This is Australia

>this is Australia

Attached: E4A7BE5D-94BA-4E8B-A505-08D47E51EED4.jpg (1280x720, 133K)

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Looks pretty decent to me. Could use an ATV to get anywhere meaningful and enjoy the country life.

imagine all the off roading

looks comfy

Attached: 1723AC60-5253-401A-9067-CE52D2E6EF57.png (600x658, 82K)

lots of spiders and snakes in that grass.

We are still full..

looks full

>live in a heritage listed house
>All these old pieces of shit were built by retarded brits just like houses in the UK
>So they have big fucking windows facing directly into the sun in summer and retain heat like a motherfucker

Fucking SHIT.

Aren’t you faggots scared of all the deadly spiders?

where's the road end and off road begin?