Your entire browsing history is released publicly how fucked are you?

scale of 1-10? im at a 9 personally. maybe even a 10. id probably go live in the woods or kill myself if this ever happens. its very possible, you know. your IP, your google account, fb, etc... they all know exactly what you look up online. its only a matter of time before some hacker dumps it all.

Attached: 1B8091E0-F6AF-48F0-8928-7DA5D1AE8631.png (640x628, 143K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why would random niggers care about my history

your family, friends, and employers can view it.

lol. it will be a lot easier to go full 14/88 than live like a normie trying to get along with people that want my race gone.

Nothing I wouldn‘t say again. Hitler was a saint btw

they would recruit me for the CIA, MIB and Master Chef

>painless suicide methods
Could be worse


and I could in turn view theirs.

> how fucked are you?
death in epic gun battle/10

Attached: Tactics.webm (994x560, 573K)

I think my boss is Jewish she probably wouldn’t like that I come here

they would be fucked I hope they like gore

Attached: bogged.jpg (480x360, 13K)

>how to calculate drop distance
>binary recipes
>triianry recipes
>level 3 body armor
>level 4 body armor

>pic related
Oh well.

Attached: 581098601.png (639x530, 84K)

I hope they read this:
Fuck Spics,
Fuck Niggers,
Fuck Chinks,
Fuck Poos,
and most of all
Fuck Kikes.

Attached: 1540542042491.png (1000x1000, 77K)

I don’t give a fuck anymore. I’d sooner live on the street or in exile than backpedal on my convictions. I know what is right and I believe, deep down, a lot of people agree with me.

I am openly anti-semitic and a weeaboo, so absolutely nothing would shock anyone who knows me.

>maybe a 10
If you were at a 10, you'd have bigger worries. Like the party van. A hacker already has your data. Literally thousands do. They work for the government and can fuck your shit up like no other and you have absolutely no recourse if they do so. I suggest you stop looking for pizza you sick fuck.

Just doxx yourself already. I'm curious and waiting.

Deny it all

everybody knows im a pervert

Attached: hot33.png (921x982, 1.69M)

Why Master Chef

bing bang boom looks like I committed too many felonies


Imagine being ashamed and afraid of your browser history. Stop being so goddamn weak.

he cute

absolutely based

Never had social media, I’m self employed, and my family and friends who aren’t already redpilled wouldn’t be very surprised I don’t think.

"it was a computer virus"
>this shit works in court too

alot of hyper porn fetish

could be worse

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Jokes on you OP this has already happened to me. So everyone in my family knows where I stand on thngs

based and checked

He is really good at cooking, desu

Well, at least everyone would finally know I'm straight...

I don't save browsing history.

Pretty much this, keeping my internet history private is just doing society a favor.

Once the gloves are off, they're off.

>user why did you search 45-70 government round so many times, what does that mean?
>I'm glad you asked

Normal everyday American searches then.

Fuck yourself, JIDF.

Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.
>ACT.IL shill recruitment video

Attached: JIDF-articles.jpg (3668x3284, 1.08M)

Attached: 1546991069034.jpg (480x480, 57K)
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Jow Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"
>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"
>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"
>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video
>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"
>How Israel lobbies and shills manipulate the USA
>"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.

Attached: JIDF paying shills.jpg (1000x1462, 267K)

I posted some over-the-top shit ironically. So I am proper fucked.

like whats an example so i know what over the top is

Attached: 1546991395229.jpg (717x664, 33K)

You sound like a godtard.

Attached: B5342719-9478-4FF2-AE43-69ACEB5EED34.jpg (986x1024, 51K)

> 45-70 government round
I don't even know what that means although I lurk on Jow Forums for a few years now...

>implying we aren't selling Jow Forums fags browsing habit data on bitblender for pennies.

enjoy being a senseless goyprole

I’ve been the target of surveilance before due to making and distrubuting ISIS nasheed mixtapes back when they were still relevant.

A guy came to my house with a tracking device and said I would be paid each month if I kept it charged and on my person at all times. They said it was for Neilsen Ratings to monitor what radio stations I was in range of during my commute but I knew it was bullshit.

He did buy me donuts though so I took the tracker and threw it out later that week. Nothing came of it except every time I was at an airport I was taken off for additional screening for about 2 years after that happened.

>everybody finds out I'm a woman hating pedophile
I'm pretty sure everybody who knows me already knows. And if not why would I care?

No problem, google does that for you

lol they know i wont let them not know the fucking jews are coming the jews are coming to arms to arms...i'm still amazed people like jews better as the antagonist than the actual fucking interdimensional aliens that run things. but whatever. when you spend your time with these people filling them in on new mandela effects or ghost trains or the lovechild of the lochness monster and bigfoot they really are not surprised or interested. make it a jew though and watch two things happen; first they take a look around if they do not shutdown immediately and notice things, then before anyone can do or say much else a barrage of jewish authors flinging articles on the subject or crying victim do a crazy song and dance that only makes it look bad on them. like, the tell-tale heart lol. whatever faggots listen next universe lets make robots and zombies the antagonists but only if it's otherwise comfy.

