Why do most girls dislike bisexual guys?

Why do most girls dislike bisexual guys?

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That picture is deliciously disturbing to look at.

probably because they're effeminate in some way and that turns them off.
Bisexuals are degenerates and should be ostracized as such.

They don't want to catch AIDS.

Most guys don't have a problem with their girlfriends being bisexual because they like to imagine their girlfriend banging another girl. Girls don't really fetishize homosexual sex as much as guys fetishize lesbian sex. It happens sometimes but most of us don't fantasize about two dudes.

The gayer a man is the more promiscuous he generally is, statistically.

I forgot to add this is partly why "fuckboy" was taken from Jow Forums when it used to mean a slutty femboy and reappropriated to mean a guy who sleeps around.

I don't know that most girls dislike bisexual guys. I know as far as dating goes, it's difficult enough competing with other women and worrying that you're dude will cheat on you with some dumb ho. Then you add the whole other sex/gender and have to worry about dudes too, plus the chance that your boyfriend is going to come out as gay and leave you for some effeminate faggot with long hair.

>I don't know that most girls dislike bisexual guys.

I forgot the exact percentage but there was a poll that said the majority of woman thought it was a deal breaker if the guy ever had sex with another man. It makes sense when you think about the social ramifications of being a known fag. Woman like guys who are high on the social dominance hierarchy, and fags can rarely garnish enough respect to rise through the ranks of a mostly straight male populace, who at best will have a live and live sort of attitude towards gay, and at worst outright hate and mock them. It could also be because of gay/bi men being perceived to be more feminine. I don't think any woman wants to imagine her rock being fucked and moaning like a bitch.

Attached: griffvictim.jpg (323x375, 42K)

Is that really so?

Can you provide a source/evidence/ more info on that?

No way this is how it really happened.

>higher probability to cheat on literally anyone attractive

It's unattractive because it's not normal, and not normal because it's unattractive.

>20 year old
>got a girlfriend
>she keeps reiterating how she likes me more because of it.

I don't know if I got lucky or if i am understanding this thread wrong. But we kinda have the same taste in dudes and often go looking for dudes together.

Explain. I am genuinely interested what makes you say that.

>But we kinda have the same taste in dudes and often go looking for dudes together.
Either this is bait or your a faggot cuck but I'm assuming it's bait for your sake.

You can call me Mr fag then.

People are dumb, I'm bisexual as well and my boyfriend and I constantly make jokes about tag teaming girls (even though we're not open and wouldn't do anything like that), we've gone to strip clubs together, he even likes to talk to me about celebrity guys that he thinks are hot even though he doesn't identify as bisexual. Why the fuck is there anything wrong with that?

> That picture is deliciously disturbing to look at.
Try jerking off to it.

Even bi guys have their admirers, I just can't imagine most normie girls being into that.

They dont want to catch a disease

because they're just faggots in denial

I dated bisexual guy before, it made me uncomfortable bcuz I knew he sticking his dildos up his ass.

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Fuck. I wish my relationship was like this. Always wanted to have gangbangs/mmf stuff, it's in a lot of the porn I watch but my bf is the most traditional, masculine, dominant guy I've ever met.

He's all for ffm, and I wouldn't mind - wish he had the same sentiment for mmf.

I have gay friends but do not want to have sex with them. bi guys are really mostly gay

He isn't a cuck if he is fucking the guy too

As a woman, I can say that I like bisexual men.

It's be hypocritical if I didn't. So long as it has a dick or pussy I'm down.

>I don't think any woman wants to imagine her rock being fucked and moaning like a bitch.
That actually sounds pretty hot.

I'm Bi and have never had an issue in my dating life because of it, I feel like this thread is full of boomers or bitter cunts that got cheated on and now think every single bi person is a notorious whore

Originally back in like 2010-2012 fuccboi was being used heavily around the /my/ and /fa/ boards (some /b/) as a general insult
The style at the time was to write very ghetto and fuccboi is a term form like Georgia/Atlanta black people that they use to call faggots that would get fucked by a gang

Over time the term turned into fuckboy because fuccboi looks gay as fuck and retarded and I’m not really sure how it popped up in the mainstream but I remember it started being used on tumblr and tinder and some girls from my school and I’m like wtf how do you guys know that word and when on a long autistic rant (>like you are now) about how it doesn’t mean a guy that sleeps around it means it’s a gay faggot fucktoy

Source: neet that spent all day on Jow Forums for a few years

Excellent speech my friend

>I don't think any woman wants to imagine her rock being fucked and moaning like a bitch.
Only if I'm the one doing it with like a strap on or something lol
Honestly my bf's bi and he took it up the butt once before we met apparently, and I feel very iffy about it but whatever, I must make the best of it

basically this. Women are already worried about competition from other women. But they at least know that if they satisfy their mans needs there is no reason to stray unless they are legitimately unable to control themselves. but if the guy is bisexual then the girl has to worry about when shes going to find out hes sleeping with other dudes.

there's also this idea that if any man ever expresses any slight remote interest in other men sexually that he is 100% gay and just in denial. its not just how women view it, but men too, its just a part of our modern culture. so women are just taught to think that if a man is bisexual hes just secretly gay.

then threes the issue of being bisexual being associated with not being an alpha man, and while women arent just going around looking for alphas its certainly seen as 'bad' in most peoples eyes.


This, my ex used to absolutely love that side of my sexuality. I've also been with girls that are completely unphased by it.

The certainty people seem to use in this thread is really confusing.

They can't function if they don't have working guidelines that aren't true 100% of the time. They have literally no intuition.

>men being attracted to men is associated with being effeminate
>gay (especially male/male) culture in its most visible form is much more party-oriented and promiscuous than most people looking for a serious, committed relationship want to associate their partner with
>STDs, fear of hiv, particularly combined with the image that men open to fucking men are fucking anyone anywhere anytime
>the cultural idea that attraction to men is dominant and attraction to women regressive (= a lesbian just hasn't met the right man yet, but if a guy ever experimented with a guy he's gay discussion closed)
>fears of straight people that being bisexual means twice the competition, or that your partner will never be satisfied with "just a (wo)man" because they will miss the other sex's genitals/energy/whatever

Pretty much these. Women who love male/male pairings are absolutely a thing, though. Take a look at fanfiction and you'll find a wealth of non-canon male pairings, written by and for women.

it weird to think that that D* was from a man's ass.

also its weird that you cant trust a guy to hang out with "other dudes"

Cus both of you are just looking for a real man to be in your life

>Why do most girls dislike bisexual guys?
Your statement is extremely generalized and subjective. I don't know what your personal experiences are but they aren't universal. Reform your question in a way that makes sense and try asking it again.

Because, in the end, they will want to settle with a man. Both bisexual girls and bisexual guys seem to always settle down with a man in the end. It makes sense, not gonna lie.