How do I properly compensate for my small penis...

How do I properly compensate for my small penis? Will eating pussy etc give women the equal enjoyment as being penetrated by a big dick? Will that make them stop seeing big dicks as sexually appealing?

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well first of all give real dimensions of your dick

getting eaten out is infinitely better than getting fucked in my opinion

It will give us a better enjoyment. Being penetrated by a big dick only hurts, being licked is ughhhhhh *^*

You are alright as long as you don't have a micro penis.

Real life isn't porno, not everything is about fucking her fast as hell with your enormous dick, sex is also about the whole experience, eating her out helps among other things you can try.

4.5” x 4.8”

Is it really? Would you feel missing out? Like, would you feel like you want to be fucked by a real man’s dick at least once?

But with an average sex, will it make her crave for a real squirt-making sex once in a while? I’m scared if it happens. I want a woman who cherish sex, but that kind of woman are usually hard to impress with a small dick.

I want to relax and enjoy sex as well. But as a small guy, it feels like a responsibility or something I have to be really careful about. Like, I would think hard about how to make her not want big dicks anymore, am I deep enough, is she thinking about wanting a deeper penetration, etc etc. I can’t focus on my own needs and enjoyment. It’s a stressful thing and I can’t be as confident and relaxed as big guys. I can’t enjoy sex as much as they do. I always feel like women are the center of sex, it’s more important that they’re satisfied first before me. It makes me view sex as a difficult and complicated thing to have, thus making me want sex less and less.

my dick is 4.7x4.7 and I can make my gf cum so hard she pisses herself and crawls bloody marks into my back
stop fucking worrying, its not your size, its your technique / stamina which can be improved


I can make my friend with benefits cum and I'm a lot smaller that her former ex (according to her own words).

>its your technique / stamina which can be improved


Penetration is probably the oldest meme because guys cannot into perspective

This. I'm 7.5 inches and it's very rare for my gf to cum from penetration.

It literally has more to do with her brain and vagina than your dick.

i heard that women have a different orgasm when they take a larger cock because it hits a different spot. i also hear that this orgasm is more intense. no matter how much i hear that "size doesnt matter" this will always be at the back of my head.

i'm 11 cm long (erect) but i dont know the girth size.

>this will always be at the back of my head
you can read a lot of autist retarded bullshit on the internet
you can also hear a lot of broscience faggotry from your m8s
most of these things, be it sex related, or any other subject, have very little things common with reality

It’s true though. Some girls here had also pointed it out. Google “anterior fornix”.

i think it varies between women. some women love 9" cocks while some can't handle more than 6" and prefer foreplay. it seems like most women are the former though.

>It's that meme again

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That pic is part of the meme.

but it still hits her cul-de-sac? doesn't that kind of prove his point?

but how is it wrong?

Do you seriously believe all women can take 10 inches with ease every day

Dick is very rough and comes with risks. Even though the feeling of being filled up is pretty pleasant. The tongue is risk-free, very gentle, more versatile and is perfect for loving the best part of the vagoo.

>Even though the feeling of being filled up is pretty pleasant.
This alone is enough to make feel discouraged. I like penetration a lot, and it breaks me that it’s something women won’t feel with me. And it will always bother me that she probably will have a better time being with a bigger guy who also likes licking. I don’t enjoy licking btw but I would do it anyway because I wouldn’t want her to view me as sexually unappealing


Well the thing is, she will probably have a MUCH better time being fucked by a bigger guy. That’s what fucks with me. I believe I can satisfy a girl, but if another guy (who’s bigger than me) takes her away, there’s nothing I can do about it. I can replicate anyone’s stamina or techniques etc but I can’t make my dick bigger.

If a bigger guy likes my gf, I would feel powerless and like there’s nothing else I can do.

Sex is great and all, but I'd take a man who could help pay bills, keep the house clean, and isn't an asshole.

I wish I could get men to stop worrying about stupid shit.

What if he’s all of those but your neighbor is a handsome man with a big dick?


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A bigger guy is much more of a man than a small guy.

Tell us how long it is OP. You maybe be wrong.
Don't ever trust memes.
Consering that the average is just 7 and a half inches, your penis maybe not be as short as you think.

Are you ever going to stop making these threads?

At this point, I would recommend therapy.