I bring cooking to another level by using weird fucking brazilian ingredients (not monkeys)

Food items like Taturuba to make my pasta sauce...jambu pesto....and so many other things

I'm not a degenerate.

it's like none of you know about sheekyforums what the fuck

This level of digital incompetence... my god.

Yeah, I know. I’m pretty stupid. I just want to make the world a better place.

I retired a couple of years ago and now draw a decent pension and in a few years I can draw social security.
House is paid for, all that work is paying off nicely.
The jews and the SJW's can fuck themselves.
Feels good man...

Attached: black rob.jpg (878x878, 114K)

A round that will drop an elephant.

Not if we stop social security. Stop taking my money, leech. You're like a Mexican.

live by the sword die by the sword
I'd never apologize for a thing
everything here is satire anyway
I practice playing both sides for fun to keep my skills against the shills sharp ;)

>user, you're a gay nazi?!

Whos to say what ip belongs to whom and whomevers post were posted by you

I'm a 1. The greatest 1.

>Why did god create niggers?
>Is *insert name* Jewish?
>Shemale monster cocks HD

Yeah not looking good.

More fucked than a bird with no legs holding onto a perch over a pit of lava with its dick while watching porn.

I don't watch porn so I'd be okay.

I think I might be okay.
Browser is GNU IceCat btw.

Attached: HAVE FUN NIGGERS.png (1920x73, 17K)

this has happened before...

>On August 4, 2006, AOL Research, headed by Dr. Abdur Chowdhury, released a compressed text file on one of its websites containing twenty million search keywords for over 650,000 users over a 3-month period intended for research purposes. AOL deleted the search data on their site by August 7, but not before it had been mirrored and distributed on the Internet.

It’s getting sketchy in here tonight. This bank run is srs bsns they’re shitting themselves

I'm not underage so I really don't give a fuck.

What nigga?

Very specific. I believe you.

Ya it would look bad, but no worst than everyone else. Every person has secrets.

When the dump happens, you won't get fired because everyone else will also be fucked, so it will just be wash.

0. I'm already openly pro White.

Not scared at all. I know several jews that would be on the first plane to Israel. Phone would be blowing up by MILFs that squirt. I'd definitely be fired, but I might be your next fuhrer. Also all in on LINK so future me is already rich. Own your shit degenerates. Imagine what the browsing history for leftypol looks like. Regardless, my mom would be very disappointed.

>implying your so special anyone really gives a fuck about your sexuality

That’s why I use tor browser

Would only really be bad if all my shiposts got tied to my name

It would be absolute chaos. Mass suicides. Mass murders. Total breakdown of society. If the terrorists were smart, they’d do this.

good answer, though how the hell are you posting when most TOR exit nodes are b& from this site.

And jannies


This, i hope it happens

Mobile phone right now

Its a jewish conspiracy from 1945-1970, about forming the EU. Look at the EU flag.... Its a "round government"

Attached: 7E535EA1-A7D2-4970-B0A5-697659986BF2.gif (700x380, 1007K)

Bitch we pay into it.if I pay for it for the next 30 years I'm gonna use it.

I already paid into the ponzie thing, will be taking my share.
And as a resident of silicon valley my home in an ordinary neighborhood will cash out at 1.5+ million $$$.
I busted my ass for the rest I am now enjoying.
The pic is my pre WWII Packard V12 180 on its way home for restoration.

Attached: 109-0964_IMG.jpg (1600x1200, 495K)

>2 posts by this ID
idk what if YOUR history was released faggot?
all fields newfags

Yellow Jacket Frogs want to do a bankrun.

Fuck that happened to me too, though they targeted my parents. It was literally a smartphone that connected to the router and logged everything we'd visit. Convinced them to get rid of it after a day though. Same exact excuse too, a yougov survey about radio.

Although I'm only guilty of schitzo conspiracy posting.

Why do you think the NSA has a giant server farmer out in the middle of nowhere, Utah?

>no facebook
>no twitter
>no social media accounts
>change my IP ever week
>My phone/ISP bill is in a made up name
>don't txt or send picture via cellphone
>don't even take my cellphone with me 90% of the time
>don't browse /pol on a wireless connection
>don't keep any identifying things on my PC that connects to the internet
>My SSD hard drive is outside my PC, in case I ever need to disconnect it quickly

think I'm good. so 0.

Whats your favourite?

Mine is the "Halili"/"oh dark spears" nasheed.

This. Plus my IP changes all the time. Also, if it's a personal attack you look like the victim of a frame job. If it's society-wide, then everyone's a pot calling kettles black.


>do Jews have souls
>do Asians have sideways vaginas
>what it do, jigaboo

Yeah, they'll just think I'm a retard.

I'd be very fucked, so like a 10. Probably would be expelled from school and I probably wouldn't be able to get into a college or get a job anywhere. My family would hate me too.

>Also all in on LINK so future me is already rich.
I've got a garage full of BeanieBabies from the 1990s so I hear ya bro.

This device would only survey 'what radio listened to' but the only way this is possible is if it records everything in it's vicinity and processes the info, listening to every conversation

Lots of 404 thread not found.