Friend trying to take me to court cause i punched him in a bar

>friend trying to take me to court cause i punched him in a bar
>sending texts saying “youre going to jail”
>sending videos of him kissing his new gf to make me mad
>he took it too far
>sent me video of his gf sucking his dick
>got so mad i drove to his house
>took a shit on his car
>mailed a death threat through his door
>threw brick through the window
>no one did anything
>drove home

i just did this. im not proud of it but i was so mad and hes trying to ruin my life. he wasnt home so he must be at his gfs house. will he know it was me and how much will this effect my future??

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You fucked up bro, throw your shit through the window next time. Dont drop that soap boy.

>windows broke and someone shit in your car

You should have stolen something to make it look like a random robbery. Or at least throw a second brick at his neighbour to make it even more random.

Now it seems like a targeted vandalism, so the police will just go through his list of relatives and friends to find the culprit. I would recommend you to drive back there right this moment and throw that second brick.

Are you the guy from that one thread earlier with the OP asking if you were in the wrong?

Because if you are...

Fuck dude, you have serious anger problems, like huge problems

Why the fuck should you care what he does with his gf? Yes he'll expect it was you. Start figuring out an alibi.

i only went there originally to mail the death threat. then i needed to shit so i did it on the car. then i saw a brick laying on the floor and my anger took over me

Pretty sure your shit can be used as DNA evidence, along with fingerprints.

You're definitely going to jail. Your life isnt over but you need serious therapy about your anger.

>mail the death threat
The fuck? You didn't mention that? I don't believe any of this is real but if it is you are so fucked. Why are you so mad at him?

yes i did mention it you need to read properly

he stole a girl in front of me who is now his kind of gf so i punched him now he’s trying to fuck me over

>whaa I didn’t get the girl!!!! He stole her reeeeee, I’m hurt you!

Grow the fuck up OP, you’ll likely spend some time in prison and most likely will never be able to get a good job now and guess what, it won’t be his fault it will be 100% on you.

>didn't mention that
Oh wait, you did. Missed that part. Yeah you're really fucked and its gonna be very obvious that it would be you because you already are going to court over hitting him.

Was she your gf? Or was this a matter of you both hitting on the same bar slut and she ended up going home with him?

ITT: men.jpg

You assaulted your friend over what was likely some dumb redneck shit and then he threatened you and then you vandalized his property.

You are too retarded to have a future, user.

Man you're an actual retard

You belong in jail buddy

>mailed a death threat through his door
OP is medieval as fuck. It's like he won't expect his friend to string together the brick and the shit to the letter.
If I was the detective on this case, the leads were so brain dead obvious that I would instead suspect someone else was intentionally framing OP.

Better lawyer up. Do not talk to the police. Don't be rude to them either anger boy, just tell them that you need to talk to your attorney. That's if they arrest you. If they come asking questions, you have nothing to tell them. Oh, and why don't you go ahead and post that vid.

Absolute kek
My fucking sides dear god hahaha

Y’all are gay for each other

How do people even get this mad?

If you're mad OP why not just leak the video he sent?

Why not just forward the vids to both of their parents lol

>See Brug steal GRUGETTE
>GRUG angry
>Me angry, me smash

Thanks for the laughs OP. This is the most teenager story I've read for a while.

Jesus OP, over a girl?

If you have proof of him sending the nudes, he can get some jailtime too, right now though, prepare for absolute hell.

If it were me I'd wait outside his house to argue first and I'd fight but defensively (blocking his attacks). Explain to him you have the nudes and both of you will suffer if you go to jail. Don't forget he attacked you too.

Intercept him before he goes in to read the mail, tell him vaguely about it when you're trying to explain, if he lets you...

good luck OP, be prepared for the worst

Also tell him after the first brawl that you're going to pay for the window. Getting him in a headlock and saying "i'm paying for the window, don't worry, this doesn't need to be more complicated" would help. Remember to remind him how you both have blood on your hands and its not worth it.

Are both of you 11 years old? That's the only way I can possibly fathom two people acting like such assholes.

