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Creepy as fuck

I kept imagining their heads exploding.
Alas, it didn't happen.
And creepy as fuck.

his eyes are FUCKED UP

which fucking eye do eye look at!!!!!

Damnit I had hoped to never have to hear her in the news cycle again.

They both have crazy eyes. Was a thread here a while ago about people with lazy eyes. Anyone got a qrd on this?

Stink eye and face tuck will haunt your dreams tonight.

I genuinely don't want to know what would come out if their heads exploded

Rephaim, their left eye betrays them

that pic is They Live-tier btw

Is schemer having a stroke

schumer talks like the g man.

i kept thinking someone would run up and scratch away their fake flesh and expose their scales like in V

shapeshifting reptiles

They look high as shit.

im a republican but Schumer is an absolute KINO speaker, he makes everyone else look like shit. is that the power of the jew? he is an amazing speaker. If being a Jew gives you +10 manipulation and +10 communication i will be a jew


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do you have that thread?

The Democrats really really need to purge the boomers.

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Why did you watch him lie to you?

Imagine being Trump and having to communicate and negotiate with these lizards. Fuck.

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the eye

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yeah, what part of interdimensional child molesting vampires did you not understand?

they are possessed
check 'em

Kenites perhaps???!!! Kenites are the seedline of Cain, who was the 'serpents" son, NOT ADAMs son, remember... look up the verse in Revelation about the "Synagogue of Satan"???!!!

Chuck "Snitches Get Stitches" Schumer

Attached: chuck schumer.jpg (960x1278, 791K)

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Can Trump revoke their security detail and make them pay for their own shit?

I think I just watched an episode of Bevis and Butthead and Todd wins again.

Attached: bevises.jpg (225x225, 10K)

But wouldn’t they have all died in the flood?


Attached: schumer pelosi.webm (1920x1080, 679K)

does anyone remember the press conference scene in the "V Miniseries" from 1983? Go look it up on IMDB dot com and on Youtube. Remember that the Visitors, hence the title of the movie, "V", were reptilians(serpent seedline?) underneath (((their))) human appearance.


Attached: kkk.jpg (538x380, 27K)

There's something seriously off about them. They look like under some substance.

Left side of Chuck's face: Nicest guy you've ever met
Right side of Chuck's face: twisted fucking psychopath


that 'substance' is (((Lucifer control)))

pls no

Harvey Twoface from Batman???!!!

What is that?

What were these creatures talking points? I changed the channel after the speech

>Can Trump revoke their security detail and make them pay for their own shit?
No, because of separation of powers.

the speech

That's because they're kikes.

even worse: a stroked out geriatric Jew in a position of power

Highest praise for Chuck & Nancy...Orange man orange rētard.

Pelosi's face did not move, can't believe Democrats thought putting these two out there was a good response. I thought for sure they'd get some dork like Beto to do it to put a young face on it. Pelosi's non-moving face and Schumer peak kikery aren't going to help Democrats at all.

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>Accusing Trump of manufacturing a crisis

How extremely talmudic.

>old people look weird


A Demonrat

Link to their response?

Attached: oo.png (600x450, 491K)

>Trumps shutdown is affecting millions of hard working Americans and veterans
>border wall is racist
>presidents office is in chaos

Looks like a horror movie.

Fucking mutiny

Is he alright?
It literally he is have a stroke.



>when you go five minutes without consuming any infant blood


>who was the 'serpents" son, NOT ADAMs son
that is what the masons believe, it's not really true, but that is how they think they got the seed of the serpent

It was the seed of the fallen watchers and cainite women, but the end result is the same.
Anyway I always shuddered at how many in politics seem to have the name Cain, McCain ("son of Cain")... there are no coincidences

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MK ultra/Project Monarch programming.
Look into it.

they're just old. youre obviously a tween of some shape.

Please do not use this term. The correct term is huperson

correct, Roy Cohn blackmailed both of them and they enjoy raping and killing kids.
They're not human at all

Schumer did a better job than Pelosi.

And Trump looked like a 3rd grader trying to read complex four to five letter words.
Hard to believe this moron is the President. As the saying goes, elections do have consequences.

I can see all the hate in their eyes.

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Trump bent the knee and went for a fence instead of a wall, and they won't even give him the money for that. Obama got a lot more for border security than what Trump is asking. They just want to be uncooperative.

are these the inter-dimensional pedophile space demons that alex jones warned us about?

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Glompfffffffffffffenstein totally BTFO!

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dude wtf i literally searched the american gothic picture and was going to do a side by side meme just like this minus the hannukah shit chuck is holding because i didn't think of that. HATS OFF TO YOU

Little people

This thing is totally human, though.

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>As the saying goes, elections do have consequences.
Yeah, and he won the Presidency.

Why? Mannequin challenge?

No, he is a god

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KEK. You are absolutely right.

>The US goyim don't need a wall, they don't work
>Quack Wac wac wac
>But Israel does, so the US taxpayers will pay for it
>Quaaaaack waaack wac wac wac

Attached: SchumerPenguin.jpg (1078x962, 114K)

Holy shit, that's creepy as fuck. My every instinct has been screaming at me from the beginning of their response until now, "These are not really humans. They are wrong things, disguised as human, but they haven't really perfected the mask yet. Kill them now, before they learn to fool people perfectly. The safety of your folk depends on it."

Right now, I have...hold on, 2, 4, 8, 10, 12,, 14 machetes within arm's reach of me, because reasons. Impulse buy reasons. My every instinct demands putting each and every one of those in these two's torso's with all haste, then cutting off their heads and stuffing garlic in their mouths. To be thorough.

Disgusting alien lizards

Supreme Court Justice in their Mind - not what the president said?

It's important for us to stay wise to Jewish tricks. If we willfully ignore what the Jew says, then they're able to spread their kikery without any opposition. We must listen, listen and condemn the Jew anytime he speaks.

why are you people so stupid? Being a common man involved in politics makes me crazy enough as it is. To operate at that level you have to be a little crazy. Fuck just imagining the pressure and constant charades gives me anxiety.

>Live from New York, home of the jew ...It’s Saturday Niigggghhhht!!!!!!!

Well yeah of course he acts gross he's 70 with poor health but at least he acts like a human old man with poor health

Shill's first post


They Live

Checked and yes. Can't u believe it?

Chuck has a deluminated eye which suggests pedophilia or unhealthy amounts of sexual activity.

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Their speach patterns and mannerisms were worse than Oblivion NPCs.
They Live pics, post 'em

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