No thanks. Not worth risking a good thing for the chance to be called a worthless slut, be sexually unfulfilled by an egotist, then end up unmarried, burnt out and thirty with no men interested in some "roastie".

It’s 4.5”, definitely way below average.

But you DO want it. Sure you might not gonna cheat but it’s tempting, right? And if your man allows you to fuck him, you would do it with real excitement.

Why do you assume that is tempting?

1. A man who would allow me to fuck another man, isn't a man. He's a cuck. Cucks aren't worth it.

2. Assuming that said big dick somehow magically knew how to please me, he would still have to be providing me with a lot more than magic sex for me to risk an affair. To even achieve orgasm I have to feel safe, loved, and not worry about how rent is getting paid or that he might leave me for some better thing that I can't compete with. That's a lot to overcome.

3. You need to stop assuming a big dick gets the job done.

But a big dick is a nicer surprise, right?

>You need to stop assuming a big dick gets the job done.

A loving man with techniques and a big dick is still better than a loving man with techniques and a smallish dick, correct?

Are you a tranny

I'm neutral on them. I know you're trying to get off, but I can't help you. I have a tilted uterus anyway, big dicks aren't really my bag.

Looking for something titillating? Try Jow Forums.


In my experience girls like the idea/look of big dicks, but that stops once the novelty wears off. Don't worry about it man.
t. 22cm

Girls like guys with big dicks because they aren’t insecure about their penis size. You gotta look at and understand the catch 22s of women man.

Not all women prefer big dicks.
Pussies are shaped differently and have more or less sensitivity in certain spots. Some women prefer deeper penetration, some women prefer dicks with certain shapes or very thick dicks, some women prefer gspot stimulation, which isn't very deep. A LOT of women can't orgasm without clitoral stimulation- many of them still find penetration enjoyable, but it will never satisfy them on it's own. You can even read studies about this.
Also some women are mostly attracted to the idea of big dicks, not the size. Like they like the idea of a dominant man or a man with BDE, or want something to brag about.
The least attractive thing is a man who makes his cock the center of your sex life together, big cock or not.

>I want to relax and enjoy sex as well. But as a small guy, it feels like a responsibility or something I have to be really careful about. Like, I would think hard about how to make her not want big dicks anymore, am I deep enough, is she thinking about wanting a deeper penetration, etc etc. I can’t focus on my own needs and enjoyment. It’s a stressful thing and I can’t be as confident and relaxed as big guys. I can’t enjoy sex as much as they do. I always feel like women are the center of sex, it’s more important that they’re satisfied first before me. It makes me view sex as a difficult and complicated thing to have, thus making me want sex less and less.
Let me give you the flip side man.
I want to relax and enjoy sex as well. But as a big guy, it feels like a responsibility or something I have to be really careful about. Like, I would think hard about how not to hurt her, am I too deep, is she thinking about wanting a gentler penetration, etc etc. I can’t focus on my own needs and enjoyment. It’s a stressful thing and I can’t be as confident and relaxed. I can’t enjoy sex as much as they do. I always feel like women are the center of sex, it’s more important that they’re satisfied first before me. It makes me view sex as a difficult and complicated thing to have, thus making me want sex less and less.
I have virtually the exact same problems but for the opposite reason. I won't lie to you and tell you that it's all in your head, because the things that concern you are more or less valid things to be concerned about, but I will tell you that they're almost universal concerns and that everyone deals with them.

Or maybe they like the feeling of being filled. It’s like fucking a real man.

>The least attractive thing is a man who makes his cock the center of your sex life together, big cock or not.
Yeah but then women are just gonna cheat with this kind of guy without even looking at their face, and then go back to their marriage again.

You’re big. There’s no reason to feel bad about yourself. I could still have no sex if I have a big dick, but I’d be much more satisfied and content with myself.

>I could still have no sex if I have a big dick, but I’d be much more satisfied and content with myself.
Y tho?
>inb4 "because big dicks are manly,"

Because being big is better and it’s a pleasant secret/surprise. You can do stuffs that small and average guys can, plus stuffs that they can’t. Women would ask to fuck you etc etc. Being good somewhere else is basically just compensating for the lack of it, and that’s very pathetic. That’s why I don’t compensate anymore. I don’t even wear perfume anymore, like what’s the point, I have a small dick anyway. It negates everything else that I have.

