Just look at the shills freaking out right now. Trump won this battle
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shut up drumpf
Fact check! they also hate the people on the outside too
It looks like most of you guys hate them on the outside as well....
You're not getting a wall, Trumptard. The House is under our control and has no reason to concede to your idiotic, expensive and retarded plan to fortify 100-200 miles of border that's already protected by extreme environments and rugged terrain. You also said Mexico would pay for it, not the U.S taxpayer.
If you're so insistent on a wall, make your subhuman wh*toid trailer trash pay for it by taxing their trailer homes and guns.
This. Well, to them it is love, but that is only because they are all deranged psychopaths.
Hey. Tomorrow Chuck and Nancy will meet at the White House. They will be uncompromising and double down again. Thursday Trump will travel to the border and then Friday Trump will declare the state of Emergency. You lost.
And you still won't get your shitty faggot wall. Not a single taxpayer wants to pay for the Cheetoh in Chief's vanity project. You want an expensive useless wall, make the Mexicans or the trailer trash Trumptard supporters pay for it.
He couldn't make his own party fund the wall gop controlled the hole government for 2 fking years and now he want demc to fund it he is dreaming