I believe I met a sociopath

I believe I met a sociopath.
They have increasingly gotten worse over the time I've known them- about a year and have turned out to be deviant, asking my male friends (yes more than one) for gay sex whilst in a relationship with a girl.
Obviously they turned him down, told his girlfriend and then he got all defensive. When asked if he knew what he did was wrong he said no.

Should I be worried about him retaliating against my friends? How eschew is his moral compass?
How should I precede?

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>becoming more deviant

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Stop judging people you fucking faggot. Not everyone has to live a shit life like you.

This picture makes no sense. How is that portion of the city floating in air? It would be too heavy.

Also your friend is just gay or bi. Stop being a bitch and snitching on him.

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Fantasy magic.

You don't know the full truth. My friends were in a good relationship (5 years) so the sociopath shouldn't have asked. Let alone retaliated when they told his girlfriend.

Throughout the year he has said things and done things that lead me to believe he is a sociopath and is just holding it together.

>my friends a sociopath
no, hes bicurious.

most people do things that are 'wrong' that they dont believe is wrong. you can have two people with mutually exclusive lifestyles (like gay and straight) telling each other that the other is immoral, and both will feel that they are not.

point I'm trying to make is, even you have things that people would consider immoral but you don't see it that way. it doesn't make you a sociopath. it just means you have different ideas of morality.

this guy is clearly bicurious, but in todays society it can be hard to explore that side, and despite how wrong it is to cheat on someone, they often feel like it is the only way to have male on male sex, because if they do it when they have a gf then they're just a straight guy having fun, its not REAL sex, not REAL cheating. if they do it while single then they're just a gay guy cruising.

its mental gymnastics, but its part of his journey.

wow what a danger

not a sociopath, just a weirdo retard

you put shame on all the blood-soaked souls who have had to endure real hell with a sociopath in their family, school or workplace.


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For advice... Just pure isolation. There is no other greater strategy to deal with a sociopath, unless you have experience with them.

They are masters of language, their entire life, from childhood they've learnt how to manipulate it. If you want to fight them you need enough experience with many of them, you can't learn on your own believe me.

Grey rock policy, complete isolation. When you're around them be silent and present your information methodically in block format, don't think that you can "gain momentum" with a friend to "hurt the ego" of the sociopath, they are immortal and literally exist to exploit that patch you're trying to use everyday.

also cont.

They probably are a sociopath, sociopath is more pathological though, I'd use the word "narcissist", someone who rushes into things with high risk and little profit.

A sociopath will usually lure your entire life being, forget relationships, they will twist your reality if you lack social experience.

Do you think he's dangerous?
What is his endgame?

For more context he never talks about his past, never has any original opinions and just never feels right. It's not autism or something like that because he's spied on me, listened in on conversations and genrally done stuff to make me not trust him.

It's 2018, most people are fine with that sort of thing these days. Sure he could just not have accepted it but he knows what he's doing.

>I believe I met a sociopath
Sounds like you just met a bisexual. Deviants and cheaters, they can't be trusted.

he acts in a certain way that allows him to do a lot, it just gives him power

idk you haven't given details, but he just sounds a bit autistic and sex-crazed.

i'll trust he's shown signs of extreme deception, and if he has, his end-game is probably to 1. satisfy sexual urges, 2. have social control over all of you to satisfy other physical pleasures

their motives always source to a physical pleasure if you wait them out long enough.

>It's 2018, most people are fine with that sort of thing these days.
That's not remotely true. While more people in America are okay with it then ever before, theres still an extreme prejudice. even if people 'accept' you they treat you entirely differently. I live in the top two most gay friendly city in the country (los angeles) and I still went back in the closet because its impossible to just have normal male friendships when you're gay. they keep you at a distance and at best call you their 'gay best friend'. its dehumanizing. I don't know where you are, but even if he grew up in san francisco thats more reason why hed want to be straight, the culture can be disgusting.

regardless, it stil l doesn't make him a sociopath just because he wanted to cheat on his gf wtih a dude.

>i'll trust he's shown signs of extreme deception
Absolutely he has.
> 2. have social control over all of you to satisfy other physical pleasures
Can you go into furher detail on that please?
What did he want from us? I lived with him for a year and locked my door for fear of him. Did he want to have sex with me?

Alot of the ways he talks is very alien but you can ask the same question and get different results, his father was some kind of spy for the government he said but I think that was a lie since he told a different story to my friends- worked in cyber security.#
he would copy traits from our friendship circle and give the same opinions as us.
A liberal Left town in the UK. One with lgtbt and trans flags everywhere. It's more common to be gay or bisexual than straight.
In my experience most of that stuff is openly supported.

>its more common to be gay or bisexual than straight
wew lad, hard exaggeration you got there.

and again, gay cities perpetuate the problem that most closeted men take issue with. its the idea of being gay as a culture. they just want to continue to live the life they did before: a normal guy. they just also want to play with dudes.

again, it does not make him a sociopath, eve nif you were 100% correct about everything else it would just make him incredibly insecure.

If he creates a lot of drama in your group you should drop him. Sociopath or not, you don't have time for drama or bullshit

It's about 50% in this area. I checked the numbers.

But the straight people in the city generally do not have a problem with it, so why should the sociopath have a problem with it?

You're trying to justify someone who cheated on his girlfriend with a guy. Cheating is wrong full stop.

>Some person wanted to cheat on his girl with my friends, is he a sociopath?
God I hate armchair psychologists.

doesn't sound like a "smart sociopath", unless there's a reason for him to assume that your friendship group was conflicted enough for him to get away with lying.

Lying does the following:

1. Create more temporary chaos
2. Gauge trust levels in the friendship group, track where information is transferred.

he just seems a bit weird, not sociopath I reckon.

just a smart, disturbed kid. Sociopaths are extremely discrete even to the most observant , let alone a bunch of faggots who are afraid of gays.

He just seems mentally off, and I will come to the same conclusion as you, there's no way to predict how he'll act. Just follow a policy of isolation and have things that you can say to him. Always have "something" that you need to be doing stored in your head to pull out to say to him to further brief conversations.

>When asked if he knew what he did was wrong he said no

Cold shoulder

>Stop judging people you fucking faggot
Fuck you faggot. Stop doing things that make people WANT to judge you

Out of curiosity, what would make him a sociopath?
Where can I find out more about him/try to understand him?

I don't think he is smart, when questioned- simple questions he gives bizarre answers and says some crazy things.


Having some kind of unique social awareness is intelligence, believe me. Most social awareness of people is recycled phrases and words and facial expressions.

There are ways of detecting them, but these are completely unique to each scenario. Its also not worth it faggot, what are you trying to do? Isolation is the best policy in any case...

If you really are curious, set some bait, but you need to do it very creatively. Too dependent on the scenario and him as a person to tell you from my perspective

What would I bait him with?

Why isn't it worth it? Surely if we come across something out of the ordinary we have a right to explore it and understand it?

by shutting the fuck up and minding your own motherfucking business you obnoxious judgmental absolute colossal normiefaggot.

Its not worth it, you will feel exhausted by the end of it.

Does he think anyone in your friend group trusts him? Have you made your opinion about him visible?

He trusts me. After that debacle my friends have cut all contact. I havr not given away my true feelings.

I really doubt he is
From the exceedingly vague descriptions I'd assume he's either schizophrenic or schizoid, but OP sounds more mentally ill than this "sociopath"