I added a random guy on steam yesterday and he was extremely rude and now I am sad...

I added a random guy on steam yesterday and he was extremely rude and now I am sad. I always get sad and upset when people are just unironically mean and rude to me. How do I grow a thicker skin?

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neck yourself faggot

this doesnt upset me beause i know you are being edgy since i said it would bother me

Purely testing, but does that make you sad?

Fair, but how is this different from some edgelord on Steam?

no. i am only caught off guard easily and get sad when people are genuinely rude. i dont get mad or sad if people call me a faggot or whatever

I met him with love and respect and he met me with disrespect and hatred..

But it was some random dude. Not even a friend of yours.
Why are you getting sad about someone you don't know--someone you shouldn't even CARE about--mistreating you verbally.

Because that's the point where you chuckle, and move on.

I don't know why I do. I kept treating him with love and respect too...

From the first exchange of words, he made it ABUNDANTLY clear he wanted nothing to do with you.
Honestly, you're just being obnoxious and annoying when you keep prodding. No wonder he's being rude.

you're cute

I can tell from this short interaction that you have Asperger's

It's a normal response, some people who are normal (said in a good way) will react to negativity and rudeness by being hurt..

but the one hurting you only does so because he's typing words on a keyboard or saying them through voice chat, in real life no one would give you shit like that to your face, and that's why you need to get off the internet and restrict your social interactions to real life!

the end. good luck!

loool okay I'm this guy I just read the log, bro you are dense as fuck, It's a by product of sitting at home and using the internet as replacement for real life, you take this shit WAAY too seriously because you live on the internet, this is no representation of "The world" and the fact that you regard it as such goes to show that your "world" IS the internet and steam chat and online people, hell you're probably under 18! I suggest turning off the PC and selling your smartphone in exchange for a nokia, and living strictly IRL, trust me It'll make life better, I have 3 daily hours designated for phone and PC because I can't control myself otherwise, it makes you into a better person.
good luck again

That is sadly not an option due to my career.

well then you either change your career or take this as a sacrifice that you do for your career.. either way you know the source of the problem

isnt just growing a thicker skin an option? i am also forced to force myself to be nice due to career.

remove him from your steam list. you dont need people like that in your life.
youbwill either become somehow damaged or more introverted from the abuse, or you will become like him as a coping mechanism. this shit doesnt necessarily make you a "stronger" or "better person" it just turns you into a contemporary asshole
you dont need either.
first rule: avoid toxic people and toxic relationships.

I have removed him long since.

good job. well a good way to get "thicker skin" or to become impervious to attacks by mean, rude or abusive bullies, is to maintain your own self confidence. spend more time doing things that build your own self confidence, self esteem and an authentic and rightly placed sense of self worth.
then make it a personal rule that you never allow random strangers the power to influence how you "feel" about yourself.
how you feel is a choice you can make in your own mind. often many of us make these choices subconsciously, many times thoughout the day
mostly its all just ingrained negative thought patterns that you need to adjust.
control your thoughts, control your choices. this leads to automatically making positive Choices and leads to feeling good about yourself. if your a good person, you have no reason to feel bad about yourself
dont allow yourself to entertain those negative thoughts. keep track of them. notice them when they appear, then momentarily observe them for what they are, then let it go and replace it with positive thoughts

maybe try and read "The Tough Minded Optimist" by Norman Vincent Peale
also, "The Science of Mind" by Earnest Holmes

You don't want a thicker skin, OP.
You're still cute and innocent to some degree, and while people might hurt you sometimes because of it, you'll also be able to enjoy life in ways that would not be possible with a thicker skin.
That kind of barrier between you and the world blocks pain, but also joy.

It's better that way, trust me.

Then why is it a problem anymore?

>this happened a long time ago

Then WHY THE FUCK make the thread? Stop giving a shit you idiot.

He probably got angry because you were obnoxiously "nice". You honestly sound like an autistic beta faggot who doesnt really understand social interactions. Grow some balls you stupid fuck