18 USC 1324.
Helping illegal immigrants in any way is against the law.

Attached: 18 USC 1324.png (839x624, 67K)

chuck has kindly asked that we stop making memes. people are hurting

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thanks aus user
fuck jannies letting nigger porn threads stay up

They were pretty vague. I doubt they violated this law desu

What did they do exactly?

It is our job as free citizens to fight the federal laws we disagree with. State's rights.

post the other one too

Great. Now I have a boner

who cares, nobody is going to do anything.

Nothing would happen even if they admitted to using illegals as a source of child sex slaves. People would find a way to justify it.

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Don't care. Posted to Twitter already for outrage

Politicians can do whatever they want. The law protects them, it doesn't keep them in line.

>the president has chosen fear
>here's another hysterical reaction to normalcy


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how can anyone hear or read the buzzword nothingburger without cringing?

how about mayor deblasio giving free healthcare to illegals?

Arrest them

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>actually thinking the deep state would prosecute their own state actors with some nothingburger goy law
Wake the fuck up man, these people break the law every day. They won’t stop unless somebody stops actually them


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Didn’t Trump violate it too then by saying we need to set up solutions to help them go back to their countries safely.

>Human law does not apply

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My fellow kikes..

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Whatever happened to his illegal house keeper anyways..?

If that's helping them, then why aren't the Democrats doing it too? Shithole countries, user. Let me help you gas yourself.

what did they say

I've never heard of any of those websites. Sometimes I wonder if people here are just making up fake news to gain outrage. Is Vox some website run out of a guys basement? Washington Post? Washington State or the capital.

No one cared last January when foreign political agents illegally tried to influence American governance. No surprise that one year later Schumer is still doing their bidding.

Attached: Schumer protest.png (718x797, 569K)

Chauncy Pelumer

Wrong, when it comes to things like immigration you have no say as it relates to national security. The law in this respect isn't subjective as you are forcing the population who had no vote or say in regard to illegals trying to make a life in a country where they aren't welcome.
Sanctuary cities aren't even legal, the people had no say.
You really think this is a "gotcha" moment?
He didn't advocate for them to be here in the first place. He's just trying to get rid of them and keep everyone happy. You didn't play along with it so now you get despair.

Remember this law anons, use it against them.
Anyone helping illegals is in violation of this law.
Landlords who rent out apartments to illegals, people who employ illegals (this law is used to prosecute them) etc

It's all so tiring.

Attached: end_it.jpg (479x323, 27K)

Trump: Illegal immigrants are killing people, a wall will stop them. Make a deal.

Democrats: You are a baby and a liar, give us what we want now, and later we will give you NOTHING. Oh yeah, and give us give us money to take care of all these families and shit so they can vote for us or you are immoral. Orange man bad.

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All the government is guilty of this. So fucking what? Nothing will happen!

NPCs are spiritually unable to cringe, dude.

This is good someone should make nancy the other lady

Very close. Very close, indeed.

Don't fool yourself, no one gives a shit about these low-effort memes

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Laws being enforced is for Republicans only.

This right here is why white people are the new niggers. Ignorance, projection, and slavish devotion to a reality TV star's cult of personality. If you want to see the face of American degeneracy, you need only look in the mirror.

Ur an fahgeout

They've talked about the CIA performing assassinations on live TV before, politicians give zero fucks about pleb laws.


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That's why they have walls and machine gun toting guards around their homes. Gotta make sure the surfs don't get rowdy.

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>in b4 Q
defeatist kike faggot

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kek. Ironically, they were fighting this guy from behind a wall.

I have stolen this meme.

Attached: What kind of wall are you.png (894x597, 182K)


Good point. Considering all of our new friends from the south, we need to change this to a nothingtaco to be more inclusive.

Aliens. Fucking illegal aliens.

>jewish media gonna jew

States rights to insofar as how the effect the other states within the union. We allow free trade and travel amongst these states and until such time as succession is deemed a permissable response to retards in other states being retards this is our option. Halt the immigration, build the wall