day?

That's some cringey, perma-block worthy sentence.

>talk to a girl
>she shows 0 sexual attraction
>ask her out
>she obviously rejects you
>look like a sperg who doesn't get social rules

>ask her out
But you never do that. You always make up an excuse.

As OP I can confirm that this person is not me and does not represent me


Man, get some therapy. I'm not memeing or trying to insult you. Like, legit get some help because although rejection hurts, it shouldn't hit you THAT hard

Yet Jow Forums still hasn't come up with genuine advice to help him out or guys similar to him.

The only advice he needs is
>Ask girls out

He got it after 5 or 6 replies.

Why are you lying? There is plenty of advice but incels pretend it doesn't exist.

>just be yourself

It was me, not OP. Though I don't know why does it matter

No - he complained he never gets dates, we suggested he tried asking girls out first.
That's it.

You can't complain you're not getting results if you aren't playing.

Nobody said that you lying incel. But you know this and continue to lie. All incels are liars.

>we suggested he tried asking girls out first
That's the thing, you can ask 1000 women and that's ok, but if you're a complete sperglord, basement dweller then you're obviously not gonna get anything. Then, your magic advice is not so magical anymore. Stop pretending that all you need to improve your romantic life is "asking out" because y'all know that ain't true, and that's why this autistic rant exists lmao
No harsh feelings tho I'm enjoying a cup of coffee
Are you a woman, by any chance? It's like the existence of men who literally cant make the "ask her out" advice work, makes you mad.

He's not a basement dweller complete sperg lord. He has friends (including female friends). He's attractive enough. He gets matches on tinder and such, too.
He just asked literally 2 girls out in his whole life, which is why he has never been on a date.

That's why we suggested he asked more girls out.

Have you been promoted lately in the incel cult? You speak like a captain now.

>no arguments
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