>friend taking you to court
that's not a friend that's a jew

This, you could've pretended at court that he framed you and he's some kind of sociopath asshole, but no... you TOOK a shit, your handwriting is on the letter AND fingerprints on the brick. You could still go along with it if he's dumb enough to clean up, but I'd still try to communicate him out of acting dumb.

Maybe if you wanna play meta, try to stall him from going home, tell a friend vaguely what happened and get in through the window, get the mail, clean up the shit, and if you wanna be full meta order a new window pane.

>>took a shit on his car
Do people in america just poop on things? Imagine the fucking smell after shotting without having anything to wipe with.

Tbh OP you'll be lucky if he takes similar revenge. Anything beats jailtime.

>Do people in america just poop on things?
No, autists do. Also pajeets but that's a whole other thing.

have you ever watched jersey shore

This, lol.

Jesus op
I was in the first thread about when you first punched him, every told you not to be a fucking idiot and you went ahead and done full retard unironically kill yourself
You deserve to be the jail sisters bitch

i woke up today and had 3 missed calls from him but no one has done anything yet

i woke up in the night in panic cause i thought i heard banging on my window but it was nothing, at this point i am afraid he’ll try and get me back. i moved all hard objects from outside my house so he can’t break my window

im not proud of it but at least i taught him a lesson. after i made that thread he sent me 3 videos of the girl sucking his dick and then a photo of his cum on her face and i just went wild. i also broke my iphone from slamming it on the floor in rage when i saw the videos


Buy a gun

Get jhp bullets

And wait ;)

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You're a menace to society

How did you even last this long outside of prison

everyone’s acting like im the asshole but you don’t know this guy. when we were in high school he “pranked me” by shitting in the book i needed for my history assignment and then closed and pressed it together so the page was all smeared in flattened turd. the shit on his car was to get back at him for this

That doesn't vindicate you, it just means you're both assholes

why not? it’s called payback faggot. there are consequences for things in life

Fuck it. Buy a gun and shoot him. Then shoot yourself.

Extra points if you shoot the girl too.

Just wait till you get slightly mad and you'll think my idea is the best. Just don't shit on him when you kill him, mate. Enough with the shitting.

See a therapist. You have anger management issues, obviously. Just because another guy likes screwing with you doesn't mean your issues suddenly go away.

pussy. i bet if a guy stole your girl in front of you you’d just hide and cry

if i was to kill him (i won’t) i would shit in his mouth afterwards as a final insult

You’re so stupid, you could have showed the video to the police and had him arrested for sexual harassment.

Are you ethnically challenged?

>there are consequences for things in life

yea, that's true, and you should remember it when you're getting your ass blown out in the shower

>mailed a death threat through his door
>if i was to kill him (i won’t) i would shit

Holy fuck man, you're delivery empty threats and emptying your bowels. What is wrong with you? Get some serious help or get a rope

idk what it is in my town growing up shit was a common “weapon” of sorts. there was the time this guy shit in my book. and then a hated teacher at our school once had shit thrown at his car. one of the players on the school football team got back at a guy who fucked his girlfriend by going round his house and putting a turd underneath the carpet and putting it back so the whole room smelt of ass and he wouldn’t know where it was

yes i did grow up in a white trash town if you’re asking

What's with shitting on everything and everyone? If you like coprophilia that much look at porn.

>still thinking some random thot at a bar is “your girl”

you have to kill him and his gf now

Don't see how you could spin those things as freedom of speech and expression. But hey, more mystical things have happened.

Feels good not to associate with human garbage like this.

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Nigger you literally could have just blocked his number and taken all the things he texted you as harassment to the judge.
You could have counter claimed that he enticed you into that kind of behavior and the judge might have bought it with all the shit he was flinging at you.
Oh well...

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May as well OP.

I need to know how this pans out. Sometimes I fucking hate that threads have to get archived.

>dont be just a vandal make a robbery too so you spend more time in jail

you are one dumb person joe

See also:
12 year olds losing at Fortnite

>everyone uses shit as a weapon in OPs town
>inb4 OP is an actual chimp
This is one of the funniest threads in a while, but really, seek help.

The delusion of op is boundless both in entertainment and frustration