>Because being big is better
>and it’s a pleasant secret/surprise.
Depends on the girl's preference.
>You can do stuffs that small and average guys plus stuffs that they can’t.
There's lots you can't do with a big dick. Oral is worse, can't go balls deep, can't be as rough etc.
>Women would ask to fuck you etc etc.
>Being good somewhere else is basically just compensating for the lack of it, and that’s very pathetic.
No and no.
>That’s why I don’t compensate anymore. I don’t even wear perfume anymore, like what’s the point, I have a small dick anyway.
>It negates everything else that I have.
That makes no sense.

You’re so delusional. Yes it depends on the girls’ preference, but a self respecting woman with normal self esteem wouldn’t set such a low standard. And no, you can go balls deep and girls love it, I watch amateur porn and it’s true. When you say to a woman that they can’t, they will say they can’t and it’s emasculating as fuck because there’s no strong comeback to it.

Yes, women would ask to fuck you. Compare users in r/smalldickproblems and r/bigdickproblems, which one do you think gets more messages from women asking to hook up etc?

I still compensate with stuffs like getting into obscure music and films, dressing good etc etc but it also makes me feel pathetic to compensate.

>You’re so delusional.
Ah, the old "no u" response.
>Yes it depends on the girls’ preference, but a self respecting woman with normal self esteem wouldn’t set such a low standard.
Oh you're right, the epitome of a self respecting woman is one who chases big cocks and enjoys getting her cervix rammed.
>And no, you can go balls deep and girls love it, I watch amateur porn and it’s true.
This has to be bait.
>When you say to a woman that they can’t, they will say they can’t and it’s emasculating as fuck because there’s no strong comeback to it.
I don't even know what you're trying to say.
>Yes, women would ask to fuck you. Compare users in r/smalldickproblems and r/bigdickproblems, which one do you think gets more messages from women asking to hook up etc?
The one that isn't a pit of loneliness and despair full of insecure losers.
>I still compensate with stuffs like getting into obscure music and films, dressing good etc etc but it also makes me feel pathetic to compensate.
I'm sorry you have such a fucked up understanding of romance.

>The one that isn't a pit of loneliness and despair full of insecure losers.
Oh come on now. You’re not being rational here.

No one answered the question properly. So what’s the best way to compensate for size? Something that influence my self image as a man as well, not just for one session of sex.

Fair point. Yes thirsty girls and gay guys want big dicks, but your belief that it's not even worth trying if you don't have a big dick is completely unrealistic.

With an average or smaller dick you can really get into it and pound her as much or as little as she likes.

It’s not worth trying because there are better guys out there that I will never be able to outcompete. If a big guy hits on my gf I’d be powerless because well I’m not big and I can’t replicate big. And that will lead me into being angry. Like, if a guy lesser than me hits on my gf, I could be relaxed and be like hey babe you know I’m better right? Or like hey babe I can try to be as good as him. But size, what can I do about it? It’s like, having a small penis, means my woman would be something that I can’t guarantee to always beside me, you know?

Yeah but it also means I’m not much of a pleasant surprise, while other guys are. And then I’m not gonna make a significant impact in how she feels when we have sex. Like, it’s equivalent to not being strong.

With a big one, small effort and movement will make her feel a lot.

>It’s not worth trying because there are better guys out there that I will never be able to outcompete.
You can out compete them though. You literally just have to be better overall.

Nigga what do you want? I told you how to give her a good time if you're small. Were you expecting some sexual Konami code that'll make your dick grow?

Shallow sluts make me feel small and sad. Sure I wouldn’t want to date/fuck them anyway, but them expressing how they love big dicks just makes me feel small and unworthy and sad.

anons please don't feed this guy anymore responses he's admitted he's a cuck looking to fuel his weird fantasies in a different thread and will not listen to reason or get help. it's pointless

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No I’m not a cuck, I don’t get off from this. I’m sad and unhappy.

>If a big guy hits on my gf I’d be powerless because well I’m not big and I can’t replicate big.
This is why you are worthless.
I do not even have a big penis and i am not a big guy but if a big guy hit my girl friend i would either die or go to jail trying to kill him on the spot no matter what it took. I would pick up a pipe a stick maybe a piece of glass but the only way this guy is getting me off his ass is killing me.

