Daily Reminder That Self Improvement Doesn't Work

Your genes determine your life potential, not some shady systematic routine program or a life experience. Case in point Albert Einstein, this guy literally got crowned the most intelligent man in his decade, simply for taking note of his thoughts. His education was lack luster and flawed, and he never extensively applied himself in the subjects he studied. Only a moron would attribute his success to memetic learned experience. Another great example to substantiate my assertions, would be the case of Scarlet Johansson and Angelina Jole. Both actresses, have mediocre acting skills, and a mundane character archetype. Despite this, they're still famous. You wanna know why? It's because of their physical appearance, or in other words, their genetic profile. Face it, genes are the sole determiner of life success. If you're a 5'6 balding manlet, who has a sub 70 IQ. No amount of exercise will make you sexually attractive, nor will any amount of study make you smart. Better luck next time I guess.

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>Your genes determine your life potential
True. Are you living up to yours?
> His education was lack luster and flawed
Yeah, but so is everyone else's in that we haven't found the "perfect" method for instruction.
Speaking as a tutor, the hardest part for me is figuring out how best to teach my students.
>he never extensively applied himself in the subjects he studied
You really haven't read anything about Einstein beyond memes have you?
There's not enough space here but his is a fascinating tale.
If you're interested check out Walter Isaacson's biography on Einstein.
>Scarlett Johansson & Angelina Jole
Two extremely attractive women employed in an industry that hires, mostly, extremely attractive people. Makes me think.

The point here is is that genes are not the sole determining factor of success in one's life.
I've met plenty of people who were far smarter than me but lacked any ambition whatsoever.
I've also met people who I would class as dumber than me but made far more money than I do.

>Self improvement doesn't work
>Posts TL;DR
You probably burned about 80 calories typing that drivel, so that's a start.

and your fatalism is genetic too you whingeing phomy bong pasty manlet

Okay but think of dogs. On their own they're a shitshow but if you find a good trainer they can be turned into something useful.
If you're too useless to self-improve go find a mentor.

Here's the deal bros. You probably have lots of ideas on how you want to change your life that you never get around to. The reason we are all losers is because of our pathetically low energy. Your gut/midsection/dantian is a giant battery and all of us "losers" have many habits that keep our batteries constantly on low. No matter how much you want to change you aren't going to change if your battery is constantly empty. Figuring out a first step to start raising your energy level is vital because you can then use that energy to take more steps. Raising your energy is how to accomplish your goals instead of just dreaming about the you you could become.


Use myfitnesspal man. I just started. Get on a plan. It's easy as fuck. Lose weight like nothing.

This is related to but different than working out and getting swole. You don't have to be a gym rat to raise your energy level. You don't even have to break a sweat! One of the best practices for raising energy levels is tai chi or yoga. Don't get me wrong martial arts and yoga is full of a lot of weirdo fags. Don't be one of those idiots that owns a samurai sword but doesn't know how to use it. Still you need to make a change somehow. Figuring out how to raise your energy is a fairly easy and highly effective first step.

Most communities have tai chi classes and they are mostly filled with old people. If you want to make a simple and effective change in your life I suggest giving a tai chi class a try. Everyone is old and friendly and it is very unlikely that any chads or stacys will be there to make you feel stupid. If you don't want to leave your house then find some YouTube video to practice with. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE EXCEPT THE PART OF YOUR LIFE THAT IS PATHETIC!


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Nofap is a big part of this too. The meme is real! Your virgin status is actually beneficial! One easy step you could take is to not masturbate every day. You don't have to quit completely to get results. Just remember that every time you spill your seed you are wasting your energy on useless pleasure. Any energy you can save is a first step towards having more energy to spend gathering more energy. This isn't going to change quickly you need to put in some sort of minimum effort over a sustained period of time, but any effort you do put in will definitely be worth it in the long run if you can stay consistent.



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There won't be a next time,so you might as well do anything you like.A person who has nothing,also has nothing to lose.

That's the defeatist attitude of giving up; of being a loser. I'd give some "What-aboutism" but you don't care for it and aren't worth it

>1 post by this ID
lot of demoralizing shills lately

>mostly filled with old people
This. I'm in a casual curling league and it's mostly middle aged to retired people. It lets you focus on improving your skill at the sport without the social anxiety. Plus old people are super chill and it rubs off.

Go google Felix Dennis then get back to me OP. Trust me he didn't have genetics on his side. What he did have was an irascible, burning desire to succeed partly fueled by being called dumb by a trial judge when he was young.

is right user, just wait a little longer. Everything will soon crumble as Caligula tries to hold back Nero from fiddling

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Surely self improvement is making the most of your genetic profile.

Reaching for your idealised self is finding the best expression for your genetic makeup. It might prevent you from reaching perfection, but if Albert Einstein or Scarlett Johansson represent perfection, that's okay.

Lmao this reeks of fatness, use a calorie counting app

Einstein (and all Jews of his ilk) attended the best gymnasiums in the world. All Jewish intellectuals receive top tier educations. You’re a retarded defeatist. Go sacrifice yourself to the Muslim horde. SAGE

>British flag

Kill yourself. Do civilised Man a favor.

I agree that genes are responsible for success but thats mostly because i have really good genes, so i like to think that way. If i had shit genes i wouldnt believe this, would be to hard to accept.

>simply for putting his name on incoming patents


>If you're a 5'6 balding manlet, who has a sub 70 IQ. No amount of exercise will make you sexually attractive

overhead tricep extensions work wonders for these problems


Stop living for other people. People who get noticed because of their looks are shallow. Get noticed by your actions. Do art or build something great.


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self improvement gets you to the five/ten girl you could hope to fuck

if you dont try to improve you wont even fuck a 1/10

so in that sense its useless, i agree. better to let shitty genes die out than struggle to just pass on shitty genes to another poor soul.

Eww faggot


>I suck at staying on track with anything I do, therefore, nobody can improve themselves!
You dim cunt, you.

Not true. You can definitely do things to make you the best version of yourself It’s not perfection but it is self-improvement.

>he never extensively applied himself in the subjects he studied
That's a ridiculous thing to say. Also, I don't see why you're surprised that people want to fuck Scarlet Johansson and Angelina Jolie (or a least they did 5-10 years ago).

Everything in life is luck. People are just to self absorbed and narcissistic to admit it.You only hear about the success stories but for every person that's made it there are at least a thousand in obscurity who put in the same ammount of effort and they didn't make it. One example of this is the Olympics, or other high level sports competition.
Of course if you sit on your ass all day as a couch potato you won't advance in life that's a given. What I'm saying is that even if you go out of your way to put in all the effort you can muster the outcome is still out of your hands and ultimately is determined by luck.
And, of course the most important roll of the dice is at your conception.