CNN based and red pilled

Fact check, Trump BTFO
They don't come from the southern border, idiot! They come from legal points of entry at the southern border.....

Attached: stillsouth.png (2365x292, 1015K)

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They get caught at legal points. Those going through the border get through.

>mfw it's real

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It doesn't even matter. Legal check points are still the southern border.. CNN is just retarded putting that up.

90% of Heroin comes fron the Southern Border
>you can copy my homework, just change it a little bit
Heroin comes from ports of entry (on the southern border)

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and CNN knows this cause its running the heroin?

BTW most drugs via land over the border although a lot comes in the air and via sea shipment....its called CIA

So TSA is not doing their jobs?

Yes but still through southern border
Jesus Christ. Americans Jesus Christ ...

It’s like The Great Acid Wash vs. Bleach Bit Debate.

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Give me your foreskins.

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Walls BTFO knock them all down!

Always a laugh when they do this

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Does CNN think a port of entry has to be a sea port?

They really do think we are retarded

Is fentanyl counted as heroin? If so doesn't that shit mostly come from China? If that's the case it could really be any major shipping port.

It goes from China to Mexico then through the border.

Half come from visa overstays. We need to cut off h1b visas too there are plenty of stem graduates that can remote in from all around the countryside

The point, doofus, is that since most heroin enters the country through legal points of entry, a wall will not prevent it, since the wall is still going to have the current extant legal points of entry.

So your saying that..... the legal ports of entry on the southern border are not on the southern border?

FDA reports, I imagine.

so its worse than he said? whats the point of their fact checking if its worse than what trump stated?

You dumb fuck, how do they know how much heroin comes across the border?

They don't. They only know what they catch at legal ports of entry.

Where do you think the rest comes in from?

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>implying his dumb ass can comprehend that
You tried user

Drumpphf was wrong get over it nazi scum
Those raped women are EMPOWERED
Also checked

>You dumb fuck, how do they know how much heroin comes across the border?

I would assume it's through a similar manner to how the border patrol estimates the number of illegal immigrants in the country: by looking at the number they have successfully stopped and then estimating how much more likely still gets through.

This is, for example, how we know that there are probably about 11 million illegals in the United States; it's based on the assumption that we're able to stop about 1/3rd from crossing.

>Where do you think the rest comes in from?

China, mostly.

Because the point of fact checking is to supply the correct facts, not to advance an agenda. If anything this increases CNN's credibility as a non-partisan news source since it shows that they're willing to show a fact even though that fact is not amenable to an anti-wall stance. also, incidentally, hurts Trump's own credibility, since it calls into question where he got the "1 in 3" number from.

>and then estimating how much more likely still gets through.

Oh, and that is probably based on various factors like drug busts, arrests of people carrying heroin, etc.

When someone is caught entering the country illegally, wouldn't they have plans to drop off the drug asap, making them caught without it?
If they haven't crossed the border yet, they haven't smuggled in any drug.
A legal port requires you to go through a toll or physical limit where you can be caught.

And so many manage to get to California and so on, who's to say they wouldn't be able to carry some drugs on them?

>CNN / NYT knows when and where the drugs come in
>do nothing about it

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The point of the thread is that CNN is retarded for putting such an infographic on the screen. How can you not understand the irony?

Also, I like how the narrative is formed so it seems like it's women taking their young children through Mexico, getting raped along the way. Reach the border and plead for safety only to be put in a box and separated from their child which in turn is just lucky if it survives and then they are sent back while the guards are laughing.

Through legal ports that you Democrats allow ;P

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>softball the statistics
>Libfaggots rush to correct you by going to actual statistics
>Redpill the masses on spic danger
Fucking legend.

CBS has already deleted this one

GOT HIM! Buuurn

China uses Mexican and other central American gangs as mules to bus the fenty in.

>softball the statistics
I laughed way too hard at this

They probably do, however based on the number of illegals we DO catch crossing the deserts/mountains/whatever and the drugs that they have on them, we've concluded that it's likely that it is not a significant source of illegal drugs.

Look, it's simple. Let's say for the sake of argument that in a given month, Californians catch 100 people sneaking into the country across the wilderness, and let's say that 30 of them (30%) are carrying drugs. Based on the border guard's own statistics (that we catch about 1/3rd of all illegals), that means that 200 additional people made it into California, and 60 of them were carrying drugs. BUUUUUT at the same time, let's say that at the same time we know that 1,000 people attempted to cross the border at legal points of entry. If just 10% of those people were carrying drugs (as opposed to the 30% above), then that would still be 100 people: more than got in by crossing the wilderness, and we haven't even started trying to calculate how many people successfully smuggled drugs through legal points of entry.

These numbers are all made up for the sake of ease of math, of course, I'm just demonstrating how the statistics are reached in broad, simple terms.

Is there a second southern border?

>Because the point of fact checking is to supply the correct facts, not to advance an agenda. If anything this increases CNN's credibility as a non-partisan news source since it shows that they're willing to show a fact even though that fact is not amenable to an anti-wall stance.
> also, incidentally, hurts Trump's own credibility, since it calls into question where he got the "1 in 3" number from.

Lol no. It shows that Trump is right, and that the situation is even worse than what he said, and it makes these "fact checkers" look massively petty. Optics, muh dude.

It's only retarded if you think that people should only show facts that support the world view you want.

>Lots of Americans are criminals too!!

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Because all the drug dealers who aren't caught, tell them how they got the drugs here? That's idiotic. Who is retarded enough to believe that?

are you being retarded on purpose?

Sadly, I think he honestly thinks that facts should only be stated if they support your worldview.

If the government was that great at estimating people they would say "somewhere between 10-25 million people here illegally" they'd just give a rough approximation "11.4 million as of December of 2015" they don't though, they give really broad estimations depending on the agency. The 11 million number comes from the Pew and they're probably just running some averages.

Fentanyl is no longer listed as heroin in seizure data. 90 percent of the fentanyl enters the country from the SWB, but is typically only about 10 to 15 percent pure. The other 10 percent enters the country most often through shipments direct from china.... these are usually much higher purity at around 90 percent

they WOULDN'T say "somewhere.... ***

>Police are racist and arrest blacks more often then whites due to it
>Illegal aliens are actually less lawbreaking than the native population
Which is it?

They will probably backtrack and say they meant to say morphine and that it is medical morphine used to make heroin.

Like with a cloth....

It's Trump's 4d chess. See:
It's what he does every time, misstates or downplays something and they just HAVE to correct him, not realising the truth is actually even worse lol.

CNN will read this and still not be able to self diagnose their own idiocy.

CNN viewers*

borders have legal points of entry i thought

This. No one knows how much is NOT caught. CNN just shot themselves in the foot by stating that the southern board is a mess and that heroin is caught at the southern board. You have to spell it out to these literal retards.

Trump says sky is blue

CNN fact check. Sky is black at midnight. Trump is a big fat liar

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Like when he said that MSM outlets don't cover Muslim terror attacks, I forget who it was (CNN, ABC, MSNBC, whomever) put up a graphic showing all the attacks they'd "covered" over the prior few years, and it was like dozens of attacks lol.
Fucking idiots.

Pretty sure thats a straight lie, its been reported from every outlet for years all heroin comes mexico and south america