See, this is what I thought too. It’s sad that I can’t do anything to outcompete him which resorts to me being angry and wanting to eliminate him because I can’t do anything else to outcompete him and I’m scared of losing to him. That’s pathetic.

Normally a guy should just be relaxed and assured.

Why do people keep responding to this user's threads? He literally bumps his own threads by agreeing with himself, until some gullible fuck responds to him, and the cycle begins anew.

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I constantly need people to talk about this and seeking women to comfort me.

Get therapy

Too embarassed to talk about this to anyone. I don’t want anyone to judge me badly.

We're judging you here plenty. A therapist won't.

Thinly-veiled larp thread from some guy trying to make people with small dicks feel even more self-conscious, given why he responds to everything with just the same 'but big dick is better so I can't do anything'

Average to slightly larger penises are better. A small pencil dick is my worst nightmare after a hookup where I could literally feel NOTHING as he penetrated me. Usually that first penetration is favourite part of sex, it makes me moan as I feel him touching all my inner walls.

Stop taking so much dick faggot

Finally a real average woman jumps in. So is a short but average girth penis a disappointment for you?

>Will eating pussy etc give women the equal enjoyment as being penetrated by a big dick?
No, it gives more enjoyment.

Dick is great, but nothing gives a better orgasm than a good licking.

Not at all. In fact, a small but girthy penised man was very dear to me - great sex. Here's how I would rank them from best to worst

1. 5-speed vibrating dildo with a 20 degree bend at 6cm from the non-realistic head
2. Girthy, average/slightly-larger
3.. Girthy small
4. Pencil, larger
5. Pencil, small

So, hypothetically, where would an upwards curved (think the shape of a banana, but also, said banana is positioned in a curve of about 30 degrees from the straight line of the scrotum), ~6" in length (depends on the day), 5.5" girth in the middle/6" girth in the base (bonepressed measures) dick, rank?

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Does it happen to vibrate?

I'm not a robot, so... no. I can really move myglutes, buttocks and whatnot though (used to be really into sports as a kid). So, it could kinda, sorta, give the illusion? Also, it, uh, has lots of little "bubbles". Is that gross? They're not visible when it's hard, cause veins take away from them (it'spretty veiny, and they pulsate), but... It's just genetic, hair follices, nothing concerning. Also, it's uncut. Not that it matters, since I'm a Yuropoor and nobody is cut here, but figured I'd mention everything and anything, since I'm all in already.


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I would rank it 2nd, below a vibrating dildo. My bf's dick is completely straight - im wondering if a curved one hits my g spot might even be above the usual thick&average dick.

buy a red sports car

>I would rank it 2nd, below a vibrating dildo.
Well, that's good enough. No man can compete with a vibrating dildo.
>My bf's dick is completely straight
How big is it?
> im wondering if a curved one hits my g spot might even be above the usual thick&average dick.
Maybe. I wouldn't know. Apparently depending on where it curves, it hits the g-spot in different positions.

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Source asshole. Because from what I've heard the average is a bit over 5 and that's from a study

He's b8ing. Jow Forums's upping the average slowly, but steadily.

If you are worrying about your girlfriend fucking another guy AT ALL then you need to dump her.


Eh, it's what they do. Most of Jow Forums is jsut Jow Forums crossposters who go there to vent about "muh dicc". They post the same 10 or so gifs of some guys with monstrous cocks (I legitimately cannot understand how they even manage to get erections, which leads me to believe foul play is afoot), and pretend that it's the new average. Throw some /gif/ stuff, and, well, treads like this are the result.

Can you ever imagine being in a long term relationship with the number 3?


>I legitimately cannot understand how they even manage to get erections
Same way everyone else does, buddy.


Be real, not perfect.

Tbh i don't know what to say to you. I can say you can increase size and that's true. But would you answer, big guy can do too?

Yes, for sure. The guy I mentioned in my other post, who was below average and girthy was really great in bed. I still think about him actually, he was a memorable kisser and I enjoyed when he was on top.
It sounds mean, but I don't think I could have a relationship with a small pencil dicked man :/ I fall in love with a guy's personality but I do really value sex.

So you’re a girl and you like big cocks, right?

Oh god not this motherfucker again. How many of these pointless timewasting identical threads are you going to post, man? Mods plz

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